Not the day I planned… but I got an ambulance ride!


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28 March 2011
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Just back in GS world after a trip dealing with the in-laws stuff so glad to hear it’s done.
Every hour now is an hour nearer to being back to normal life .


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I’m a bit of a rubber ball and have a tendency to bounce back from things fast, always have done.
Slightly pathetic look this morning that I sent to my mum to show her I was alive

I got moved to a side room on a ward mid-morning and the physios have been and tested me out going up and down stairs and have said I’m good to go from their perspective.
So I’m just waiting to be discharged, get meds etc. I haven’t had any pain relief since 6.30am (seem to have been forgotten) but I’m ok to be honest. No major pain at the moment. Apart from this bloomin headache is back!
Had some soup and bread for lunch.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I’d read a lot on a FB group for broken ankles about horror stories of post surgery pain, just to be fully prepared really. Apart from in recovery, when the severe pain in my leg turned out to be from a tourniquet on my upper leg, I’m managing it on paracetamol.
Everything in my leg feels ‘normal’ again. I’m aware everything is back where it belongs and can’t move and that’s such a nice feeling!

Enjoy your legs fellow forumers, they are quite important!


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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That all sounds good but do pursue the pain relief. Can you take ibuprofen or Naproxen, for example? Friend who can't take codeine was prescribed both those (not together) after hip replacement.

I can take lower dose codeine. Just waiting for them to come round with my meds to take home, but think codeine, paracetamol and ibuprofen have all been mentioned. Naproxen and me don’t get on unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
Did you hit your head when you fell? My own only serious riding injury was to my head and the pain was delayed. Can you have them take a look in case? They may start by looking into your eyes with a light.


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20 February 2016
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Really pleased to hear that you are on the journey to being mended. Fantastic news. Take your time and relax a bit. Your body has been through something of an ordeal. Let yourself have a rest before getting stuck in again.


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11 May 2015
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Scats - have you been drinking enough? (Water I mean!!). When you are incapacitated and trips to the loo are a trial it is easy not to get enough fluid on board. Now you are more comfortably mobile it might be an idea to really up the fluids - help to flush the drugs out too. However, if the head pain persists please get a conversation with your GP going.

Gosh you are hardcore Scats. When I was in the nurse said they could always tell a horsey person because we aren’t normal about pain.
Not sure we are especially immune to the pain itself but there are always horses to care for so we learn early on to just push on through it!!


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Scats - have you been drinking enough? (Water I mean!!). When you are incapacitated and trips to the loo are a trial it is easy not to get enough fluid on board. Now you are more comfortably mobile it might be an idea to really up the fluids - help to flush the drugs out too. However, if the head pain persists please get a conversation with your GP going.

Not sure we are especially immune to the pain itself but there are always horses to care for so we learn early on to just push on through it!!

I was definitely guilty of not wanting to drink last night coz of the bed pan saga but now I’ve got my own toilet I’ve been drinking more today.
Still here. Feel like I’ve been abandoned in my side room. Have had a little nap though coz I got really chilly and sleepy. Struggling to get warm. It’s visiting now so mum and dad are coming up (can have 2 visitors) and hoping this might chivvy the nurses along to letting me go home with them.
Luckily I ordered me evening meal coz I think I’ll still be here til later this evening!


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Gosh you are hardcore Scats. When I was in the nurse said they could always tell a horsey person because we aren’t normal about pain.

I definitely don’t feel pain like a normal person, whatever one of those is. I register it but I can detach myself from it.
The ambulance man last week was telling me I was seriously hardcore joking away with my Dad while I was lying on the ground with my foot facing east, having not had a jot of pain relief ?
On the way into hospital he said he’s learnt to treat all equestrian injuries as very serious because if you listen to the patient, they’ll completely convince you they are fine. He said he saw a lady who had come off over a jump and the pole had crushed her rib cage into her lung and collapsed it. When he asked her how she felt she just said “yeh to be honest I think I’m fine to get back on” ?


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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I’m a bit of a rubber ball and have a tendency to bounce back from things fast, always have done.
Slightly pathetic look this morning that I sent to my mum to show her I was alive
View attachment 102837

I got moved to a side room on a ward mid-morning and the physios have been and tested me out going up and down stairs and have said I’m good to go from their perspective.
So I’m just waiting to be discharged, get meds etc. I haven’t had any pain relief since 6.30am (seem to have been forgotten) but I’m ok to be honest. No major pain at the moment. Apart from this bloomin headache is back!
Had some soup and bread for lunch.

Glad to see that you're on the mend. :)


Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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Lovely update scats though a bit worrying if they left a tourniquet on!!!
Horsie people are extremely hard core. When I worked in AE I saw a lady with an unstable tib/fib fracture who came in because it was "jolly difficult" turning 2 horses out over frozen rutted ground unless she wore her leather long boots which were painful to put on and pull off! I could not believe she had walked around for 3 days on an unstable fracture. The xray was horrendous. A year after that she was bucked off in the school by a youngster and landed on her back. She got back on but had trouble getting off. She shuffled in very oddly the next day with a badly fractured pelvis! God knows how she rode with that it should have been agony and she was lucky she didn't have massive internal bleeding. She had taken "lots" of paracetamol and a bottle of wine for pain relief overnight. She was amazing like you :).


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I’m home! Mum and Dad said they’d head up for visiting hours, and then mum went up to the nurses desk and said she’d come to collect me. Still took over an hour to get out! Eventually handed a huge bag of meds and we were on our way. Foot has swollen a bit in the car but it’s up high now. Reunited with my dogs and cats. The dogs acted like I’d been gone for three years ??

Had a lovely hot chocolate made by my Dad and being treated to a take away for tea. Then going to have a shower, wash my hair and have an early night.

I can’t thank you all enough for your support over the last week. It’s the most horribly lonely time breaking a bone, even when your surrounded by people, so to have an escape I can come to here with people who understand the enormity of an injury like this for a rider and horse owner is just overwhelming really.
Love to you all, I genuinely mean that xx


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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I definitely don’t feel pain like a normal person, whatever one of those is. I register it but I can detach myself from it.
The ambulance man last week was telling me I was seriously hardcore joking away with my Dad while I was lying on the ground with my foot facing east, having not had a jot of pain relief ?
On the way into hospital he said he’s learnt to treat all equestrian injuries as very serious because if you listen to the patient, they’ll completely convince you they are fine. He said he saw a lady who had come off over a jump and the pole had crushed her rib cage into her lung and collapsed it. When he asked her how she felt she just said “yeh to be honest I think I’m fine to get back on” ?

I'm the same as you Scats, they've got my records marked at the local hospital. Do you mind if I start a new thread about horse people and pain using this post? I know it's been done before but it would be fun to have a new one, I think?

Sleep well tonight.