My next equine project horse


Well-Known Member
25 January 2007
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This has to be one of my favourite threads ever! AA you have a brilliant way with words- your updates are funny and heart warming- I'm another who would buy your book! Ted is just lovely- I wish you every bit of luck in the world with him and that he turns into a fabulous horse for you! Please don't stop updating us on his progress- its like reading a good book were you are excited to find out what happens next! :-D also love your sensible and calm attitude to handling him- sounds like you are doing all the right things and I love the emphasis on good manners- he sounds a credit to you already.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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AA you really should write, not just a book about Ted but a whole series filled with your horsey experiences, you have a gift for it. I would be first in line for copies!


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
AA you really should write, not just a book about Ted but a whole series filled with your horsey experiences, you have a gift for it. I would be first in line for copies!

Quite agree. It's the down to earth approach I like; instead of having a strop if something goes wrong and giving up you just get on with it and find another way to get to the same place; a lot of people could learn a lot from you.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Absolutely love this! :D :D :D

You've had my heart racing, fear clutching my sides, giggles, snorts, gales of laughter tears streaming down my face :D

Just keep doing what you're doing lass and that ex of yours will be eating his words (make a nice change from pot noodles anyway) :cool::D


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24 October 2011
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Ted has the memory span of a goldfish and he has not got a clue what comments like Frey Bentos, glue factory, West Midlands Safari park (he has not been told he lives only 30 miles from there) and flesh house actually mean.

The stable handling went ok ish yesterday but legs were no go areas. The leading practice was tricky and ended on a sour note when he panicked in the gateway and crushed me against the post, ripping the line away and clearing off. The line did not fall clear and off he went with it again ! This time he only went a few yards and settled to graze with it round his feet and I was able to unthread it easily. In hindsight it was blowing a gale here yesterday and maybe I should never have started the leading practice. But there are 100 and one reasons not to do things with him and unless I keep at him he will only get worse and bigger.

What a difference a day makes - this morning great steps were made, very relaxed boy, I got hands on everywhere and oh be joyful - back pasterns and sheath area, (I take very little pleasing !). I have been using a walking stick with a padded glove on the end on the hind legs which has worked well. He also didn't bother with the stick above his back and I can rub the opposite side of him with the glove whilst standing either side of him. All this is done without holding his head. He makes the decision to stay with me. The horrible gulping as stopped and he doesn't roll his eye back so much anymore either.

The leading went very well, he is able to stay at my side more rather than getting behind me, which is great from my point of view, because he does not always remember I am in the way when he has a moment. I am getting him to halt, step back and away from me, I definetely have better manners from him when I concentrate on moving his feet. All of this is done with no reward other than a head rub. The turnout was calm and polite.

It is lovely so many people are following Ted's tribulations and I love telling you about him, I feel like I have a team helping and encouraging me.

For anyone reading bits and pieces on this thread and planning to breed a foal I beg you to handle it from the beginning. Feral and 15.2h is not funny or easy !


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8 June 2012
South East Kent
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Sorry yesterday didn't go so well but today seems to have made up for it, I've got a spooky mare, has been handled ridden etc but when she has her head on she's a nightmare but it's made up for when you get a good day, lets hope Ted won't apply his goldfish memory to what you've acheived today.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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AA I envy you. Ted is a lovely boy, and you are a fabulous narrator of his little foibles and progress. I have sat and laughed for the last 20 minutes. So much so I have extremely sore ribs and my head is aching!


Well-Known Member
1 October 2009
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He's totally fab, I love him. Good luck with him, I will enjoy following his progress. I have total respect for you starting to handle him at his age and size. I too have a Teddy, he's this same age as your boy and mine is a clydesdale x cob. He won't make 17hh but he'll be 16hh I should think. It's because of his potential size and strength, that I wanted him with me as soon as I could. In fact, I bought him at 8 days old and he came to live with me (with his mam) at 5 wk old and he's been here ever since.

Handling him early on was a priority to me. I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing more pics of the gorgeous boy!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I have to apologise to Ted for telling everyone he has the intelligence of a goldfish.

He has figured it out that if he stays in bed long enough in the mornings, she who must be obeyed, runs out of time to do any Ted Taming lessons.

I was on the yard at crack of sparrow fart this morning to ensure Ted had a groom and feet session. Everyone got up except him. He then slept through a horse coming in to the next box, a horse going out, a lot of neighing and door banging from the one in box 3, the mucking out and my big horse being handwalked in the yard.

I walked past his box a dozen times and told him to get up, he did not stir until 7.20, I reckon he knows I have to be gone by 7.30 on Monday's. He was still yawning and stretching whilst I chucked him in the paddock. It must be very tiring being a Ted in training ! He's got a surprise in the morning, much more time available on Tuesdays. His feet still have not seen the farrier and still are a big issue to pick up, but I'll get there if he gets out of bed a bit quicker.


Well-Known Member
31 January 2011
On the South Coast
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I just love reading about Ted and following his progress. He is such a handsome boy and will end up being a total superstar:)

We need lots of regular Ted 'fixes' :D
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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I have to apologise to Ted for telling everyone he has the intelligence of a goldfish.

He has figured it out that if he stays in bed long enough in the mornings, she who must be obeyed, runs out of time to do any Ted Taming lessons.

I am fuming, he has only gone and taught his sister to stay in bed too !!, the pair of them didn't get up this morning and his sister looks like she has had a night on the tiles.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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That is one adorable picture of a beautiful horse :D

That is 14 month old Adorable Alice, by Avanti Amorous Archie. She has been shut in for 4 weeks following kicking the gate post and the vets feared she had hairline fractured her canon. She is too lazy to do much galloping and bucking so she stands on the spot and break dances instead. Unfortunately she had a break dancing session right by the gate and walloped it, we saw her do it so at least we knew what had happened.

Hopefully she can go out at the weekend. The second xrays were good but she will have a quick scan as well. Apart from the odd hissy she has been such a good girl, I love irish draughts, such sensible horses. I am depending on her to help teach the scruffy carthorse to be chilled. Ted will be stood by her with the farrier soon, doubt we will do him but he can have a good look and smell.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2006
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Just found this thread! It's brilliant!

Definitly make it into a book! think Ted may be Hovis' distant cousin?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Just found this thread! It's brilliant!

Definitly make it into a book! think Ted may be Hovis' distant cousin?

Who is Hovis please ?

I think Ted's distant cousins probably pulled barges or ploughs.

I broke the no titbit rule tonight - Ted likes strawberries.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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Just caught up with latest and loving Ted updates - and in love with him. He has changed so much and looks fantastic :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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he's the forum celebrity!

every week this is published....

and they have now been turned into 2 books :)

Fantastic, I have not been on the forum long and had not seen Hovis at all, so funny and brilliantly written, I couldn't keep up with that, so Ted will have to be a little low profile, but I will keep you updated with his progress.

Having just called into the yard on the way back from work, Ted is in his usual pose - flat out snoring in the straw. If it does not stop raining soon Ted is going to Mothercare to pick a pair of waterwings.

He hates the rain and much prefers to snooze in the straw. His skin and coat is like a TB and he gets cold really quickly, which for a carthorse I find most odd.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Poor Ted has telephoned the ILPH and asked to be rescued. His paddock has turned into a swimming pool and Ted doesn't do swimming, despite being given waterwings and a rubber ring. He could not cope with the ocean arriving in middle England even though he made a manful effort to jump the vast expanse of water in his gateway, he got 4 faults but had the last laugh because she who must be obeyed caught most of the bow wave when little Ted belly flopped.

He has demanded to have is picture taken this evening so you can all see how overworked he is, he is telling anyone that will listen than he has been ploughing all day, his feathers are ruined and he fears he might end up on dragon driving. To add insult to injury he found himself tied to a brick wall this evening.

This picture gives a clue how big he is, that is a full height door, he is only 10 months old. He is going to be a tall boy.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2007
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Ahhh a ted update- I love hearing about him! He looks great but my gosh such a big boy considering he is still a baby!
Laughing at the idea of him ending up on dragon driving- you need to recruit a vastly obese pony squashing teenager in a track suit to sit on him bare backed with a bridle made from baler twine before he could make the cut on there :-D


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Ahhh a ted update- I love hearing about him! He looks great but my gosh such a big boy considering he is still a baby!
Laughing at the idea of him ending up on dragon driving- you need to recruit a vastly obese pony squashing teenager in a track suit to sit on him bare backed with a bridle made from baler twine before he could make the cut on there :-D

Sorted except the age and not sure where my track suit is !!

He is coming along really well. He needs renaming as Mr Nosey, he is quite literally into everything. He will march up to things and get his nose on them, often he then gets frightened and runs back, but he has another go and touches again. He is like having a giant labrador on the end of the rope, he pulls and flops about, trips himself up and then me. We have cracked turning and waiting when opening gates, which is great because we have had 2 major incidents doing gates.

His feet are still a problem but I'll get there.


29 June 2012
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Just found this thread and have read every page with my morning cuppa!

Ted seems like a total sweetheart if not a bit cheeky and he has certainly landed firmly on his feet with you <3


Well-Known Member
31 August 2008
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Ted looks really gorgeous as does Alice........I also have an Archie/Janet George baby who is easy & laid back as could be, look forward to more updates on Ted,
Annie X


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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I look forward to your updates, he is really looking super. I can't see much cob about him, he looks pretty much pure Shire to me, this is endorsed by the size of him. AA, you are going to need a very big mounting block :D


Well-Known Member
13 August 2010
Worcester, UK
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Only just found this thread and loving it! :D

Ted is gorgeous, and seems like he has bags of character, just my sort of horse.:) I'm looking forward to more updates and pics, you can see how much he's grown already, that is one biiiig boy!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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He hates the rain and much prefers to snooze in the straw. His skin and coat is like a TB and he gets cold really quickly, which for a carthorse I find most odd.

Carthorse? CARTHORSE?? oh AA how could you call the wonderful Ted such a thing:eek:
I love Ted, he reminds me of an old ride and drive cob we had called jimmy who would unintentionally splat you against something and then look at you with his bottom lip a wobbling and his big brown eyes all concerned as if to say 'oooops soooooorryyyyyyyyyyy:eek:' :D:D