Well-Known Member
On Australia (look where I live!)
Foxes were introduced to control rabbits (introduced cortesy of Thomas Austin 1859) which were allready in plauge proportions by the 1880's.
But I don't think you can use Australia in any argument as its history reads like a "Comedy of Errors":
- Rabbits (early 1800s)
- Foxes (late 1800's)
- Buffalo (early 1900's) God knows what inspired that one...
- Cane toads (mid 1900s)
- any domestic animal that has escaped... since 1780, feral
pigs being are a major problem in the north.
At the moment on the edges of Sydney Bandicoot numbers are in decline as they are pushed out by rabbits. Rabbits are reaching plauge levels due to the large food source and the 'aren't they cute, don't hurt them' philosophy which makes it impossible to shoot them (spectacular oppostion and complaits to council at the suggestion and very few were on OH&S grounds). You can't poision because Bandicoots and Possums eat the same stuff. It is really fustrating when you can see native animal numbers declining but a few welfare groups oppose to the most humane form of rabbit control. But this is a major ongoing argument in Aus...
Apart from that, thanks for your replies it has been very interesting!
Foxes were introduced to control rabbits (introduced cortesy of Thomas Austin 1859) which were allready in plauge proportions by the 1880's.
But I don't think you can use Australia in any argument as its history reads like a "Comedy of Errors":
- Rabbits (early 1800s)
- Foxes (late 1800's)
- Buffalo (early 1900's) God knows what inspired that one...
- Cane toads (mid 1900s)
- any domestic animal that has escaped... since 1780, feral
pigs being are a major problem in the north.
At the moment on the edges of Sydney Bandicoot numbers are in decline as they are pushed out by rabbits. Rabbits are reaching plauge levels due to the large food source and the 'aren't they cute, don't hurt them' philosophy which makes it impossible to shoot them (spectacular oppostion and complaits to council at the suggestion and very few were on OH&S grounds). You can't poision because Bandicoots and Possums eat the same stuff. It is really fustrating when you can see native animal numbers declining but a few welfare groups oppose to the most humane form of rabbit control. But this is a major ongoing argument in Aus...
Apart from that, thanks for your replies it has been very interesting!