Well-Known Member
I get this post, but at the same time the question of why dogs aren't allowed to roam is a pretty logical one. Cats don't hunt/ worry sheep, cows or horses probably being the main reason, plus they don't have the potential to kill/ maim people. Not saying it's okay for cats to trot around the countryside killing wildlife, but I think the dog question is a bit of a useless comparison because the question of what they are both capable of hunting is so different.I think a lot of dogs would love to be able to go out whenever they wanted like a cat, but are restricted to being in the house except when out on walks or supervised in the garden - not sure why cats should be different and allowed to roam free, really. It's like we take responsibility for one but not the other.
If Joe WAS allowed out on his own, he would kill all sorts (including cats unfortunately), although not birds because he's not interested in those (they fly away!). He's only ever managed to killed a rat so far, in the garden, because he wears a muzzle out and about.
I read a study somewhere that said that cats who are fed a good quality, high-protein, grain-free cat food and whose owners play with them for even a short period a day have been shown to hunt less. You can also get Bird-Be-Safe collars, which are supposed to be effective in reducing the number of birds caught.