My lame boy :-(


Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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Big hugs mate xxx

Will be honest & say that I have had a horse PTS due to a similar level of chronic lameness due to (hock) arthritis BUT that horse was that lame having had joint injections a few months prior (as a last thing to try) plus being on 2 bute daily (for an approx 430kg pony) & a joint supplement. Said horse also struggled lifting his back feet to have them picked out (nvm for trimming etc), looked even lamer in trot & seemed no longer able to canter more than a few strides / wasn't able to join in playing with his fieldmates. This was also during a period of really bad snow & he was also dropping weight. (& of course you know about the Welsh one & why I let him go when he didn't look "that" bad on a good day)

If he's still charging around the field, able to socialise & play with his mates & generally do horse things with little difficulty & you feel he's still got a decent QOL then it may not be time quite yet but unfortunately that decision may be getting closer.

Would definitely see if you can have the vet back out if they haven't seen him for a while, esp if you feel that he's gotten worse since the wetter / colder weather. If you're literally just trying to keep him comfy in retirement then would discuss whether he can just have daily bute from here on in (I used to start at a high dose & taper down initially with the arthritic one I used to have & then towards the end he just stayed on the high dose all the time... he was on daily bute for about 4 or 5 years with no ill effects) / any other options such as acupuncture that might help & see if he improves. (Sadly you may end up with some sad decisions to make if he doesn't improve at all though). Would also talk to vet about what can / can't be given alongside bute as I think that some herbal things are too similar in how their active compound works to be totally safe to give alongside & some are fine. (I think boswelia is ok but don't think devils claw is)
Thanks. Yes you’re right on all counts :-/


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I don't really see the point of not giving bute or 'saving' bute for further down the line if it makes the horse more comfortable in the now. F's been on daily bute for 3 or 4 years now. He had liver problems previously and if 6 months bute had addled his liver then so be it, I'd rather he'd have had 6 months more comfortable than eek it out for no particular reason. Weirdly his liver has been fine (I never expected it to be).

I did take him off boswellia (also liver processed) when he started but we have just added that back in this winter.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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I don't really see the point of not giving bute or 'saving' bute for further down the line if it makes the horse more comfortable in the now. F's been on daily bute for 3 or 4 years now. He had liver problems previously and if 6 months bute had addled his liver then so be it, I'd rather he'd have had 6 months more comfortable than eek it out for no particular reason. Weirdly his liver has been fine (I never expected it to be).

I did take him off boswellia (also liver processed) when he started but we have just added that back in this winter.
I totally agree. He genuinely didn’t seem to need it in the summer. Was looking pretty good even up to October/November. Very mild here in the south of U.K. things have changed very much with the colder weather and bit of softer ground/mud.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I know what you're going through. Archie's about 27, has been retired for coming up to 2 years and while he's happy as larry at the moment and pretty sound (a bit stiff going out in the morning but soon loosens up) even without any bute but he also has other issues - mainly melanomas and cataracts - so I know that day will be upon us in the not too distant future.

Part of me thinks "what are you waiting for" but I'd honestly feel like I was bumping him off for my own convenience at the moment as he's so happy pottering about the field with his mates. In terms of weight, he never changes, he never gains weight in summer or loses it in winter., he's pretty much a perfect weight all year. He's out naked, very hairy and always plenty warm enough. He's barely lost any muscle and looks like you could stick a saddle on him and take him for a ride tomorrow. His wonky foot is even more wonky now that he's not being shod but he seems very happy on it. I just couldn't do it to him they way he is now.

I think for me, the moment will come when he's not happy on a fairly low level of bute - not because I'm worried about giving him bute but because it's only going to go one way from there. I suspect the melanomas will get him before that but I've been saying that for 15 years!


Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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I know what you're going through. Archie's about 27, has been retired for coming up to 2 years and while he's happy as larry at the moment and pretty sound (a bit stiff going out in the morning but soon loosens up) even without any bute but he also has other issues - mainly melanomas and cataracts - so I know that day will be upon us in the not too distant future.

Part of me thinks "what are you waiting for" but I'd honestly feel like I was bumping him off for my own convenience at the moment as he's so happy pottering about the field with his mates. In terms of weight, he never changes, he never gains weight in summer or loses it in winter., he's pretty much a perfect weight all year. He's out naked, very hairy and always plenty warm enough. He's barely lost any muscle and looks like you could stick a saddle on him and take him for a ride tomorrow. His wonky foot is even more wonky now that he's not being shod but he seems very happy on it. I just couldn't do it to him they way he is now.

I think for me, the moment will come when he's not happy on a fairly low level of bute - not because I'm worried about giving him bute but because it's only going to go one way from there. I suspect the melanomas will get him before that but I've been saying that for 15 years!
I just would feel like a murderer if I did it now. I’m not squeamish about euthanasia worked in a vet practice where I had to hold the animals for 27 years. The time has to be right.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2021
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Sorry your going through this PP.

I’m in a similar position. I have a 30 yr old whose out lived her teeth and a 25 year old on Bute daily for her arthritis. The vet was happy with them right now. I’m also just waiting. I don’t know what for. I don’t know for how long. But mine are old.

You have my sympathies. It’s so hard when you just want to do right by them. sending big hugs.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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Sorry your going through this PP.

I’m in a similar position. I have a 30 yr old whose out lived her teeth and a 25 year old on Bute daily for her arthritis. The vet was happy with them right now. I’m also just waiting. I don’t know what for. I don’t know for how long. But mine are old.

You have my sympathies. It’s so hard when you just want to do right by them. sending big hugs.
Thank you. All we can know is we are doing our best from a place of love.