Spoiled cob
Well-Known Member
My little miniature has what we think is colic and it’s not looking good. Happy at 10am this morning, eating, no signs of anything being wrong. At 1.30pm she was sweating, breathing heavily and lying down. With very sloppy poo. Nothing has changed in their management, she shares a stable with another mini and he’s fine. Vet straight out and gave pain meds but she’s too small for them to have a feel. Said see if she picks up in an hour, she didn’t. She’s a bit more settled but not really any improvement. Tried to poo and couldn’t so not sure if there isn’t anything in her system or if she has a blockage. I have more pain meds to give her in the night once the other wears off and the vet will come back early morning but it’s not looking good as she should’ve improved.
She’s only 8 1/2 but don’t think surgery is a good idea. They are very bonded to each other. Is there anything else I can try, how long do we keep going? Vet has said there is little more they can do if we aren’t sending her to the hospital. Just can’t bear the thought of having to let her go tomorrow.
She’s only 8 1/2 but don’t think surgery is a good idea. They are very bonded to each other. Is there anything else I can try, how long do we keep going? Vet has said there is little more they can do if we aren’t sending her to the hospital. Just can’t bear the thought of having to let her go tomorrow.