No Weekend Thread Yet!?!

28 February 2011
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Hmm! You guys are a bit late getting the ball rolling!

I nipped down to the Highland Show this morning to watch an entirely predictable set of Shetland pony classes!

Tomorrow I hop on a train down to Aintree National Show! I am stewarding dowm there Saturday and Sunday amongst other things so if you are going give me a shout! I have no idea where or what I am stewarding yet except for the fact I will be in the Shetland pony ring (the winners enclosure in the paddock!!) On Sunday morning!

What are your plans?


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Had a busy day! Had a lesson earlier which was just brilliant, lots of things dropping into place now and Kira is feeling on top form. Ran through all the normal stuff and then started working towards the GP canter zigzag, not something I had ever thought we would be doing! Lots to coordinate but we got as far as 3 reps of 6 strides left-change-6 strides right-change without cocking up the timing so that's a good start. I think like many things there is going to be some muscle memory that needs to be trained into both of us, and then we will be able to work on the quality. Fun times :D

Show on Saturday. And then planning some more Inter1 tests, we've done plenty of PSGs now and realistically she ought to be capable of the same quality of work at I1 now... eek.

Obligatory happy hot cob pic

The Fuzzy Furry

🦄 🦄
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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Farm ride tomorrow with friend.
Mini pony scrubbing on Sat at some point and hack B Fuzzy.
Very local show on Sunday and to support am taking tiniest fuzzy - A Fuzzy for a couple of in hand classes :) Edited to add, she's a bugger to stand on the lorry, but is a saint in any queue for ice creams or burgers 😜😂

Good luck to those competing, have a good weekend all whatever you are doing :)
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15 April 2013
South Worcestershire
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I am doing a couple of novice tests on Saturday so will run through them tomorrow, they should suit Rose and I have a friend coming along to read for me and generally "jolly" me along so hopefully I won't be too whimpy! I have my daughter and grand daughter staying on saturday night so have borrowed a pony for GD to ride on Sunday. Hopefully the weather will be kind over the weekend and we can all enjoy our outings without getting soaked. Good luck to everyone out competing!

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Had a dressage lesson today. Amber was fab - really pleased with how she felt. Had some video from the lesson and was looking forward to seeing it but although she looks ok, I am fairly horrified by my position! I just want to be better than I am. I am so much better than I used to be but I just want it all now! Might brave some HHO critique if I am feeling brave....


Well-Known Member
26 August 2008
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I'm taking Tamba to an endurance ride in Cornwall. Is a ludicrously long way to do 32k but is supposed to be a fab ride so will hopefully be worth the trip. OH can't come with me so that is going to feel a bit weird. Maisy is looking much sounder again which is frustrating as we have no idea what is going on and X rays were inconclusive! Currently researching putting her in foal but probably by embryo transfer as don't want to risk her carrying one to term at her age.


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14 August 2011
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Similar to chippers am contemplating solo sj course hire. Rarely do it but it feels like time and I figured I have to ride rounds on my own if I compete. Working hunter course which makes a nice change and might be a good mix between xc and sj as I like sj the least!

Had an up and down week. Had a confidence wobble last weekend with jumping. Went a bit bigger and my nerves kicked in which bothered us both. So I was feeling quite down. But then had an awesome flatwork session yesterday. We can struggle without an instructor but yesterday he did some lovely work. He’s back on oats and has more oomph again.


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11 September 2017
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Going to a wedding at the yard Saturday night so assuming most of the weekend will be a write off as there is a free bar and all the liveries are invited.... might do some long-reining over raised poles in the morning so he's done something at least! Next week the work for our first prelim test begins (nothing like leaving it to the last minute it's only in two weeks 🙈)

Chippers good for you, fingers crossed you have an amazing time <3

As always good luck and have fun to all and sundry out doing exciting or not exciting things!


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27 January 2009
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The vet is coming back for another look at Indio later. Plan is to nerve block his fetlock to check that it is the arthritis causing issues and not something else. Indio still feels happy out hacking but definitely not happy on the lunge on the right rein, or schooling (uneven when changing from left to right rein and on smaller circles to the right, then if I let him walk on a long rein he bananas left, feels like he's releasing pressure on that left fore). To be clear I've not been schooling him, just popped in there for 5 minutes to see how he felt after a 40 minute walk hack.

So the rest of the weekend will all depend on that. Although regardless I'll get my 2yo in for some more leading / tying up / grooming training!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Similar to chippers am contemplating solo sj course hire. Rarely do it but it feels like time and I figured I have to ride rounds on my own if I compete. Working hunter course which makes a nice change and might be a good mix between xc and sj as I like sj the least!

Had an up and down week. Had a confidence wobble last weekend with jumping. Went a bit bigger and my nerves kicked in which bothered us both. So I was feeling quite down. But then had an awesome flatwork session yesterday. We can struggle without an instructor but yesterday he did some lovely work. He’s back on oats and has more oomph again.

I know how this feels, going up a height always spooks me but turns out to be good fun in the end.


Well-Known Member
22 February 2016
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My sister had a test riding rally on Harry last night, ready for PC areas next weekend. I'm working all weekend but managed to organise a couple of rides on Saturday. Need to run through my test for areas on super cob ( Having a crack at the intermediate:oops:) and will ride friends youngster while I'm at the yard too. We're running at handy pony afternoon for the kids at work on sunday so that will be fun!!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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Had a dressage lesson today. Amber was fab - really pleased with how she felt. Had some video from the lesson and was looking forward to seeing it but although she looks ok, I am fairly horrified by my position! I just want to be better than I am. I am so much better than I used to be but I just want it all now! Might brave some HHO critique if I am feeling brave....

Is your instructor helping you with your position? Not all do I find so it is useful to work with a biomechanics / seat type trainer along with other lessons. Both horse and rider should addressed by any regular instructor but I find not all instructors are great at rider position


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2 February 2018
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Sounds like a busy weekend for everyone!!
@Chippers1 you go girl, you will feel so much better for it, Buzz will put a smile on your face I'm sure :)

Had a lovely ride on Rocky before work today.. @rosiesowner I downloaded the 'clicknow' app as it's crazy hard to get his ears forward.. I stood for ages playing all the different sounds wondering why he wasn't even acknowledging them in the slightest!!!
Then i realised he had his acoustic ears on... duuhh, can you tell Ive had a long old week :D:D
Took them off and got some lovely photos of him thanks to the treat box shaking noise!

Quiet weekend for me, pole work, poo picking and doing odd jobs that I have been putting off



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14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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Some lovely plans for this weekend :) :)

Good luck everyone....

Go for it chippers, you'll have a fab time once you're there x x

Royal Highland plus Aintree sounds fabulous EKW :)

I had a fab polework lesson last night, though the 15min torrential rain just before it meant that the arena was VERY sloppy...... Fionn had to have a second bath when we got home lol...

Tomorrow is our local airshow, so planning to ride in the morning, before going to spectate (maybe - 7yo wants to go)..

On Sunday he is doing his first XC competition :0

Its only 60cm, but I'm very nervous about it, as though Daisy has done quite a bit of XC schooling, she has never done a competition on her own since we had her, and hacking in front can be a bit hit or miss at home...

Son swears that he just wants to do it, doesn't care if she refuses or he falls off, and has refused any alternative suggestions such as SJ, XC lesson or XC schooling, so all we can do is go and see what happens.

I've bought him a new patterned baselayer to go with his hat silk so they will look mega cute anyway lol...



Well-Known Member
11 September 2017
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Son swears that he just wants to do it, doesn't care if she refuses or he falls off, and has refused any alternative suggestions such as SJ, XC lesson or XC schooling, so all we can do is go and see what happens.

I've bought him a new patterned baselayer to go with his hat silk so they will look mega cute anyway lol...


Best of luck to them both! Pictures required after they've flown round :D


Well-Known Member
14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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Best of luck to them both! Pictures required after they've flown round :D

Ohh thank you....If everyone could cross their fingers and/or say a wee prayer about 3pm on Sunday afternoon it would be much appreciated...

If he got round with a couple of single refusals that would exceed my expectations :)
