My next equine project horse


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Ted is turning into a stunner! Alice too. I love your setup. It must be such a relief to have something like that with the rain we have had. No swimming for Ted! I don't think they make armbands that big anyway........;)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Ted is turning into a stunner! Alice too. I love your setup. It must be such a relief to have something like that with the rain we have had. No swimming for Ted! I don't think they make armbands that big anyway........;)

They do have to swim I am afraid. They have a pool and patio area adjacent the barn and take it in turns to go out, except this morning with some lovely sunshine on offer I threw Ted out with the four mature mares. Alice has an excuse to stay in the dry with her fetlock scab needing to be kept clean. Poor Ted needs therapy after a day with the witches, by lunchtime he was at the gate yelling at me to save him. The barn is a god send but it really should have lovely cows in it.

I have played with Ted and done some Monty Roberts join up sessions, they worked a treat and his confidence is growing by the day. I do have a problem though, does anyone know how to get rid of a joined up Ted ! he wants to come everywhere with me now, he has even started answering me back with deep snuffly grunts when I ask him if he is ok. He is never normal.


Well-Known Member
21 June 2010
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Well now you need to start clicker training so you can teach him to stay - only took a couple of sessions with my mare who normally won't leave me alone if she knows I have food


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Bet that you never thought that you would have been asking advice on how to go about 'un joining up' Ted!

It's to your great credit that he is now so much more confident around you, but sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for!

Great progress.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2013
North West
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I am so much a fan of this thread - I get seriously over-excited when there's a new post. I have a youngster a similar age to Ted he, too is joined-up: his favourite position is standing with his nose firmly in my hood. Not easy when you are trying to de-mud and brush his tail!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and Ted Alice and the rest of the horses all you would wish them.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I am a bit pleased with myself and have to share.

Today I have mucked 7 out, ridden for and hour and a half with trots and some bouncing about, naughty cob. Swept the yard, groomed the big boy and painlessly reached all 17.2 of him. Did an hour of Ted taming and he was a little star. At long last normality is returning, undecided whether to laugh or cry in joy.

Hunt ball soon, big confidence step for me but I am looking forward to it. Ted is not invited !. Found my frock and shook the dust off, cast iron control spanx pants required. Better practice high heels, 12 months of slippers and wellie boots my feet will have a shock. Ryvita for tea or the posh frock will be refusing to leave the wardrobe.


Well-Known Member
9 September 2012
Slightly off centre
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I am a bit pleased with myself and have to share.

Today I have mucked 7 out, ridden for and hour and a half with trots and some bouncing about, naughty cob. Swept the yard, groomed the big boy and painlessly reached all 17.2 of him. Did an hour of Ted taming and he was a little star. At long last normality is returning, undecided whether to laugh or cry in joy.

Awesome 😄👍
Have commented before but have read every post. I love your posts and am so glad you are making such great progress.
Enjoy the ball


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Bit of advice about the spanx. ! If you go for just knickers make sure that when you sit down they don't meet your bra ! I had some big spanx knickers for a wedding a few months ago and when I sat down to eat I got a serious pinching problem. :biggrin3:


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Bit of advice about the spanx. ! If you go for just knickers make sure that when you sit down they don't meet your bra ! I had some big spanx knickers for a wedding a few months ago and when I sat down to eat I got a serious pinching problem. :biggrin3:

and I have a lot to pinch !


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Lol. It was easily solved - it only pinched when I leant forward to eat so I stopped eating and just drank. Didn't pinch at all when I leant back to tip the glass :wink3:

Have a fab time anyway, you deserve it.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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The ball is end of January.

Ted wore his first saddle yesterday and didn't bat an eyelid. The blow up doll will soon be making an appearance.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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With the sun out and the cob mare clearing off with her favourite visitor I decided Ted should be tortured by Trudy Trolloppe.

He and Alice appeared to have had a romp in the hay overnight so he might be tired. So with plenty of time and with the fear of a degree of break dancing, wall climbing and baby rumbles we got going. I insured him last night so it was pay back time.




Me scared of a blow up tart, don't be so ridiculous.

Trudy prepared herself by doing a Mary King prior to mounting Ted.


That took all of ten minutes without so much as a snort or fart from Ted and I stood there in my hat, gloves and body armour feeling a bit silly. Ted was yawning and suggesting a fry up for breakfast so there was nothing for it but to find more challenges. So into the Aladdin's cave that is my tack room and out I come with a full set of leather driving harness, breast collar type and minus the bridle/blinkers, he is still not mouthed.

I have been putting off getting lines behind him and on his thigh/hocks because I know it will make him kick off big time. A fillet string blew his brains. All went well until the breeching and we did have a few rush forwards back rounded moments, anyway I got it on and spent ages pulling it and getting him to reverse onto it. The session finished with him accepting long lines each side of him and the feeling of them on his thigh/hocks. I was rather chuffed with him.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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I too have only just stumbled across the joy that is this thread. Ted is gorgeous! As for Trudy... I am appalled at her lack of hat, body protector, point2, boots, gloves and err clothes? :biggrin3: