Other people riding your horse?


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29 August 2009
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Do you encourage it, or is your horse for you and you only?

I love letting people (that I trust can ride!!!) on Ned, I like to see how he reacts and what they think to him. Most people laugh and think he's a funny chap and nearly always say "Well, I don't dislike him...he's just so odd!"
A girl from work rode him yesterday and jumped him really nicely :)
I find it also helps me to see what he's actually doing, as it can be very tricky with him to feel how he's moving when I'm on-board.

And finally, here's a picture of me jumping him yesterday :)


chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
No I don't encourage it. My YO schools him once or twice a week for me, depending on my other commitments but that's it. She used to have a really great groom working for her who would ride/ hack him out sometimes for me, and while I was on holiday. Have let another livery hack him out a couple of times as he's good to hack and her horse was out of action. Otherwise I don't generally let other people ride him. I don't see any need for others besides my YO and the occasional friend to sit on him. YO teaches me as well so she sometimes gets on board during a lesson to show me something, or if I'm having particular trouble with an exercise. That helps as I can see what is happening. I'd be happy for friends who are more experienced than me to get on, people I know are sympathetic riders. If I was back on a big yard (am on a small private one now) then I wouldn't be letting anyone get on him.


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7 September 2008
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I don't mind people riding my horses, I think it's good to see them being worked by someone else and better for them to be able to cope with other riders.

Saying that, only Charlie has been ridden by other people (and not regularly at that). As of yet no one else has ridden Missi, she was quite difficult when she arrived and although there were better riders available to ride her, I wasn't prepared to risk someone else getting injured by letting them get on her (had I sent her away/paid someone to come to me that would have been different). She is now much better to ride so I probably would let others ride her but it would have to be someone that I knew could ride and would manage any silliness she threw at them. I honestly don't know how she'd react but I know I will be worried first time round!

Spring Feather

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30 December 2010
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Nobody will ride my main riding horse. All of my other horses they will ride though. I'm more than happy to have people ride any of my horses providing they are decent enough riders.


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4 February 2011
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My yard owners both ride my horse (hus & wife team) when I am not able or need help with something. They have a couple of staff who are allowed to ride him temporarily (i.e holiday cover). As we compete at dressage I don't think it particularly benefits us to have too many people riding him as our aids are inevitably different and timing different. The main benfit I get from my YOs riding him is actually seeing his movement and behaviours from the ground which is a huge help when dealing with them from on top as I can visualise it better.

I won't let novices ride him off the lead rein as he is 17hh and has a mind of his own (he is impeccable when bein lead with a novice on top).


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26 July 2013
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Mine is only a youngster. My friend has walked her off for me, and my instructor has ridden her once. I wouldn't like anyone (except trainer) schooling her, would be happy for someone to hack her out.


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7 September 2004
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In general I think it is good for horses to accept other riders and not become completely reliant on their 'owner'.
That said, I don't encourage all and sundry to hop on!!

I currently have 1 person help to school my competition horse, she is a far better rider than me and we train with the same people - I pay her to advance my horses schooling.

I have one or 2 people who are capable, balanced, confident riders who I will allow to hack exercise if I'm unable to.

If they are not training/competing then I'm less particular and am happy for anyone capable to ride.

I would proactively get trusted/experienced couple of jockeys to get on 4 yo's after they are over the initial wobbly stage.


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29 October 2008
West Mids
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Don't activively encourage it, but then wouldn't say no if someone asked to ride my horse.

I think this is how you get experience by riding a variety of horses. As long as I am there to supervise for the first five minutes and they are capable riders I really don't mind who rides my horse so long as they don't mistreat it. You can't ruin a horse in fifteen minutes I don't care what people say. A horse is developed and attuned to its rider over a long period of time. It would take a long period of time to undo this work.

I think every yard should participate in a 'swap day' and everyone swap and sit on another horse for fifteen minutes. In fact if I were a yard manager I would actively encourage it.

I think these professional riders are only good because they ride a variety of horses and have to always be on the ball, thinking and anticipating and one step ahead.

How much more experienced would the average livery be and how much better would we all ride if this was an activity that was actively pursued.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2010
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No issue with anyone riding my horses - I positively encourage it as it's lovely to see people enjoying them. I have to be a bit careful about who I put on Alf, as he is a bit inclined to bury people, but Spike is as mannerly as they come - I'd let my granny ride him down the M4 bareback in head collar.


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11 October 2006
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How much more experienced would the average livery be and how much better would we all ride if this was an activity that was actively pursued.
Have to agree. At the yard where the big boy is kept, out of 8 ridable horse I've already ridden / schooled 4 and will ride another 2 when I get the time (already been asked to).
As I dont own a horse I'm really grateful that many of those that do allow others to ride them. On average I probably ride half a dozen different horses a week.


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30 November 2008
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No issue with anyone riding my horses - I positively encourage it as it's lovely to see people enjoying them.

This. I also find it helpful as my boy is young and think it's good to have different riders on him.
I suppose it's different if you have a 'quirky' horse or one that needs specific riding.


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20 April 2011
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I am actively seeking to get as many people to ride my horse as possible at the moment. He's got a ride judge coming up and I want him to be well behaved for whoever they are irrespective of their style. He has previously worked in a trekking centre, he has a sharer and one of the grooms rides him regularly too. I just don't worry about him doing anything to them and if I'm unsure of them I just supervise it.
I grew up in riding schools and always found it frustrating when friends would never let me have a go of their horse, fair enough for those that had flightly ex-racers or youngsters, but those who had steady eddies were just a bit selfish. If you have a sensitive horse I can understand you being cautious but I think some people are too protective, what would happen if you had a serious accident and you're the only person who has ever sat on your horse?


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7 July 2010
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If Kali wasn't such a quirky boy, I'd have no problem letting other people ride him . . . however, he is just not that sort of horse. I've learned the hard way that letting other people - other than those he really trusts - on his back invariably ends in tears . . . no matter how good the rider is. It isn't because he is "too good" or "too advanced" for people . . . or because I think no'one is good enough for him (he's not that flipping good, he competes at unaffiliated prelim and doesn't jump at competition higher than 90 cms for crying out loud) . . . it's because he has told me (and those sitting on his back) that he doesn't like it and has either panicked and gone completely inside himself (when our dressage trainer - who has competed at Grand Prix so knows a thing or two - sat on him), or unceremoniously dumped them on the floor.



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1 June 2012
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My mare loves to jump. I don't so she is ocasionally used for the staff during jumping lessons at my yard. Win-win situation. Keeps her ticking over and her workload a bit more varied, and me safely on the ground!

She has had a few more people ride her. I think it is helpful to see how she is going, as sometimes my bad habits stop me thinking or feeling what I need to, and seeing it from the ground kicks my brain back into gear. That and the fact people love her, and it is nice to get feedback on what they can feel too. She is a very laid back ride, hence why I am not so worried, although if I had a nervous, or very responsive horse I would be far more reluctant with allowing others to ride her.


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11 April 2014
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I have no need for some one else riding my horse and thats how i like it, but i can see the points for those of you who do.

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
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No real issue with a rider riding mine, but I work hard to keep them so dont like to give up much of MY riding for others :p

Totally different if I get someone to ride when am away etc as have to pay for that, also my SIL hopping on 2 or 3 times a year when she comes over tho :)

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
I think every yard should participate in a 'swap day' and everyone swap and sit on another horse for fifteen minutes. In fact if I were a yard manager I would actively encourage it.

This surely depends on what sort of yard you're on? At a livery yard that is all private owners, why should they have a YO trying to get them to swap horses with others? Especially if you aren't taught by your YO, what business is it of theirs who rides your horse? Sorry if that comes across as snarky but I would be quite annoyed if my YO was continually on my back to allow loads of others to ride my horse. My horse isn't on working livery somewhere and I don't run a charity for letting others gain experience.

My YO rides mine and is doing wonders with him, he has really blossomed with her knowledge and skills. Also if she has a groom I trust, they can ride him too. Also friends who I trust, fine. However the last thing I want is some sort of YO-encouraged free for all with people getting on and off my horse.

If I want to gain experience riding other people's horses, and allow them to ride mine, I will arrange that directly with said person. I certainly wouldn't want my YO harassing me about it. I recently rode a friend's horse to try her saddle (as was thinking of having the same made for me); never sat on him before and learned loads. She is welcome to ride my horse if she wants to, and will do at some point.


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7 July 2010
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Oh, and I should say that someone else DOES ride my horse - she is his regular jockey because I am well and truly crocked . . . but she is the ONLY person who rides him and she has had to work extremely hard to gain his trust/get him onside. Now that he knows, trusts and (yes) loves/likes her, he will try his heart for her - but it wasn't always so. She has been riding him for two years.



Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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This surely depends on what sort of yard you're on? At a livery yard that is all private owners, why should they have a YO trying to get them to swap horses with others? Especially if you aren't taught by your YO, what business is it of theirs who rides your horse? Sorry if that comes across as snarky but I would be quite annoyed if my YO was continually on my back to allow loads of others to ride my horse. My horse isn't on working livery somewhere and I don't run a charity for letting others gain experience.

My YO rides mine and is doing wonders with him, he has really blossomed with her knowledge and skills. Also if she has a groom I trust, they can ride him too. Also friends who I trust, fine. However the last thing I want is some sort of YO-encouraged free for all with people getting on and off my horse.

If I want to gain experience riding other people's horses, and allow them to ride mine, I will arrange that directly with said person. I certainly wouldn't want my YO harassing me about it. I recently rode a friend's horse to try her saddle (as was thinking of having the same made for me); never sat on him before and learned loads. She is welcome to ride my horse if she wants to, and will do at some point.

Yeah, I'd tell the YO where they were to 'go jump' if they ever tried to get my horses involved in swaps!
That is what riding schools are for ;)


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15 May 2014
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I don't own my horse, I have been riding him since October to 'bring him on' for the owner, however I treat him like my own.

Recently had a situation where his owner's daughter's horse has gone lame so she is struggling for something to ride some days as there is one horse she won't ride. I offered her Harvey because he is so safe on the roads and I can ride the other that she won't get on, but as soon as I said it I regretted it!

Seems so stupid since he's actually more hers than mine - but I have put in so much hard work with him and I feel very protective of him!


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21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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I've had a few people ride my horse and have now whittled the number down to those I think can benefit me and him, either because they are a better rider or fitter than me, or because they can give me a new perspective on how to tackle issues.
I would trust those few people to take him to the moon and back.
That said, I will still let other people "have a go" but only for a short time and only in the school.
ETA I must have ridden thousands of horses myself, many of them because of work, but these days I always feel it is a real privilege if someone offers me their horse to ride, as a friend recently has so that I can hack out with one of my "trusted" riding friends.


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14 July 2010
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I let friends ride my horse to hack him/gallop when I'm away (I travel a lot with work) but nobody but me and my instructor school him. I work so hard and spend a fortune on competing and we do pretty well at BD (Went to Novice Petplan Nationals!) and it just isn't worth confusing him for the sake of someone else schooling him! It might not make a difference but it could do and I'd hate to risk it. He's fab to hack out though so I've always got loads of people offering when I'm away so he is kept fit!

No way would I want to have a yard enforced swap!!! Mental idea.


Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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I need to get some riders on my 5 year old as I'm hoping to get him to some shows with ride judges later in the year so he needs to be used to different riders, really need to get some male riders to have a go but don't really know many! Maybe I'll just have to take him to a show and randomly approach any good male riders!