Well-Known Member
Any government trying to introduce a blood sport wouldnt be laughing lol lollol!
Scratchline you are absolutely right.
Hunting with dogs is the biggest political issue in Britain today.
Having listened to hunters quite carefully for a while, I'm disappointed to find how much lying and dissimulation they use. Issuing warnings on hunting sites not to discuss openly how they flout the ban, faking poll results, rigging telephone polls, blatant lying about the Hunting Declaration. Even on this site you have proven, documented liars like Giles Bradshaw. I prefer the up-front hunters like Tom Faggus who openly admit they lie. There is, bizarrely, at least a kind of honesty in that.
" The vast majority of the public do not want to turn the clocks back to a time when cruelty and killing for pleasure under the guise of hunting with dogs was legal, making the case for repeal extremely weak.
Hi all )
I have no doubt whatsoever though that we have seen the end of hunting animals with dogs.
Hunting with dogs is the biggest political issue in Britain today.
Hunting with dogs is the biggest political issue in Britain today.
Bunce, are you living in some parallel universe?
When did you last see any mention of fox hunting in the UK headlines?
Recession, budget, poverty, school closures, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, job losses, banks,crime, homeowners, MP`s expenses, G20, unemployment, free prescriptions, terrorism, immigrants, NHS, unpair pay, fuel prices.
I dont see Fox Hunting appearing anywhere there, oh and before you say anything, I took most of these "news" stories from Labours website..
Hunting with dogs is the biggest political issue in Britain today.
The IFAW poll clearly found that most people view fox hunting as equivalent to dog fighting and badger baiting. These are the simple irrefutable facts.