Up in the clouds
One of our Appaloosa mares started showing a slightly odd movement in trot, when ridden, not exactly lame but slightly hesitant with one front foot. We used an excellent back specialist vet, who treated her with acupuncture for poll/neck muscle problems.Vet checks he had vet come and look over him for assessment feel for pain etc, had him scopes for ulcers, had phsyio out, teeth, saddle, he is happy in himself, looks fantastic, shiny, not lame or showing any signs of injury, so i think maybe impatience temper tantrum, or anxiety / worry causing these behaviour outbursts, seemed to loose confidence been left on his own (without me in there etc, or walking away when he's in the stable etc) great to exercise
How did you find this out - was it through x rays? He hasn't had any x rays - Physio has done a session on him but didn't bring up any poll pain/ soreness, same with vet she had a good feel of him, he also had a bridle fitter not long ago
We don't know what caused that problem initially but a different Appy mare, kept on a different yard, banged her head/poll on a stone lintel over the stable door, when some children running down the yard made her jump. She had obvious bruising, which showed up when she was lead in a halter. Fortunately she was mostly living out at the time, so we avoided leading for a couple of weeks and she recovered quickly.
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