New Years Eve Weekend Plans :D


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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To differentiate from xmas eve weekend plans...

Anyone out and about this weekend?

Quiet one for us, Kira will be on hacking days and weather permitting I plan to get Salty out to the arena down the road again.. if that goes well we can expand our travel distance next time!

Out at a friend's for NYE, should be a good one... last time was great fun. Expect we'll go to the meet in town on New Years Day - it's my birthday so hopefully do some nice stuff afterwards too.

Lesson on Tuesday :)

Have fun all *continues the no-snow dance*


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27 January 2009
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It’s so boring when there are no competitions on! I’m having a dressage lesson on Indio on Saturday, and a jumping lesson on Pocholo on Sunday. We’ve not jumped for a few months so I expect he’ll be very cheerful!!

Will probably pop to the pub for a couple of early drinks on NYE but need to be home to keep an eye on my neurotic dog before fireworks start!


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23 August 2010
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Have a lesson tomorrow which I'm really looking forward to, then she'll have a quiet couple of days over the weekend.

Quiet one NYE few fiends round, some bubbles, domino's and raucous Monopoly! :D :D :D

Will pick Rubes up again Monday and put something in the diary! :D


9 July 2012
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Meh.....arena eventing has been cancelled due to stupid weather :( :( So a weekend of lessons & working on the yard for me - good for me I suppose :)


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26 April 2007
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Nothing for my horses as I am too ill and haven't ridden due to weather but going to watch how the people that ride do it. My friend has signed me up for a training session in Jan and kindly put me in the 1m10 section so I will just spend the weekend worrying about that and reading the confidence links people posted last time


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23 September 2012
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God help me, the yard is having an adults gymkhana on NYE. Ponies drawn out of a hat, points scored in each game - 7 races in all. I suspect it's going to be carnage. It's also YO's 70th, which he's planning to celebrate by joining in with one his old hunters and I suspect cheating will feature heavily as the day goes on.

I shall report back if I survive.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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To differentiate from xmas eve weekend plans...

Anyone out and about this weekend?

Quiet one for us, Kira will be on hacking days and weather permitting I plan to get Salty out to the arena down the road again.. if that goes well we can expand our travel distance next time!

Out at a friend's for NYE, should be a good one... last time was great fun. Expect we'll go to the meet in town on New Years Day - it's my birthday so hopefully do some nice stuff afterwards too.

Lesson on Tuesday :)

Have fun all *continues the no-snow dance*
Apart from doing yard chores - will most likely hack Saturday and Sunday. Very muddy in the woods so will take it easy, with weather the way it is.

New Years eve will finish the yard as per normal and re hay mine at 10pm then go to bed as early start again. Will say happy new Year to Family then go to bed at 10.30pm
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2 April 2007
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Working saturday, playing with the new boy saturday evening and sunday :) And maybe a hack or two. Ready for spring now thanks!


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3 July 2013
Highlands from Essex
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I am working all weekend. On new years eve evening I will be spring cleaning at home, then up early for a long new years day walk and then meeting my friends new baby in the afternoon.


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15 October 2007
Hopefully have a lesson Saturday on the stolen pony. Then on Tuesday it is hacking day! First walk hack on my girl since her ddft surgery, still on box rest though so wish me luck


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22 August 2016
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Might go out with the bloodhounds sunday, but am hosting a NYE party so depends how much cooking I get done on Saturday! Henry was feeling very well tonight after an unplanned week off after picking up a blackthorn out hunting on the 21st, decided to show off the new halt to canter trick we've been working on :D hopefully will jump him tomorrow or sat, depending on weather and how frozen the school is!


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18 March 2015
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Hoping to go jumping on Sunday weather permitting. Out NYE with work friends so probably a quiet hack Monday for the pair of them


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11 September 2007
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P has physio this evening, then I'm off to Liverpool International tomorrow night for the Puissance. Diva will be back out hacking in walk this weekend, she's had 5 weeks off and looked a bit lame the other day in trot in the field, but after seeing her this morning she's actually just stuffy and tight, as she often goes when she's out of action (muscle disorder) so she will do 2 weeks walking out and then I will review her after that. She was clipped last night and obviously feeling fresh as she bounced out this morning!
New Years Eve at my friends and then New Year's Day at the same friends for annual family meal.
I've been really unwell over Christmas. I got that awful cold a few weeks ago and couldn't shake it off and then it kick started a Lupus flare so I've barely eaten for 2 weeks. Dare I say that I feel ever so slightly more human today, so hopefully getting it under control.


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23 September 2009
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My plans this week have gone awry!

Tuesday was supposed to be a hack with beach yesterday and arena hire today but it's too icey to safely take the trailer any where.

It is due to clear up today / tomorrow so I'll do all that this weekend / next week instead


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25 October 2006
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Fairly quiet one for me.

Going to do some polework/ tiny jumps on Matti and in hand walking with Amber.

Working New Years Eve, probably get home at 3am then up early to do horses New Years day. Will be starting Amber's rehab so that is rather exciting.

Might also squeeze in a ride or two on potential new boy over next few days too.


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23 December 2005
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I wanted to go jumping today but torn a ligament in my ankle last night without even getting on the horse! Going to give it a few days rest and see how it's going. I've got a clinic booked again Somerford Park next weekend!!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2012
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Back from the gymkhana, cold, covered in school surface and haven't laughed so much in ages! Ended up with 9 riders sharing 7 school horses and gentle encouragement to switch over between races.

Managed a credible bending race time on a tiny welsh B, rode an absolute giant of a mare in walk, trot and canter - bless her, it was her first go at this sort of madness - and couldn't get a little cob going in the rescue relay so we trotted the length of the school and was still heading down while everyone else came back with their second riders. Nothing like having a 30 second sit on a horse you've never even handled before, before the race starts! And because it was constant change of horses, most of it was without stirrups.

There was also a hunter gelding who I've jumped a couple of times and I won the egg and spoon on him because he's incredibly smooth gaited and horribly nappy, with a tendency to grind to a half if he's in front. So we just walked and walked and let everyone else drop their eggs while he kept walking because there were still horses in front! Sadly he was rubbish in the standstill game because he kept sidling over to the others and got eliminated first time with me in one best and first time wih someone else in the second.

Outrageous cheating in the pairs relay, people clicking on other peoples horses and some very open interpretations of baton hand overs. By that time, everyone was laughing too hard to keep score or count anyway although I apparently came joint 4th on points.

Horses out, presents given to yard owner for his 70th birthday - he was planning to join in but had gone out for a beach hack this morning - and everyone got a little choclate horse head as well as a rosette. Can't imagine a sillier or more enjoyable way of spending a couple of hours! It was like beig a kid again!


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4 November 2010
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Early weekend plans with poloX training on Friday for the new mare, who was very green and babyish, but very good for pretty much an entire hour of torrential rain and polocrosse (she may slightly have crossed the boundary into knob-territory for one moment right at the end, but, assuming we can condemn that sort of nonsense to the abyss, she's still practically perfect in every way). Saturday off, then playing around trying to train turns on her today, which is very much the blind leading the blind :D Quiet one for the highlands - because god this weather is grim!


oh, just so we're clear, mine's the pretty one :p with the gormless expressioned rider!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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We had a good weekend in the end, fun night on Sunday with friends and then took Salty out for arena hire again. Just went to the same place so she was a bit less edgy when we arrived, but this time there were horses in the fields adjacent which went for zoomies from time to time so still plenty to look at :p

Anyway, she pulled her socks up and tried to stay focussed, kind of forgot how to get into canter but did remember what she's been learning about shoulder in so can't complain :) probably go somewhere else next time.


Kira had a lesson this morning. She managed to give herself a nasty gash on her jaw yesterday in the stable (stropping while Salty was away) it was looking better this morning but I couldn't put a cavesson noseband on... so we went in the snaffle bridle with a drop noseband. I was a bit unsure how much control I would have with the tempis and stuff she finds fun, but she was super, really shows how much she's come on since we put the double in 12 months ago, now she is nice in the contact and waiting, rather than just bogging off through the bridle.

Lots of fun working on the piri canter, 3s and 4s which are straight and now sensitive to a quiet aid (hurrah). Got told to dig out a copy of the PSG test so we can start putting bits together.. Eeep! :D


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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Snowfilly and JFTD - your weekends sound like a lot of fun! MP - good to hear your two are doing well, dare I ask if you have a target date for your PSG yet?!

We had a good weekend too, flat lesson on Indio on Saturday working on our half passes in preparation for a Medium this year (we've not done an Elementary yet but his lateral work is so solid that I plan to skip on quite quickly!). Then a couple of days of quiet hacks for him as he worked incredibly hard in the lesson, followed by a great dawn schooling session today. He feels straighter than ever, we worked on transitions on the inner track and centre line and I checked our trot / halt / trot, c/t/c and c/w/c (plus a couple of accidental canter-halts when I sat up a bit too straight on the downwards!). We had barely any hindquarter swing even on the centre line, he picked up the correct lead every time whether true or counter canter and generally felt really on it. He now has a few days off as he his physio this evening then the vet is coming to check him on Thursday - he's been back in work for 6.5 months and I want to see if it's worth re-injecting his fetlocks before the insurance claim period runs out.

Pocholo also had a fun weekend, particularly as we had a jumping lesson on Sunday. We've not jumped for a few months and he was VERY happy to see the poles come out. We did a grid then a double to curving line, mixed up with a few spooks, a couple of bucks, a brief moment of hoof-stamping and attempting to gallop into the fences. He does put a smile on my face! I can't believe that this time last year P had a massive confidence blip and I could barely get him over anything. We've entered the combined training at West Wilts in a couple of weeks, which no doubt he'll be very happy about. It may almost make up for the diet he's on..!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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MP - good to hear your two are doing well, dare I ask if you have a target date for your PSG yet?!

lol nope!

Want to get out and do A105 a few times first as that's the harder of the 3 advanced tests and would be a good indicator of when she's ready. I haven't claimed my PSG rider group thing yet, no rush ;) still a bit of work to do on the piris anyway.

Good move to skip on through elementary, if you've got a horse that likes their sideways then the medium tests are LOADS more fun :) I hate elementary and couldn't wait to stop riding them :p Got a date yet?? :wink3:


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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lol nope!

Want to get out and do A105 a few times first as that's the harder of the 3 advanced tests and would be a good indicator of when she's ready. I haven't claimed my PSG rider group thing yet, no rush ;) still a bit of work to do on the piris anyway.

Good move to skip on through elementary, if you've got a horse that likes their sideways then the medium tests are LOADS more fun :) I hate elementary and couldn't wait to stop riding them :p Got a date yet?? :wink3:

That sounds like a very sensible approach..!

We’ve only done three comps since he came back into work (the last was the GBPRE champs ar Novice in early Nov), had planned his first Ele before Christmas but it was iced off. Will probably go and do a tougher Novice and an Ele, then a couple of Eles to get back in the swing of things. Medium will be a whole new ball game for me although Indio seems to prefer half pass to leg yield! Physio today found he had much more muscle on his left shoulder than previously but it was rock hard, so I suspect the vet visit and re-injections will be timely.