Active Member back home now and its all done...Yay! It was quite nerve wracking actually as the track is penned off on both sides going round a couple of fields. Past a very scary rubble heap..which I think I was more scared off than he was and through the farm houses back yard almost. He didn't move a muscle! Hes not a spooky horse im learning thankfully, although he does have a good look. It was nice having my instructor walking by the side, so I don't know if he was being good because she was there for his company too or if he would be like that again, completely on his own. I think I will still be terrified on my own but the good thing is its only about a 15 minute if that walk. This was the short version. She did try and explain a longer version but somehow my head was already not listening, ( or maybe I didn't want to know as I had no intention of doing it in the near future). Maybe with company. I do actually love hacking out and would like to go out with someone else but I don't really have weekends free as I have children to look after so I do everything I can in the week, and unfortunately there are not many people around. The good thing was after this, on my own, I rode in the outdoor school for a while to give him a bit of a run round as I have to ride him again tomorrow as he is not being turned out. My anxiety seems to be a lot more toned down today which is brilliant, and the horse is proving to be not so much of a nutter after all.. (so far ;-) ) I think im really feeling I want to keep him now. Now ive started to be able to ride him on my own, can anyone give me some advice on where to start with schooling him? I don't want him to get bored going round in circles aimlessly. Today when I was riding him, he was much more on the bit, although inconsistent. Hes not very responsive to get into canter, and canter is my worst pace as I need to relax more and get my bottom in the saddle. And he seems to go on the wrong leg a lot on the right rein. Help much appreciated, and im so glad for all the stories because they make me feel so much better, and that its not just me.xx