Well-Known Member
I love reading this thread. I always end up crying with laughter and wondering what the heck you are all going to do next! 
I love reading this thread. I always end up crying with laughter and wondering what the heck you are all going to do next!![]()
I can tell you what happens next. As soon as I have more strength Ted is going to meet Trudy Trollope, the blow up doll that I have bought him. Trudy will be used to begin the backing process.
I have a serious attack of the giggles now....I have visions of a dubious looking blow up doll in jods, hat and boots sat astride a mind boggled Ted!
Practical suggestion if you're going ahead with sand in pants idea. 1 x pair of ladies tights and 1 x quantity of sand or material with similar properties ( cat litter that does not clump maybe? Starting with feet ..gravity will ensure that this is your only available option. Use rubber bands or string to creat ankles before filling lower leg..then another band to create knee and so on until tights are full of suitable weighty material. Creating joints will give her a nice bendy leg. Now the sad bit for poor Trudy. She may need a small operation in order to insert sand filled tights into her but some good duck tape should short out the incisions. Not sure how you're going to stiffen her back though![]()
Oh I'm all excited now. Think I'll go and buy an er. Er anatomically correct blow up doll and fill her with sand. Just for fun!
Einstein ! You have got me thinking.
Blowing a gale here, no rain yet. Hope those of you in the south are ok.
Hello AA,
I cannot believe that I haven't seen this thread until now, but I haven't been on here for long. OMG what a time you have had. I have spent a whole afternoon reading every post on this and I can't tell you how amazing this thread is. The story of love, laughter, loss (Ted's) and love again, tenacity and courage. What could be more inspiring at this time of year.
For me you have made me get off my arse and sort out a new programme of getting my 12 year old back into work after 5 months off (due to operation on my back and a move to France) and a whole new load of fun for my 19 month old naughty Welsh X Clydie! I am in an area where I have no one around me horsy and am finding it hard not having my friends with me. We are only here temporarily until we find the right place but god I miss my horsy friends. I've spent hours in tears wishing I was back home, bit of a wuss I'm afraid when it comes to new places and new languages but now reading your story I'm thinking how lucky I am to have this opportunity. I wish you(amazing lady), OH, Ted, Alice, Big horse, and everyone else the best New Year ever and an eternal thank you for making me see sense. Your good health. Always. XX
My OH is eagerly awaiting pictures of Trudys first ride.
Perhaps I should have worded that better ;0
My OH is eagerly awaiting pictures of Trudys first ride.
Perhaps I should have worded that better ;0
Beautifully worded IMHO :biggrin3:!My OH is eagerly awaiting pictures of Trudys first ride.
Perhaps I should have worded that better ;0
Oh goodness, AA, you've got me helpless with laughter again as I conjure up an alarmingly vivid mental image of you, Trudie, an air pump and a bemused PC.....
Just read this from the beginning :biggrin3: What a year for you. Glad things are on the up health wise.
Have you thought about selling tickets for Trudies debut ? You'd make a fortune. I hope you're going to video it at least :biggrin3:
Now there is a thought, I could sell it to Horse and Country, Ted and his Tart instead of Parelli World Tour.
I checked him this morning, he had pulled a load of haylage out of the feeder and made a nest out of it. The other two were eating over the top of him covering him in bits. Just watched countryfile weather, wall to wall rain for the midlands, Ted will be coming over into the barns I think. Time to get Trudie blown up.
Just a thought - what if Trudie becomes detached in the wind ? The proper wind, not Teds. Would you admit to being her 'owner' when she's recovered ? I can imagine the local newspaper article now....
Wave ya' carrot stick at that Mr.Parelli :smile3:
Just back to the forum after a long lay off (OH riding accident) long story
Me ? male 52 had a stroke 11.12.13 quite a shock, but never mind that.
Found this thread tonight and read it all from the beginning.
You are truly inspirational. You must write a book.
I spent today in PJ's and resting did a bit to much yesterday.
Glad you are on the mend.
Can't wait to see Trudy
Good luck with Ted
Please please ..can I volunteer my services as photographer. ..... P l e a s e![]()