Paranormal activity???


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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Some great stories since last night :D

One night i was babysitting for my cousin, and after putting the kids to bed i settled down to watch t.v, about half an hour later i heard banging, like the kids were playing, so i went to tell them to get back to bed, but they were out cold!!! they were not pretending, they were 2 and 1!!! so didn't do that yet, i had never been so scared in my life, i was on my own at 1 in the morning, and my cousin wasn't back till 2!! i hated going their every weekend, there would always be noises, and was glad when i stopped.


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
My parents moved into a brand new house in the mid 80's, when I was a teenager. They had picked the plot, seen the house built. My mother had played in that field as a child, it was a green site on the edge of a cliff overlooking Plymouth. I was never happy in the sitting room of the house, especially if I was there alone, didn't like looking down the far end of the room (sitting room diner, so long and thin) but put my unease down to being a normal teenager, and I never saw or felt anything (although I'd had many paranormal experiences in the past). Many years after I left home, my mother rang me very excited - she had seen in the area I was pretty windy about a ghost - just the head of an elderly lady, in a poke bonnet!

I've not seen anything in the house I live in with my OH, although a friend has seen a Retriever dog in the house, but I do see things at work, out of the corner of my eye, always seems to be a man going about his daily work - our shop used to be a sawmills, maybe I should do some research into it.


Well-Known Member
9 November 2008
Derbyshire (High Peak)
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Its not really scary, but it is quite 'odd', and im not exaggerating this at all, its also very sad so....

A few years ago, my great grandma, who was 99 was is hospital, basically waiting to die :( she was unconcious, had a cancer etcetcetc..
On a monday morning, I woke up with a start in the middle of night, for no real reason, looked at the clock, and it said '2:00 am', didnt think anything of it, so just went back to sleep.

The next morning, while we were all having breakfast, Dad got a phonecall to say his grandma had died at 2:00 am that morning in her sleep- which was a bit freaky..
Anyway, at the same time, my cousin was very heavily pregant, and at the time I had woken up the night before, she had also woken up at 2:00am, and said to her husband, that the baby felt like it had moved and something wasnt right. A few days later the baby was stillborn, and had suffocated in the womb as a result of a sudden movement :(

It was really horrible, and very strange, for the next few weeks I kept on waking up at 2:00 am, and last year and this year I woke up at the same time on the same night my Nana had died :(

And another 'creepy' one..
Our really good family friends told us this one. When they had their daughter (eleanor) one night, when she was about 14 months old, her mum had put her to bed. On the floor next to her cot, was a pile of books (no one had tidied them away) So eleanor was in bed, and then they heard her crying, her mum came back upstairs and they pile of books was stacked perfectly in a tower :O

There was also a clock in her room, and on a simaler occasion, eleanor had been crying, and her mum came in, and the two clocks hands were twisted together!

I've been up at the stables once one evening, and above the stables is a hayloft, anyway i was just mucking out the bed, when i heard big footsteps moving across-now we are not at a livery yard, and im the only horsey person in my family, so I ran down to the house, tolf my dad that someone had broken in to the stables, we came back up, and Noone was there, we are in an area where from the barn, you can see anyone for a round mile, noone was running out or anything...

Our house isnt really spooky, but its is over 600 years old! The garage as old gravestones built into it, and whilst mending one of the old walls in the house, we've found a very old mouldy bible, a mans cap thing and a old leather shoe..creepy!

keep them coming!!


Well-Known Member
24 May 2010
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Its not really scary, but it is quite 'odd', and im not exaggerating this at all, its also very sad so....

A few years ago, my great grandma, who was 99 was is hospital, basically waiting to die :( she was unconcious, had a cancer etcetcetc..
On a monday morning, I woke up with a start in the middle of night, for no real reason, looked at the clock, and it said '2:00 am', didnt think anything of it, so just went back to sleep.

The next morning, while we were all having breakfast, Dad got a phonecall to say his grandma had died at 2:00 am that morning in her sleep- which was a bit freaky..
Anyway, at the same time, my cousin was very heavily pregant, and at the time I had woken up the night before, she had also woken up at 2:00am, and said to her husband, that the baby felt like it had moved and something wasnt right. A few days later the baby was stillborn, and had suffocated in the womb as a result of a sudden movement :(

It was really horrible, and very strange, for the next few weeks I kept on waking up at 2:00 am, and last year and this year I woke up at the same time on the same night my Nana had died :(

Oh no thats horrible:(:(:(


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
One for the spooky thread?

The view from the farmhouse kitchen window slithers north through an embroidery of ragged conifers and tussocked fields to the Pentland Hills. This was the setting for Amy's first dream, in which her horse, George, spoke to her, saying: "Are you ready to film? Because I am going to die." The situation and the sentiment were so shocking that Amy woke up.

Four years on, she peers through the kitchen window. "It was freezing, and I was stumbling about outside with the reality of the dream so strong inside me. "I went into the wood and found George in a clearing. He had died of a heart attack."


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I used to live in a house that for some reason I never felt happy or comfortable and sometimes I was just plain terrified. I had my worst nightmares there and always felt a darkness and dislike. One night I even felt that thing where the bed goes down like someone is sitting on it - awful and I was nearly sick with fear. I have never seen anything remotely ghostly there or anywhere but I did hear subsequently the house was haunted. It didn't surprise me in the slightest. I hated it there.


14 October 2010
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Not really got a 'ghosty' story but defintely a paranormal one!

Last month my Nan passed away in hospital at around 6.50pm, and I was there along with my mum and aunt. Obviously we were all devestated and didn't ring to tell the rest of the family until quite a bit later on. However, my mum received a text at about 7.00pm from her cousin (my Nan's niece - they were very close) saying "I'm so sorry, at least she's at peace now."
This lady has always claimed to possess the ability to 'see things', and to be honest I was always incredibly sceptical until last month! We later asked how she could possibly have known, and she said that my Nan had visited her after her passing. Now I definitely believe her and the possibility for life after death as in my mind there's just no way on this Earth that there is rational explanation for how she knew what had happened in 10 minutes before we'd even got over the immidiate shock!

Another thing she said to me recently when I voiced my previous sceptisism is how do we know that we don't see ghosts all the time? How do you know that the people you're walking down the highstreet with or the person you pass in the woods is physically here? That's how she described how her ability to see and communicate with those that have passed on. Bit of a brain teaser!! Anyway, as a previous poster said, I think it serves to be open minded .... :)


Well-Known Member
20 March 2010
head in the clouds
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^^^^^^^^, I have heard that before aswell, that you may see people in the street.

I often see shadows walking behind me in the kitchen????, have never thought anything about it until this post when I asked someone who goes to ' spooky church' and they told me that this is a sign of a sensitive!!!!!!

Not sure which way I swing, but I am not preapred to poo poo it


14 October 2010
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daisydo that made me chuckle, "spooky church"!

I completely agree with you though, I've had similar questionable experiences, so definitely wouldn't write the concept off as rubbish! Particularly after reading all the other forum members' stories...


Well-Known Member
20 March 2010
head in the clouds
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^^^, LOL you made me laugh as well, that someone else thought that, that phrase is funny ( no disrespect), i guess no one really knows for sure until we are gone!!!! in which case I will haunt my daughter :D, and then tell everyone that life does excist, until then I guess we have to have faith

Crazy Friesian

Well-Known Member
7 April 2008
Safely tucked away...
My dad passed away in July at his home 100 miles away. The other day I swear I smelt cigarette smoke. it is a private yard at home, surrounded by farmland. There was no-one around, no cars / people / cyclists gone past recently on the road etc.

I went hunting for "an explanation" but couldn't find anything to explain it...


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
I used to smell cigarette smoke after my grandad passed away, he smoked Old Holborn roll ups, not your agerave cigarette, and no one else in the family smoked. I never thought much of it, as a child and teenager I'd seen ghosts, and so it didn't seem that strange. I think my mother and grandmother also had smelt it, my mother has also seen ghosts.


Well-Known Member
27 August 2007
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Another thing she said to me recently when I voiced my previous sceptisism is how do we know that we don't see ghosts all the time? How do you know that the people you're walking down the highstreet with or the person you pass in the woods is physically here? That's how she described how her ability to see and communicate with those that have passed on. Bit of a brain teaser!! Anyway, as a previous poster said, I think it serves to be open minded .... :)

I do remember once sitting on the tube in London on a quiet day and a women along the carriage from me just dissapeared. She was dressed in an old fashioned hat (which is what made me look across at her) though her dress didn't seem that old fashioned and she was quite smart and youngish (about 40). She looked directly at me, smiled and just dissapeared. The funny thing is I didn't feel freaked out or scared by it.

I also have had a very heavy loft hatch move in a new house (no open windows or cross draughts and I was the only person with keys). It completely lifted itself off its secure wooden nest and into the loft (house was on an old bomb site in east london). I also saw a UFO along with lots of other people on a busy road.

I have seen lots of strange things and felt lots of strange things. I often feel something small cuddleing into me in bed and I think its my cat but when I look they are both elsewhere. It doesn't feel scarey though. Its a pet of some sort and its nice :)


Well-Known Member
14 October 2010
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My dad passed away in July at his home 100 miles away. The other day I swear I smelt cigarette smoke. it is a private yard at home, surrounded by farmland. There was no-one around, no cars / people / cyclists gone past recently on the road etc.

I went hunting for "an explanation" but couldn't find anything to explain it...

That's quite strange. I've had a similar experience with the smelling cigarette smoke. No one close to me has passed away but i've felt things in my house like people standing next to me and presences in some of the rooms etc. So anyway, a few weeks ago i was downstairs at night watching tv on my own, and all of a sudden the air next to me went cold and all i could smell was cigarette smoke, even though no one in my house smokes :/ It didn't feel evil or angry, it actually felt quite sad and i was a bit freaked out. Didn't watch tv on my own at night for at least a week.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2010
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I was chatting with the other half one day in the kitchen and we keep all our electrical stuff on top of our stack freezer like hairdryers, iron etc.
We were there for 10 mins then the iron and hairdryer flew across to the other side of the room right before our eyes! If it had fallen off it would have just dropped straight off the edge down.
Also one day I was on my own and catching up on the housework in our flat, the landlord has loads of pictures in frames up the hallway stairs, i heard a massive crash and glass smash, went to have a look and one of the pics had come off the wall, the weird thing was the hook was still in the wall and the string was still intact!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2009
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I once woke up in the middle of the night to find a man standing at the side of my bed, with a towel wrapped around his lower half. We just stared at each other for a long time, he faded slightly before walking out of my door. I didn't feel scared though and being about 10, I should have.

I quite often have dreams that are quite normal but, have a weird feeling to them.
In the morning the first thought that pops into my head is always ".......... has died" or "...... is really ill"
I used to ignore my future-telling sleeps but after having the same stuff occur for both deaths of my guinea pigs, hamster, the colic of a horse and also the diagnosis or cancer along with the death of my Aunty, I now strongly believe my head. :(


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7 June 2010
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When I was about 11 at a sleepover one of the girls brought a ouija board. Me & a few others refused to join in but about 10 of them did it. Now the glass was moving but at the time I honestly just thought it was them pushing it. I remember it went really icy cold & the wind-chimes in the room started blowing even though the windows were all closed. Half of the girls saw a face at the window...all of the girls ran at the same time! One of the scariest things ever, the family had to have the house blessed but they never went into detail about what happened after that night.

Also last year I was in the bath at my ex boyfriends house & I swear down someone said hello. I could not move with fear. I hated that house, always got a strange feeling when I was alone upstairs.


Well-Known Member
16 March 2010
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One of the most unsettling moments I've had was at Berry Pomeroy Castle had no idea it was haunted but OH wanted to take a picture of me looking out of the prison cell window I had to go up into a tower cross floor and down into cell, ok, started to come back across the tower (internal) to get to the outer door and the most dreadful feeling came over me I knew if I looked back I would see something. Lady in the refreshment place said yep that was the haunted bit and the people who worked there knew when there was activity as the air became in her words "alive".

Another place full of dread in the witchcraft museum in Boscastle but the OH strolled through whilst I galloped ahead pleased to get out. Truely oppresive.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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OK, some more of my own experiences. From my earlier message about my grandmother and father, after dad died, I was in one of those bargain bookshops and as I walked past the corner at the back of the shop several small paperbacks fell on the floor. I picked them up to put them back on the shelf and noticed that they were individual horoscope books, you know, about a particular sign of the zodiac. The ones that had fallen on the floor were Cancer - my dad's star sign.

A few years before dad died, he and mum went away for the 25th wedding anniversary and I was house and pet sitting (I think I was about 17). It was the middle of the evening and i had locked all the doors (the house was quite isolated and out in the countryside) and was watching TV with the cat on my lap. Directly above me (in mum and dad's bedroom) there was an almighty crash. I got the rolling pin (ha!) from the kitchen and went upstairs fully expecting to see the wardrobe had fallen over or something, as the crash had been that loud, but there was nothing out of place. I even looked up in the roof space but there was nothing to account for it at all. I wasn't particularly frightened, just perplexed. Thinking about it now, the only other thing was that we had a coffin-trap in the landing floor which came through in the scullery ceiling. The stairs were a bit of a trial and all our upstairs furniture went up through it - very useful. Could it have been this being lifted up and slammed down?

More recently, I used to keep my horse at a riding school which had an indoor arena. My stable back wall was the wall of the arena and there were one or two small gaps I could see right though. I used to feed my horse in there in the mornings as she had seizures and it was a safe place for her just in case. I left her munching away happily and went back to my stable to muck out. There was no-one else around - it was a Sunday morning. A few minutes later I heard wooden jump poles being pinged as though someone was trotting over them. I checked the indoor and she was still standing around quietly. Shortly after I distinctly heard a jump being knocked down and crashing to the ground and rushed around in a panic to find my horse dozing quietly at the point furthest away from the back of her stable. There were one or two plastic poles and a set of those plastic wavy wings for multi-height jumps and absolutely no wooden poles or wings whatsoever. Some time later I did tell the school owner and she told me that one of their showjumpers had been put down in the indoor. I never saw anything and my horse seemed completely untroubled,but I know what I heard!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
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Ive got a couple of stories for you..

First my mum has always said to me that I must never ever do a ouija board and I never have but she refused to tell me why when I was younger. I could tell it was something bad as she was genuinely petrified and begged me not to do it. When I was older she told me that her and some friends had done when as teeneagers and the glass had gone nuts in the middle and later that night the house burnt down with her friend and all her family inside :(

Second story is when my horse Devlin died I had a communicator 'speak' to him. She said he would come and visit me and would let me know he was around by moving something. At the time I just agreed and took it with a pinch of salt and sort of forgot about it. A week or so later I was sitting in my front room with my housemate and we had a coffee table with 2 roses type tins stacked on top of one another. Eastenders was just starting and the top tin moved up onto its side, rolled off of the bottom tin, off the table and across the floor and stopped at my feet. I just smiled and said 'Hi Dev' :D A few times after this I was having a bath with some candles and all the candles blew out and then relit about 30 seconds later - Devlin again :)