Need to rant - Do you think this is fair??


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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So these people have let you ride a horse for nothing and you expect them to give you some of the money when she is sold? They transport you places and you complain because they don't want to leave early just for you and because of this you feel you have BOUGHT (not BROUGHT) Senza, a horse I guess, for nothing? They have leant you stirrups as "you can't afford to buy your own" (but you can afford a horse, hmmm) and you are complaining that they have taken them back to give to the new owners. I have never heard such a load of ungrateful whinging, you should be ashamed of yourself!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Excuse me but i think you are way out of line!!! There was no need for that at all!!! Say your piece by all means but dont get on your high horse and take the p*ss out of my spelling!!!

Yes they was good enough to give me a ride and i have always told my friend that i was grateful for that but i have still continued to do her for the past 6 months even though i have had my own horse to do.

What i was upset about is not the fact that they didn't want to get up early for me (thats fair enough) but the fact they was going back on their word. I always pay my way as well so its not like i was expecting them to do it for free!! And maybe i worded it wrong, i didn't buy my horse for nothing as i love her to bits a love riding her i am just upset that i cant do what i intended to do with her.

Also if you read the post properly i CAN afford my own horse i was just a bit tight this month after spending out £300 on my car so i was going to buy some new ones next month.

I have sorted it out with my friend as she has said thank you now so obvioulsy i wasn't out of order in expecting one. What i will say though is that maybe i was out of order in thinking that she wasn't going to say it and i should of waited before getting upset.

All i can say is that it is either the time of month or someone got out of the wrong side of bed this morning. And if there are any spelling mistakes in my post I AM NOT BOTHERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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Just so you know for future.

I don't mind if people point out where I have made mistakes as it gives me a chance to improve.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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I reckon dump her. Never mind the horse selling..the whol I'm not turning you horse out etc. busines plus no trasport sounds like a very mean friend if you've done her a big favour.
And even though I think she is now buying you new stirrup leathers, I think she may be an HHO lurker and doesn't sound like much to me!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2005
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Sorry to hear you're having a crap time.
I can't offer any advice on your friend other than to confront her, as that is more then unfair.
But congratulations on selling Ellie, I hope she'll be very happy!


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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that really is pants i would certainley confront your friend tell her how you feel and if she doesnt see why you feel that way and offer to put things right i would be looking for a new friends as friends like that you can do without good luck chin up


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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So these people have let you ride a horse for nothing and you expect them to give you some of the money when she is sold? They transport you places and you complain because they don't want to leave early just for you and because of this you feel you have BOUGHT (not BROUGHT) Senza, a horse I guess, for nothing? They have leant you stirrups as "you can't afford to buy your own" (but you can afford a horse, hmmm) and you are complaining that they have taken them back to give to the new owners. I have never heard such a load of ungrateful whinging, you should be ashamed of yourself!

[/ QUOTE ]

There are too many people doing this atm.... people thought I was moaning about Daddy not paying me through uni when in fact I was moaning that he'd said he would (promised, if I remember rightly) and then went back on his word.

Which is exactly what happened here as well..

However, some people were too busy nitpicking over spelling to actually read the content of the post, and then thought whilst they were at it they'd call the OP an ungrateful whiner...

1 - never nit pick spelling on a forum unless it's horrific or text speak - there are toooo many dyslexics and you WILL Offend someone.

2. learn2read

Kelly - anyone who goes back on their word (twice!) is no good friend to have around...