Olympia Kur Thread


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14 March 2010
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Only 76% for the last? Who stole the jugdes' glasses for the last handful?

I know I'm not a judge, but as a spectator I'm disappointed in the scoring. Though I'm glad I got to see some fab dressage tonight :)


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18 December 2008
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I enjoyed the dressage but agree the judging was hit and miss.

Charlottes test was good but there were mistakes when tension crept in...


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17 May 2012
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I feel Carl's test deserved more than he got, he looked so much better than his Olympic test. Charlotte's test did have quite a few mistakes in it, she knew that. You could tell by the look on her face at the end, a slightly wry smile...That's dressage for you!


Well-Known Member
31 March 2008
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i think it should have been a win for Carl and Uti, and the last horse (denmark) should have been 2nd and Charlotte 3rd.

Carls test was breathtaking and so cool and calm. The last lady was brilliant, loved her music! Charlotte and Valegro were still fantastic but not a patch on their Olympic Kur and Valegro was very tense at the beginning too


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31 March 2009
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We sat and watched nothing during the interval no crowd shots or the warm up and what happened to the prize giving. Commentators seemed to know nothing about the horses a few comments like Dimaggio is Delphi's sire and the sire of Farouche's dam when I saw Sandra is it a Sandro hit?. Weltzin is a Hanoverian stallion. Dimaggio was first licensed by the British Hanoverian Society When are they going to wake up you always hear the breeding details at continental shows.


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9 November 2005
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I watched this with my non horsey OH last night - he had it on the TV for me when I got in! <3 Love him!

- Carl's test was beautiful; so calm and elegant, and a delight to watch - I would have thought a higher mark for him
- Not good with the names but the woman who followed him on the bay, I can't tell why she got a higher mark? Sure it was a good test but it wasn't as settled and calm at Uti
- As much as I love Charlotte and Valegro, I thought 89% was quite high? I thought more like 82% (but then what do I know, I'm not a judge! Although learning more since the Olympics! :D )
- I loved the big gangly grey (Michael Eilberg?) and the horse Edward Gal was riding (said I was crap with names, don't shoot me!) I thought his horse will be a star when he's matured a bit and he was so sympathetically ridden!

I also cannot believe that my OH watched it with me and *enjoyed* it! He even commented on a few moves which the commentary agreed with, he was so proud of himself :D :)


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26 April 2007
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Carl's test gives me goosebumps, he is the consummate professional and a joy to watch. I always feel the horse is is safe hands with Carl no matter what happens.

Last test was fabulous entertainment for a non dressage fan not interested in the minutiae of tchnical detail.

Charlotte is fabulous and although she won I'm not sure she deserved too given the mistakes and tension.

The horse of the future for me was Edward Gal. When that come good I doubt it will be beatable, displayed flashes of brilliance.

The :eek: moment for me was when MT sounded like he said ' the late' Anky Van Grunsven.............

Another who would have loved to have seen the prize giving.

Did anyone else notice Charlotte got a mention on the BBC sports section today. Can't ever remember dressage being talked of before prime time. The tide is turning.


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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Another one who thought Carl was robbed! Breathtaking riding with such fluidity and harmony between horse & rider - what did the judges see that I didn't? I do love Charlotte and Blueberry but have seen them go better than they did last night - but full marks for even turning up as she had bronchitis!! I agree about Edward Gal and Glock whatever his name is! That horse looked so hot! EG was so quiet with him - most riders would have been bolted with out of the arena I suspect!


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2 May 2009
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I was flying back from Greece last night so missed the whole lot :( Does anyone know if I can watch it online somewhere?

Thank you

I was on the ferry back from France with work!

PLEASE does anyone know if we can watch it online, I checked the BBC red button but it says the live feed has ended :0(


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5 May 2011
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I was on the ferry back from France with work!

PLEASE does anyone know if we can watch it online, I checked the BBC red button but it says the live feed has ended :0(

Bloody work! such an inconvenience hey!

All I have been able to find so far has been part of Charlotte's test here:


Fingers crossed Horse and Country TV show coverage in a couple of weeks!

Let me know if you find anything in the meantime though :)


Well-Known Member
2 May 2009
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Bloody work! such an inconvenience hey!

All I have been able to find so far has been part of Charlotte's test here:


Fingers crossed Horse and Country TV show coverage in a couple of weeks!

Let me know if you find anything in the meantime though :)

I know, why do we do it? Oh yeah, cos it pays for the horses, dammit!

Yes all I could find was Charlottes :0(

Off to look for Carls on YouTube....


Well-Known Member
22 March 2006
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Well enjoyed watching it last night - makes a change to have dressage to watch in an evening!
My thoughts were:
Loved the star wars music one of the earlier horses had
It was lovely to see Nikki Crisp on tv after growing up with her in the same pony club & village - amazing horse
All the dutch horses seemed to have the tight neck/rigid head carriage - what a surprise! Loved how the commentators were trying to discuss it without mentioned rollkur
I wished the lady on the horse with 1 eye would just breath & slow down a bit, her test looked so hurrid
Carls test was lovely despite an odd glitch - he sits so lovely - what a rider
Isobells test rather bored me - didnt seem very flowing, everyone elses i was gripped into watching whereas hers i was half watching in a daze! Didnt like the leg action either, far to jerky & irregular, extended trot was all front & no rear too - shouldnt have beaten Carl.
Michael Eilberg did really well, such a lovely mare & great for the future
Edward Gal - I find it hard to feel for him when his horse nearly explodes when you think its the rollkur thats probably made him like it in the 1st place
Charlotte - so nice to see a relaxed rider & happy relaxed horse - yes ok he was a bit tense to start with but even so - just shows the difference between him & the dutch

roll on the rest of the week - have warned other half about the coverage of all the afternoon action on sunday i believe - cannot wait
& it all means its CHRISTMAS soon - Olympia is so magical


Well-Known Member
1 May 2007
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Did anyone else notice Charlotte got a mention on the BBC sports section today. Can't ever remember dressage being talked of before prime time. The tide is turning.

Not just a mention it was lead item on the early bulletins on 5 live!

Re Carl - if you looked at the breakdown of marks Steven Clarke was quite harsh on him (76 % iirc) whereas the German judge was VERY generous to Isabell and I think that's what swung it as the final mark was quite close I think. I do agree that Isabell's test didn't appear to have anywhere near the harmony and fluency of uthopia's test which despite a couple of minor errors was a joy to watch.

Charlotte did a fabulous job getting Valegro settled - he was clearly very tense at the start hence a couple of errors but the quality of the good work looked so high they deserved to win (not surprising he was tense given he's not been out competing since the Olympics and then to go into the pressure cooker that is the Olympia arena with the crowd in touching distance)

My favourite Tuckerism last night was re Valegro being up for sale - along the lines of "So if anyone out there wants to buy him or if you know anyone who does please get in touch with British Dressage..."!
Oh yes I know of lots of people with the odd six million quid lying around the house who might want to buy the purty dancing pony!


Well-Known Member
25 October 2006
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Did anyone else notice Charlotte got a mention on the BBC sports section today. Can't ever remember dressage being talked of before prime time. The tide is turning.

Yesterday morning I had quite a shock when Charlotte was mentioned breaking the world record for the GP on BBC Radio Surrey's news.

I have to admit I thought Carl's test was better than Charlotte's as Valegro was quite tense to start, also loved Pesoa and Half Moon Delphi.