My next equine project horse


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24 October 2011
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That's fantastic! There'll be no stopping you now! I take it that you managed to breathe whilst you rode today?

Just about ! We are quite a sight, the cob remains unclipped and being RID x Clyde you can just imagine what she looks like. I have given up chipping the mud off and we amble along in a dust cloud. She kept asking to stretch but I fear she might tread on her beard. Her hog is now 4 inches long and bolt upright, her once pulled tail looks like a christmas tree and her belly swings in rhythm with mine. She puffs and grunts and I wheeze.

Then there is the getting off saga. I cannot hit my front on the saddle or stretch my right arm. So it goes something like this....put your head down, horse puts its head up and round, no, I did not say do you want a polo, put your head down please (she has a massive crest and is very upright in her stance). I ended up putting her on the lawn and letting her graze, then I could lean forward and push myself away from her as I jumped off. Honestly we are like Penelope and Kipper cartoons.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Haha brilliant!

Mrs Cob does not need to be shiny clean to do your job at the moment, and I am very impressed with the resourceful way that you managed a not too uncomfortable dismount! It's just great that you are actually riding again.

This plus I am in awe of your courage, do keep updating us, what about a picture of cob, she sounds to have a lovely nature. Hopegrass is ok not too many hoof prints!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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It has been an exciting time in Ted world. Last night with the wind howling a gale and lashing rain I decided Ted and his mother in law, Alice's mum needed to come inside, yes I know they are both carthorses, have thick coats and a big hedge but.......anyway I did question my judgement half way across the field when Ted became a furry kite and his tail smacked me in the back of the head, I hung on for grim death muttering 'whoa you silly lad' which turned into something more explicit when my wellie got sucked off in the mud. I least I slept well knowing they were warm and dry. I found my wellie this morning.

With Alice still in the barn I put Ted in with her and did some baby training with the pair of them this morning. Breaking rollers on both, Alice was foot perfect with her turns, bending and transitions. Ted put his 'I am trying hard to concentrate' face on and worked really well, he anticipates like mad and gets his feet in a knot but he is lovely to work with most of the time. I thought it was too good to be true this morning, the two doves in the roof spooked Ted and he landed straight on my foot, wow has he got heavier. He was most concerned as I hung onto his mane, cursing like a trooper and trying not to pass out or be sick ! This afternoon saw me lay on the bed with the packet of peas purchased for xmas lunch, on my toes.

I left their rollers and breast girths on for the afternoon and Ted was looking very excited this evening when I got there. Alice had only undressed him, nothing broken, I had left all the straps out of their keepers so they flapped and slapped when Ted moved about. Judging by the soggy chewed ends Alice must have pulled them and undressed him ! What a little tart.

I have learnt a new technical training term this morning. Unable to hack out due to icy lanes, my friend schooled the brick outhouse cob. After a lot of tail swishing, ears back and the 'make me' look on her face all over a simple leg yield, my friend announced the mare was about to get ' a kick up the gizzard', not sure whose training manual that came out of !


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26 February 2007
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Oh dear what are you like?!

Could have warned you about the training for escapology (maybe it's a family thing), glad to hear they are being good when working (errrrr where are the pics???)

Hoping your foot isn't too sore, and there is no ice at the weekend for a nice lil hack!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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The gale was awful here as well, I am glad you found your wellies and thank goodness Ted did not stand on your foot last night!

Hope your foot is better in the morning and the peas recover in time for Xmas dinner.


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24 November 2007
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I left their rollers and breast girths on for the afternoon and Ted was looking very excited this evening when I got there. Alice had only undressed him, nothing broken, I had left all the straps out of their keepers so they flapped and slapped when Ted moved about. Judging by the soggy chewed ends Alice must have pulled them and undressed him ! What a little tart.


At least Alice still fancies him!! Tart indeed :)


Well-Known Member
19 July 2011
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Sounds like you had quite an adventure lol!

It was blowing a gale where i am, flippin awful! My lad actually had decided to bring himself in and was standing in the yard eating his haynet from the outside of the stable looking very pleased with himself trying to convince me that the hole in the fencing where he had escaped fell over.. honestly ... i didnt walk throught it mum!!!!!

Old man goodie 2 shoes was stood in the field looking most unimpressed with the naughty baby cob lol!

Hope your foot feels better soon hun , peas are alwasy useful to have around hehe ;)


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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I have learnt a new technical training term this morning. Unable to hack out due to icy lanes, my friend schooled the brick outhouse cob. After a lot of tail swishing, ears back and the 'make me' look on her face all over a simple leg yield, my friend announced the mare was about to get ' a kick up the gizzard', not sure whose training manual that came out of !

Ah yes.......the old "kick up the gizzard". I think you will find the terminology in some of the older training old boss used to swear by it! :D Glad you are mending and trotting (!!!) Poor cob.... she doesn't know what has hit her does she!?! Pictures please.....oh and by the way Ted said it the roller incident was an "accident"......he had an itch ;)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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So glad some one has previous experience of the training aid 'kick up the gizzard', wonder if Carl Hester has.

We had a good frost this morning and Ted was frosted over, he looked like he had lost an argument with a bag of icing sugar. It is the dreaded office Christmas lunch today, I have not worked for most of the year and very few people kept in touch, I don't want to go but my lovely manager wants to take me. My decent clothes haven't seen the light of day since February and my Ted squashed foot is not keen on high heels. Hair has grown faster than first thought and I have a thick grey pixie affair, god knows where the make up bag is. What a bore, much nicer to spend the afternoon watching the racing.


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Just think of it as the ice-breaker before having to back next year and "see two five o'clocks"! Are you allowed alcohol? If so - make the most of it!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Just think of it as the ice-breaker before having to back next year and "see two five o'clocks"! Are you allowed alcohol? If so - make the most of it!

Exactly what the OH and my mum said. I have a confidence crisis and am only happy either at home or on my yard with just my treasured friends around me. It is difficult to explain and not uncommon so the doctors tell me. I can have a little drink.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Exactly what the OH and my mum said. I have a confidence crisis and am only happy either at home or on my yard with just my treasured friends around me. It is difficult to explain and not uncommon so the doctors tell me. I can have a little drink.

The anticipation will be worse than the reality. Once your showered and glammed up you'll be just fine. :) have a great time xx


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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The anticipation will be worse than the reality. Once your showered and glammed up you'll be just fine. :) have a great time xx

Exactly this ^^^^^^^^

I think after all you have been through staying within your comfort zone is quite understandable. It's kind of like going to ground! Deep breath and a little Dutch Courage and you'll wonder what all the fuss was about! xxx :)


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Done it, smart frock, bit of slap and slipped the high heels off the squashed foot under the table ! Did me good, nice food and a pleasant afternoon.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Done it, smart frock, bit of slap and slipped the high heels off the squashed foot under the table ! Did me good, nice food and a pleasant afternoon.

Well done! Glad it was a good after noon hope it helps with return to work. Hope squashed foot does not limit you too much over xmas! Love the idea of Ted as the iceking! First dusting of snow here last night and yard was really slippy this morning.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Well done both for going to and then actually enjoying your work's Christmas bash!

Will you be able to start back in harness on reduced hours for a bit, to ease you back in, or do you have to land running?

Phased for a month, also have whole years holiday entitlement to take so if I am careful I can see the worst of the winter out on part time hours.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Glad that it's a phased return to work, and that you have the holiday entitlement to use as well.

You are ahead with your two year olds, mine hasn't had a roller on yet. When I do put it on, I shall make sure that she doesn't have a 'helpful' friend available to remove it for her!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Glad that it's a phased return to work, and that you have the holiday entitlement to use as well.

You are ahead with your two year olds, mine hasn't had a roller on yet. When I do put it on, I shall make sure that she doesn't have a 'helpful'
friend available to remove it for her!

I don't have a breaking plan, if they come into the yard for farrier or weather etc, I do something with them. Ted is more advanced than Alice purely because he is such a nervous twit.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Quote from my lovely hay man. ' Can you move your ******* cart horse or do you want me to drop this bale of haylage on his ******* head'.

Ted helped with the arrival of the first bale into the fields. Would someone like to explain to me why he is scared of me coughing (or worse), yet will stand underneath a noisy tractor with a bale on the forks and not flinch.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Quote from my lovely hay man. ' Can you move your ******* cart horse or do you want me to drop this bale of haylage on his ******* head'.

Ted helped with the arrival of the first bale into the fields. Would someone like to explain to me why he is scared of me coughing (or worse), yet will stand underneath a noisy tractor with a bale on the forks and not flinch.
I can't exlain it, but think it is simiar to our two younsters, who got bored with watching the tractor until it had to be hit with a hammer, at which point they raced across the field to watch :D The young Appy wll spook if I sneeze!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2012
Staffordshire Moorlands
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Quote from my lovely hay man. ' Can you move your ******* cart horse or do you want me to drop this bale of haylage on his ******* head'.

Ted helped with the arrival of the first bale into the fields. Would someone like to explain to me why he is scared of me coughing (or worse), yet will stand underneath a noisy tractor with a bale on the forks and not flinch.

Knows what he likes to eat! Or he likes to keep you guessing!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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Quote from my lovely hay man. ' Can you move your ******* cart horse or do you want me to drop this bale of haylage on his ******* head'.

Ted helped with the arrival of the first bale into the fields. Would someone like to explain to me why he is scared of me coughing (or worse), yet will stand underneath a noisy tractor with a bale on the forks and not flinch.

I was wondering the same thing today, when Alf the uber spooky was perfectly happy to walk out to the field with me while I dragged a builders rubble sack full of hay.


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24 October 2011
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Blooming carthorse cannot even behave itself at Christmas. Does he not realise how difficult it is to extract the OH from the sofa, football and copious amounts of lager and pringles. Further more offering to help with the diy does not help the situation.

This morning was a pea souper, unable to see across the fields and too lazy to stagger through the mud (far to much dinner !) we drove around the block to look at Ted and his ladies from the far gate. Only two foggy blobs could be seen and no amount of screaming 'Ted' produced the furry fool. Panic takes over, I am having hysteria, convinced he has been stolen of course, OH calmly says the xxyyzz hooligan has knocked the fencing down, again, and escaped, again. Two fields over and there he is fast asleep under the hedge. OH mutters something obscene and announces he is not mending anything until later and the xxyyzz blip blip carthorse can stay where he is for the meantime.

At least he said thank you.



Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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Our boy did this the first Christmas we had him. Got the phone call just as dinner was going on the table... sometimes I am convinced they 'know'

BTW I thought Ted was supposed to be a bit spooky.. or has he knocked the fence down so often he is used to people banging posts back in?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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All part of the training ! He is frightened of people in the main. We make a point of exposing him to as much as possible and he has a very curious nature in that he will leg it but come back for another look. Had it been a stranger with the mallet he would have been nowhere near.

No to the peas and they are in use on my other foot now ! Ted and I got in a bogged tangle on Monday evening and he managed to tread on me again. His brain is a long way from his feet, the signals are definitely delayed.