Miniature pony has Colic

Spoiled cob

Well-Known Member
29 May 2013
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I'm so sorry to read your update xx
Thank you, just shocked. She was only 8 and was the more robust pony. Can’t believe it happened and so quickly. Also
So very sorry to hear this, such a shock. Poor little mite, makes you wonder what was going on, something pretty catastrophic that is for sure. Hope her brother is coping.
he was with her so seems to have processed it but is calling on and off. I think so, her brother is the one that’s colicky so it’s a big shock. If it was him I could understand it. I’m so careful and their management stays the same so I’m at a loss as to the cause. I was so hoping she would come through it. the vet just said to keep the pain meds up and reassess this morning to give her a chance but I wish I’d made the call to PTS, never thought that would happen to her


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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So sorry to read this update, what a terrible shock. It sounds like you did everything you could and had no way of knowing that she would pass away before the vet was back.

Mrs. Jingle

Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
Deep in Bandit Country
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I am so sorry but please don't blame yourself, you did all you could do.

It probably won't help you right now but my friend lost one of her minis in a very similar way, her vet said unfortunately he had experienced losing minis unexpectedly as sometimes their little hearts give out with even a relatively mild colic or even lammi episode.

At least she was at home with her brother and had not had to experience the stress of being traveled for a very risky operation. I really am sorry ?


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Sorry to hear this update SC, i echo everyone else , you really were doing all you could. There’s never any knowing if in a couple of hours the episode will pass or suddenly turn for the worst. That knife-edge of colic experience, its so hard. You were diligent with checks and pain meds, and she had her friend near her, so she passed away in her familiar favourite place.

I had to rush my old dog to the vets for PTS as he deteriorated very quickly suddenly and seizures occurred. We’re very rural and i knew the vet would take double the time to get here (sunday night 11pm!) as it would take us to get to them, and despite it all being quick, shocking and upsetting the only thing that really upset me was him not being PTS stress free at home in familiar surroundings.

big virtual hugs to you and the little boy mini…..hope he settles better as the days pass. ?

Spoiled cob

Well-Known Member
29 May 2013
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Thank you all for your kind words, Fred is doing ok, he calls every now and then but he knows she’s gone. We left him with her until she was collected and then put him back in the stable so he knew and had closure. Shes being individually cremated so she can come home, my dear old Harry is in the tack room so I’ll put her with him. It’s been an awful year, I lost my aunt to cancer, she suffered so much at the end and it was very traumatic, freeze lost his eye to a rare genetic condition and may end up completely blind and I lost my 2 little guinea pigs. I can’t imagine a life without animals but the pain of losing them is horrendous.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2014
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spoiled cob i am so sorry for you loss. you sound like you have had a really crap year. i hope that 2022 proves to be happier. sending you lots of kind thoughts and best wishes


Well-Known Member
31 August 2010
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So sorry to hear this, a sad and horrible shock for you. I wish you all the very best for a much, much happier 2022. Xx