Over riding? Dressage and Fitbit


Well-Known Member
30 March 2011
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Does anyone have a Fitbit and compete in dressage? After another disappointing dressage score after thinking we did a nice test I stated to think... when I normally school my Fitbit rarely goes into ‘peak’ mode and maybe only for a minute. Same for dressage warm up etc. However, when I compete I see I am in peak mode for the duration of my test. I’m starting to think I am doing too much in the test and overriding. I normally compete alone so don’t have anyone to video my tests. So it’s hard to see where I am going wrong. Horse is going great, trainer tells me I am sitting/riding better than ever but the scores don’t reflect this. Is The Fitbit telling me something? Or maybe I don’t put enough effort when I am not riding a test! Interested to hear opinions


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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yes could well be that you don't ride with the same intensity when you aren't in a test situation.
How about doing some test riding with your trainer and see what happens then?
I know I definitely find test riding more strenuous than general schooling, some tests can be very busy and you are going from one difficult movement to the next to the next without time to regroup like you might do at home. The same must be true for the horse, because my best horse can do an hours schooling easily but by the end of a 5 or 6 min advanced test she is getting tired.

Obv could also be that you are doing too much, or perhaps if you add nerves into the mix that pushes your effort levels up a bit ;)


Well-Known Member
30 March 2011
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Thanks MP. Maybe I am overthinking things now as well as overriding my tests!. Good points. Dressage can be so frustrating 😀


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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What does the fitbit measure? Is it heart rate?

Could just show increased intensity due to the stress which would of course transmit to the horse