Spring Feather
Well-Known Member
Thanks so much Coss
Do you have people you can ride with? Would it be possible to enlist these people to make an effort to ride out with you a lot over the next week or so?
Going back to keeping him on his own; putting him out in the field could be a challenge and a bit of a worry first time around (presumably he is locked in his stable tonight?) and I'd remain close by all day for the first day or so. He won't jump out of the field will he? And is your fencing secure and safe? We all know horses should live with others of their own kind but if that isn't an option then that's the way it is. Horses are adaptable and they learn to live with whatever we throw at them so your horse may be perfectly okay once he's accepted that this is how it is. I wouldn't be over worried at this stage but I would keep a close eye on him (as you are doing). If you don't want a companion horse then don't be browbeaten into getting one just to pacify some people on here.
He is locked in his stable tonight. I am more concerned about this horrendous weather possibly adding to the stress of everything. I am really worried and keep going out to have a check on him. He doesn't seem stressed or silly, he is just looking out of the window.. If he wanted to he probably could escape over or out the door but he hasn't shown any sign at the moment. Thankfully.
Can't wait for the morning so I can go and spend some time with him and get him into a routine that will hopefully help him settle too.
Grrr.. This horrendous weather is driving me insane I am shaking like a leaf !
I wish you and your horse all the best, and I hope he has settled down soon
If another horse seems a bit of a big step, sheep make pretty good companions, and the yard cat seems to have taken a liking to my horse who is kept alone. Horses can live on their own, some better than others, and it's probably never ideal for a herd animal, but it sounds like yours is better off at home with you than in his previous situation. I know a horse who had lived all of his life with only cows for company! (he then went to live in a herd of horses and adjusted fine!)
Jack copes perfectly well in his own field away from the other horses. I was worried at first that he was missing his herd, but he still marches out to his field every night, and is as happy as ever. He gets to see other horses daily when he comes in but doesn't really show much interest if I'm honest. I would love to get him a companion in an ideal world, but apart from this he gets the best of everything which is more than a lot of other horses.
in fact they don't want to move him back with another horse anytime soon as they're worried he'll pick up bad habits and become too attached/dependent.
You mentioned you were having ridden problems with him. Was that since you moved him? Can I ask why you moved him away?
This is very sad. *sigh*
^ Not said in a snooty tone of voice.
The fact you have moved to a place on his own, just goes to show you are not as experienced as you would like to think,
Yes, and it is a living hell for them. Being expelled from the herd often spells death. They are in a constant state of fear.
Just because horses appear to cope and stop calling etc, does not mean they are okay on their own. It is known as 'learned helplessness'.
Hi Irishuamerryxmas - I didn't get a wink of sleep, listened to him neigh through the night. How long do you think it will take to see whether he settles or whether he needs a friend right away ?
He emptied his haynet in the night (which is good !)and did his usual nicker and wee this morning when I was making up his feed, he has been neighing less than yesterday but when I took him for a walk this morning he was neighing all the time with the other horse.
Hi Irishuamerryxmas - I didn't get a wink of sleep, listened to him neigh through the night. How long do you think it will take to see whether he settles or whether he needs a friend right away ?
He emptied his haynet in the night (which is good !)and did his usual nicker and wee this morning when I was making up his feed, he has been neighing less than yesterday but when I took him for a walk this morning he was neighing all the time with the other horse.