Mid year goal setting

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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I blog for the same reason. It's great reading old blogs. It's tempting to only post when things are going well but far more useful to record the downs as well as the ups.


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14 December 2009
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Reviewing this has helped me see that we have achieved a lot. BE90s feel pretty manageable now which feels pretty amazing to me. I still can't quite believe I am eventing at all let alone aiming for placings. Sometimes it is helpful to look back to where I have come from not just forward to the next goal.

totally agree with this, my trainer says the same when I am on a downer about our progress and my (lack of) ability "Don't look where you want to be, look where you have come from and what you have already achieved" :)


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4 November 2010
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My coach just tells me to look at the bloody target :p

(I know, I'm a broken record at the moment. I'll shut up about the latest obsession and let you go back to normality now!)


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14 May 2019
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I didn't post earlier in the year but if I had my goals would have changed a lot. I would have said I want to be out eventing as much as I can. However, I've been aware I've been winging it rather and finally my luck ran out in a couple of competitions and I landed on the floor, humiliated but unhurt.

Yes, I'm the rider thats worse than everyone else, so you needn't worry if you see me at a show, it won't be you!!!

Sooooooo, on that note I decided to sort myself out. I've been enjoying schooling and going out to dressage, sj and xc clinics. Probably am a bit guilty of chopping and changing trainers too much and being befuddled by all the differing advice. Hands up, hands down etc.etc. but I've now settled on one instructor who seems to have 'got me' and my horse. So watch this space


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22 February 2016
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2019 goals:
more county whp, BD (hopefully start the year at novice and do a couple of elementaries at the end) and some ODEs at 90 and maybe 100 for Gem. I also want to qualify for Lincoln again
Bella will do some pc and showing with my sister and her owners grand daughter
Harry is going to have four working legs, then do pc and some BD and showing

So Gem was sold so that’s that. Harry has been fab and done all of his goals although he’s done pc dressage teams rather than BD but may do some over the winter. Bella has also done all of hers. Gem also did BE, BS and workers before she was sold so I guess she did achieve her goals lol. Now I’m having lots of fun playing with some lovely horses and will be doing BD and hopefully fingers crossed a couple of unaff ODEs 😀😀


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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It is that time of year again, looking at this year and forward to next... What are your achievements this year and aims for next year?

This year I got a lovely young horse after a couple of years in the wilderness of a retired horse then no horse. We did bits, got out hacking, did some cow work on a horsemanship clinic, did a couple of dressages... then mum had a fall and that was it for the year, but the horse is still cool, will be ready to pick up again when I am less fraught.

Next year, after helping mum settle in an Independent Living facility, I hope to get her out and do more. Not currently sure what exactly I want to do though, so that will be harder to action plan for LOL. I guess first class would be to do a BE 80 event. I have evented much higher, but am older now and an 80 seems a big enough goal. However, as long as we have good times it could be anything we do that would be a success.

What are your years gains and plans for next yer?

Ah, I could not find my new year list, but then saw I has started a different thread about it.

So, my update - horse is still lovely. Picking her up again was later than I expected as mum did not recover as well as we all hoped, I whipped the horse's shoes off and she spent most of winter being led round the village a few times a week as that is all I could manage with everything else going on.

I got back on in the New Year, did a bit of schooling followed by a few RC clinics and then mum needed to move to an assisted living place and I was actually so busy/stressed sorting it all out that I sent the horse away completely for 8 weeks. While she was there she did some BS at British Novice and I went and rode a couple of times a week.

The horse is home now and I have been out and about to clinics, as well as starting more focused lessons with a FAB trainer who I trusted to pick me up from the floor that I found myself on through all that I was dealing with. In the past few weeks we have been jumping at home, hacking out, and I think she has won 3 of the past 5 dressage competitions we have entered, with a 2nd in another. Just prelim unaffiliated, but hey, we are out having fun. More importantly, we are improving, I am being sucked back into the wonder of the world of balance, communication, subtlety - as well as getting fitter!

I continue to have a lot of other responsibilities, so hesitate to set any firm goals, but hope to continue with hacking in new places, do more lessons to start Novice dressage, maybe affiliate BD nearer the end of the year. Get jumping a bit more too. In the next couple of months I have booked into two camps, one at Osberton and one at Sommerford. At the camps I plan on just being. No goals at camp at all, just to have a break with my lovely horse.

Photo is from earlier this month, a pick you own/don't even bother with show clothes dressage competition. Horse is ace!Manor Grange.jpg

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Probably am a bit guilty of chopping and changing trainers too much and being befuddled by all the differing advice. Hands up, hands down etc.etc. but I've now settled on one instructor who seems to have 'got me' and my horse. So watch this space

I have definitely done this - chopping and changing all the time and just getting confused. I am also happy with my current instructors so I aim to just stick with them for now and aim for some consistency.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Somerford is a wonderful venue. You will have a great time at camp.

I hope so, I think the organiser was a bit surprised that I didn't want any jumping lessons. Having said that, we are now jumping at home, so maybe by then we will be. I think how we go on at Osberton this weekand then our stay away with the trainer will determine how much we do at Somerford. I would love to just join a XC lesson and gad about a bot, even if we don't jump yet.


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20 November 2017
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Question for all, have you ever done it this way?

With regards to goals I have long been a proponent of having a short range, mid range and long range goal. These can be ever changing and there's no harm in changing them ever. Ideally the short range one is something that's pretty easy to accomplish (ie. Jump my rounds and try to have one fence per round where my body is more like Marcus Ehning and less like Raggedy Ann)

The mid range should be a touch more challenging but still owner friendly. You're giving yourself positive markers to strive for, NOT pointing out failures. (Ie. Work on getting him to listen to my half halts out of the turns on course)

The long range is meant for fun and dreaming. You can put the wild stuff here but only if you enjoy it. Don't say "Go to the Olympics" if that brings on a world of "But!" (But I'm not any good. But he stopped at this fence. But my changes aren't solid. )

For me my long range is to have a smooth round at 1.40 where I don't resort to my bad cowgirl habits. Doesn't even have to be clear but obviously it'd be better if it was.

When I was a trainer I asked my students to do this and I watched as it really helped focus them because they set their own markers. And my gosh the pure joy when they marked a goal off that they'd set. It was fantastic to watch.



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24 February 2010
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I don’t think I wrote on the original thread. Looking back 2-3 months, I had periods of feeling disheartened at lack of progress / my lack of ability, to the extent of contemplating giving up lessons and competing and just sticking to hacking.
Particular issues being flatwork and brakes failure XC.
I think somewhere along the line I’ve become more accepting / forgiving of my general crapness, my week of boot camp has helped and doing the unaffiliated BE course last month and then be80 this month has buoyed me up.
So I think my goals for rest of the season are:
Sort out our canter issues in dressage. Use more inside leg, seat and less hands.
Find a way to not slip the reins SJ thus losing control / incurring errors of course!
Related to the previous point, try and become more consistent at getting decent stride - that’s the million dollar one!
I’d also like to regain confidence and get back and ride him on the beach again.(without him beggaring off with me 😊 )
Finally enjoy him (ie don’t let fears and insecurities spoil enjoyment)!

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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Yup that's what I do. Short term it's not hit a cone or drive out and make the speed I've set for myself or getting bigger steps in the trot etc

Mid term I've entered my first driving trial, so now it's compete all 3 phases without making a prat of myself or letting my pony down.

Long term I'm going to qualify her for the novice pony champs at the indoors.

My mid term goal was once a long term goal accompanied by a lot of buts but we've worked really hard and I've been able to make it reality.

I'm hoping by the end of the year my long term goal will have moved to mid term and I'll have changed my long term to winning the novice pony champs.

I've constantly got lists, plans and goals. They aren't set in stone though. I lurch from disaster to disaster so they need a fair amount of flexibility!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I find it harder to split them out into short, mid and long range :oops:

I think that's because I'm feeling my way up the training ladder for the first time at this level so I keep finding out new things that I need to work on that I didn't really know about before. Don't think that makes a great deal of sense but it's like banana peels keep appearing to trip us up o_O

Long range is super easy, having a silly dream really but I would love to ride a GP test on my own horse. I'm now the closest I've ever been and it's still a very very very almost unthinkably long way away but always the ultimate goal.

OK short range I'll go with sharpen up reactions in canter so the 2 tempis get neater and more rideable.

Mid range, feel like we can ride the Inter 1 with confidence, it's a nicer test to ride than the PSG so I think we probably just need a lot of ring practice for it to feel comfortable. Time kind of stretched out when we started to nail the PSG test, rather than things going by in a blur, i think that's how I will know we're getting it right.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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I don’t think I wrote on the original thread. Looking back 2-3 months, I had periods of feeling disheartened at lack of progress / my lack of ability, to the extent of contemplating giving up lessons and competing and just sticking to hacking.
Particular issues being flatwork and brakes failure XC.

I think somewhere along the line I’ve become more accepting / forgiving of my general crapness.....

I could have written this!! Down to the flatwork and lack of brakes being the issues. Except I don't like hacking so if I gave up competing, I think I'd just give up altogether. I know I need to sort my head out and not just my horse because it is meant to be FUN. But I am struggling to be accepting of the endless, endless repeating of the same old mistakes. Any tips for how you got there?

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Good idea BunnyDog

Short: Do an event and feel like I performed to my ability in all 3 phases. If I have a pole SJ, then fine, but I want to feel I rode well.
Mid: Be placed at an affiliated ODE
Long: Well if we are in the realms of crazy fantasy, then Badminton Grassroots!!!


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26 August 2008
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After my weekend, I have achieved a short term goal of winning a race ride with Winnie, so now short term is step up to FEI at 80k, medium is a 120k, and pipe dream is a 160k. I never thought I would do a 120k, let alone a 160k, but now it almost seems achievable!
With Tamba I would like to upgrade, he is ready now, so his goals have changed too. I'm aiming for a 64k ride and also do a BE. Jumping wise I think I'm there, he is consistent at 80, but our dressage needs some work, and I want to feel we are vaguely competitive before I do one. I think I need a sponsor to pay for it all!!


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4 November 2010
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Alright, I have goals...

Short: repeat the grading score I did yesterday (or better yet, exceed it), depending on opportunity but hopefully in the next couple of months

Mid: get the mare out to the forest, the gallops and xc a few times and ride her the hell forward and stop being such a loser, so that we can actually do stuff at a decent pace. Find enough balls to go and compete at this ridiculous archery lark.

Long: Just bloody stick at a sport long enough to feel remotely competent at it? It's pretty hard to visualise long term goals in a very niche sport you know next to nothing about ;)

Possibly "stop being such a loser" is possibly not the tone BD was looking for?!


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4 November 2010
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Er yeah, something about


Be fair, though - baby steps. It's progress ;)

I have no idea what I listed as goals at new year, but I'm damn sure I haven't hit any of them :eek:

...do I want to just hide in a corner and traumatise the poor local coach indefinitely.

Short: repeat the grading score I did yesterday (or better yet, exceed it)

Mid: get the mare out to the forest, the gallops and xc a few times ... so that we can actually do stuff at a decent pace. ... go and compete at this ridiculous archery lark.

By comparison, that post is utterly brimming with positivity ;)


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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My trainer has made me do short, medium and long term goals. I have had to write them down and do a 9 month plan...

The first two months we have exceeded expectations. Next time I go we are setting new short term goals as I am already on the right track flatwork (as in I have taken control and planning for myself, improving each session). That was meant to take me until the end of July, and we were to start jumping in August. As it is, we have been out competing at dressage, been on a super adventure hack in a new area (as well as our normal hacking) and been jumping small grids etc.

Medium term is to be out competing jumping for December (British Novice), affiliating BD in January (Novice) and being competitive. Also to get out and about hacking a bit more, not just locally.

Long term is to compete BD music, get to the Nationals Novice, and get respectable scores BD Medium, actually enjoy BS Discovery and compete BE 90/100. Also judge grassroots BE dressage, go on summer hunt rides, do some Endurance rides, do a lot more boxing out to hack, even go on a hunt or two. Feel happy to go on the beach, maybe even start teaching again.

The horse is capable in her type but not experienced. I have done BD successfully to Ele, won some BS Newcomers, and Evented to Intermediate and CCI* (now **) and hunted/team chased in the past, so on paper it all looks achievable. I just lost my way for a while. Now I have a great trainer I am starting to believe it is all possible again (not the big stuff I used to do, I am talking my new, much lower jumping wise, long term goals)!
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Well-Known Member
20 November 2017
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Possibly "stop being such a loser" is possibly not the tone BD was looking for?!

You would be correct. None of us are losers. And every day on the back of a horse is a blessing.

You are someone that someone else can look up to. Even if you don't believe it, there are those who use the rest of us as motivation. For me that means being the best I can be in my time here doing this. I want to be worthy of someone wishing they could ride Cudo or jump a fence I just jumped.
