Not the day I planned… but I got an ambulance ride!


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2 May 2011
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Oh Scats that all sounds so familiar. The relief of the cast being removed but the manky foot was pretty grim. Your scars look like they have healed well which is always a relief. Not heard of that type of boot. I was told to just walk once my cast came off which as you will know is bl**dy impossible due to swelling. Sorry to say that I'm still limping 6 months later despite doing the exercises but it is getting better. Meanwhile 3 weeks ago the OH broke his ankle and is now in a boot. Luckily he didn't need surgery but cant believe it!!!!


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Will your docs or the hospital provide physio or chiro to help with your back hip shoulder alignment once you're waking again? Bet you can't wait, great update

I start physio on the 6th Jan, but I did see a physio at clinic yesterday who gave me some exercises to do this week. I imagine they’ll only be interested in the ankle though, but I might ask if they can recommend ways to keep everything else in check.


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8 August 2012
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I start physio on the 6th Jan, but I did see a physio at clinic yesterday who gave me some exercises to do this week. I imagine they’ll only be interested in the ankle though, but I might ask if they can recommend ways to keep everything else in check.
Oh that's better than nothing, after I had crutches admittedly only for 2 weeks my back and shoulders were all over the place so might be worth getting a full work over if you can


Well-Known Member
11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Oh Scats that all sounds so familiar. The relief of the cast being removed but the manky foot was pretty grim. Your scars look like they have healed well which is always a relief. Not heard of that type of boot. I was told to just walk once my cast came off which as you will know is bl**dy impossible due to swelling. Sorry to say that I'm still limping 6 months later despite doing the exercises but it is getting better. Meanwhile 3 weeks ago the OH broke his ankle and is now in a boot. Luckily he didn't need surgery but cant believe it!!!!

Did you not get a boot at all?? Gosh, that must have been horrid going from a cast to nothing.
My boot is weird. You have a little pump that sucks the air out of the ‘wrap’ that goes on before the boot and it closes against your leg and holds it.
The inside of my ankle is particularly swollen and it gets quite angry when I first weight bear, but the pain does ease off the more I do. The difference in it tonight in bed compared to last night though! Last night it felt so vulnerable and could hardly move but tonight I’m flexing it up and down really well. I had a proper soak in a hot bath this evening ?
Wishing your OH a speedy recovery.


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2 May 2011
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Not only was I not given a boot but the useless consultant said I wouldn't need physio. Thankfully you can self refer and when I got to see the physio she was furious that he'd been so dismissive and refused physio as the sooner I'd have got it the better. It was about 3 weeks before my first session. I'm at that slow point now where the progress doesn't seem to be going anywhere until you think back a couple of weeks and realise I can go downstairs easier by the end of the day! Happy New Year :)


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Attempted a dog walk this morning. Made it round the short block (dogs went on with the parents) but finding things pretty sore today. It’s like walking on a badly sprained ankle, which I suppose it is, given that I ruptured pretty much every ligament in there.
Came home and did some 1 crutch walk just across the kitchen and now I’m sat with it elevated. Probably need to slow down a bit!


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Back to bore you all, but I might as well document the journey.
Had a bad day yesterday. I think the realisation of just how far away I am from normal life hit because my ankle and foot were not cooperative at all and I felt like I’d gone five steps backwards.
I haven’t had an income now since the beginning of November and I’ve put pressure on myself because I need to get working again asap. Unfortunately, I need to be able to walk unaided to be able to carry and lift dogs and be able to stand on my foot for up to 2-3 hours.
But then I managed to crutch around a garden centre in the afternoon, so I gave myself a bit of a talking to about my mindset!
Last night I decided to learn what I can about massage. I found a YouTube video from a physio who was doing an ankle and foot massage on a lady after ORIF ankle surgery and I followed what I could. I spent a hour massaging it and it felt amazing afterwards. So I’m going to fit that into my daily schedule.
This morning I did some more massage and have been able to use 1 crutch to carry my coffee through from the kitchen. I’m going to potter around the supermarket later (it’s sad that I now consider that a day out ?).
I do have some walking video, trying to work out how to get it onto here.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Back to bore you all, but I might as well document the journey.
Had a bad day yesterday. I think the realisation of just how far away I am from normal life hit because my ankle and foot were not cooperative at all and I felt like I’d gone five steps backwards.
I haven’t had an income now since the beginning of November and I’ve put pressure on myself because I need to get working again asap. Unfortunately, I need to be able to walk unaided to be able to carry and lift dogs and be able to stand on my foot for up to 2-3 hours.
But then I managed to crutch around a garden centre in the afternoon, so I gave myself a bit of a talking to about my mindset!
Last night I decided to learn what I can about massage. I found a YouTube video from a physio who was doing an ankle and foot massage on a lady after ORIF ankle surgery and I followed what I could. I spent a hour massaging it and it felt amazing afterwards. So I’m going to fit that into my daily schedule.
This morning I did some more massage and have been able to use 1 crutch to carry my coffee through from the kitchen. I’m going to potter around the supermarket later (it’s sad that I now consider that a day out ?).
I do have some walking video, trying to work out how to get it onto here.

I broke both bones in my left wrist and it was hanging off the end of my arm very like your foot off your leg (a lot less disabling, obviously). I removed the cast early - 3 weeks - because I thought my hand was getting stuck in one position, and bought an air cast - this has since become mainstream practice. I ended up with a range of movement which had the orthopaedic surgeons falling off their chairs in amazement, and I attribute that entirely to the fact that once the fixed cast was gone I would massage it any time I was sitting still. In the car, watching telly, it drove my OH mad!

You're doing exactly the right thing, I think.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I tried on some sketchers when out the other day and they are much higher than my normal trainers. Couldn’t buy them at the time (till internet went down and didn’t want to wait ages) but I’ve ordered some online and they should be here next week. Hoping that will help even me up a bit.

The worst pain when weight bearing is in my heel. I can’t even describe it, but it’s like a pain that makes your whole leg want to crumple into a heap. I suppose it feels a bit like the pain you get with plantar fasciitis, but even more severe and right on the sole of your heel. Not fun! Checked on a few of the FB groups and this pain is very common and apparently something to do with some soft tissue that shortens when your foot isn’t used. Good thing is it should pass in time, but I’m just going to have to put up with it until then.
Didn’t have to prop the ankle on a pillow last night, it now just joins the good leg in whatever position I go in. I am aware not to move it too quickly but I don’t feel I have to be too precious with it now.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Physio tomorrow!
This week has been quite tough. I’ve definitely pushed it perhaps more than I should, but at the same time, I feel it needs it. It’s still bad in the morning but it does ease up the more I do. This is what I’m getting most evenings, but it’s not actually quite as painful as it might look on this picture.

I’ve ditched one crutch in the house, though I use 2 for the first half an hour after I get up, because it’s pretty painful at first.
I went into the college today (I have shares in a college that delivers dog grooming apprenticeships) to see how things are going, and I stayed all day. Managed to potter out to Tesco for some lunch. Need to sort some things out so back in there after physio tomorrow.

Hoping physio can put me on the right track as I’m not even sure if I’m walking correctly ?

Next fracture clinic appointment through is 10th Feb! Time is flying by!


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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I am astounded at the size of that!

I'm so impressed with how you are dealing with this.

Theres a bit of me worried that I’ll be told this isn’t normal swelling for this stage and that I need more treatment/surgery, but I’m just keeping everything crossed at the moment.


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26 May 2009
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Theres a bit of me worried that I’ll be told this isn’t normal swelling for this stage and that I need more treatment/surgery, but I’m just keeping everything crossed at the moment.

I'm really sorry to say this, but if it is getting that swollen, then you definitely are doing too much....there is still a massive amount of healing and reorganising for all the tissues to do over several months.....that much swelling will just delay normalising things.

Yes, you need to push a little, but ONLY a little, with plenty of leg raised time, with ice +/- massage as required.


Well-Known Member
19 July 2009
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Take it slowly Scats, you did a major number on your ankle, it's going to take time to heal. It's so frustrating but it's necessary. Hope your physio goes well tomorro


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7 October 2010
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Love it!
I was thinking of getting like a big leg bone tattooed over the scar, with a snap in it ?
Its really cool isn't it!
When I was younger I got a cannabis leaf tatoo in the small of my back, now that I'm older and fatter it looks more like a tree. If I got that fish on my scar they would get a right laugh in the morgue!


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1 June 2021
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Are you still icing it for the swelling? There’s a way to tape knees to help with swelling so might be worth asking the physio if there’s taping you can do for your ankle.

that tattoos are so cool!


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11 September 2007
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How did you get on, Scats? Hope all is well! ?

What a waste of time that was!
Arrived for my 10.30am appointment with a young physio. No notes had been sent over so she had no idea what I’d done, what metal work was in.

She tested my ROM and said all was pretty good. My dorsiflexion was very good considering, but plantarflexion less so. She said that probably won’t come back because I’ve got a syno screw in, but that I’m not a ballet dancer so it doesn’t matter ?
She gave foot a little pull in 4 directions. Then made me do heel to tip toe exercise while sat. Then back in the boot and walked with my crutches a few steps, before saying “ok, I’ll see you in 2 weeks”. I was out by 10.50am ???

I’ve been doing far more physio on my own for the last week. Honestly, I came out laughing it was so comically bad.
So I don’t hold out any hope for help with this!


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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Oh no. A sadly too common scenario in an NHS which is on its knees. The physio should, of course, have had access to your notes.

An experienced private ACPAT physio told me recently that NHS physios are getting de skilled as they do so little hands on assessment/treatment these days

Please, please go private.


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11 September 2007
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Unfortunately I can’t afford to go private. I’m not earning at the moment because of this and have already gone through my house deposit fund and my minimal savings. I’m not even sure where this months bill money is coming from.