People who 'embellish' their abilities/experience


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29 June 2006
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Does anyone else find this incredibly irritating? You know the ones.
"Oh yes, my horse and I are going to compete at 'xxx' level this summer", and "my instructor thinks we should be moving up a level" etc etc.

I don't know why it bugs me as much as it does. All that's going round my head is b*ll*cks b*ll*cks b*ll*cks. And when I'm reading it on facebook and I am alone it gives me a good long laugh!

I don't proclaim to be anything more than my username suggests so it might seem a bit odd to some and I don't have issues with people having dreams...but when you can't ride one side of your dope on a rope I highly doubt that you ar going to survive a walk/trot test let alone anything else.

Sorry, I needed to get that of my chest on an open forum - far easier to run and hide from the replies!


Well-Known Member
21 October 2008
West Yorkshire
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I feel your pain lol.
I'm the same no idea why it bugs me but it does.
I know I should feel sorry for them as it is probably rooted in low confidence/self esteem and the need to be accepted.
And breath.


Well-Known Member
27 May 2012
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I suppose they must get something out of it. I've always found boasting unattractive regardless of subject, so I'm more likely to downplay my riding ability! The one that always gets me is how horses are always 'galloping' places. Either going for an intentional gallop, or spooking and galloping away. God love 'em but there's a difference between canter and gallop and, in these cases, the horses may just scrape up a gallop at playtime in the field but I suspect that's the lot.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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I think they fall in to three categories

Those who don't realise they are not the standard they think they are
Those who are a bit of a dreamer and hope to get there with the aid of a miracle
Those who lie barefacedly


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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The one that always gets me is how horses are always 'galloping' places. Either going for an intentional gallop, or spooking and galloping away.

Oh yes, I do love the galloping. Goes hand in hand with the 'I'm the only one who managed to stay on a horse at the trekking centre I went to a million years ago. It galloped off and jumped a huge log/gate/car' LOL!!

I INTENTIONALLY downplay my riding ability! I don't want to ride the one with bad brakes and springs in its feet thanks, I'll take the one that stops before its asked to!

So glad I'm not alone!! :)

Spring Feather

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30 December 2010
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You get used to it after a while. I just let them ramble on, happy in their blissful ignorance. It doesn't affect me in the slightest but it gives me a little chuckle on the very rare occasions I ride in the arena with them and they go all quiet. Interestingly they tend not to say much about their skills after that.


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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Oh and people who make out their lovely pony is crazy/sharp/hot really does get on my pip.
You have a nice horse. Why say that?

My favourite at a local dressage comp was "stand back from my lorry when thy come off, they always leap" two lovely looking horses strolled down the side ramp rolling their eyes at having been dragged away from their hay. Their 'leap' was the little skip they did as they got onto flat ground. *facepalm*

Those who are a bit of a dreamer and hope to get there with the aid of a miracle
Aaaah yes, very familiar with this person... Gotta love a dreamer!


There's no cow on the ice
28 June 2008
w(b)est coast of Sweden
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It isn't something that only happens in the horse world, I've heard/read similar versions "Oh yes, my dog and I are going to compete at 'xxx' level this summer", "my instructor thinks I should be moving up a level in this or that sport". Sometimes it annoys me when I hear it, but mostly I just shrug my shoulders about it.

Some people just sound as if they think they'll be competing at the next Olympic games.


And usually I just tell myself, that I believe it when I see it.





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18 April 2013
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I have to admit my friends and I were brilliant at this when we were of us jumping 90cm on our ponies gradually turned into 1.10m much to the amazement of the younger children at the yard:D I stopped eventually because I was the worse at it, I turned into a beetroot if I even hinted at exaggerating in the slightest whereas my friends 'advanced' to riding the YOs showjumping stallions....I cringe thinking about it now:eek: Always downplayed my pony though, he was a devil in disguise! Always had 'oh can I ride him' and me having to be like 'oh sorry I'm not allowed to let people ride him..' truth is he'd either bolt with you or bronc like a wild beast if you didn't know how to ride him!


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21 January 2010
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Children I can just go 'Oh really, wow thats exciting' adults however...

I do the same with adults to see if I can get lots more info on how they are going to beat Valegro or whatever. The only problem is they nearly always trickle to a halt just after they've described how they saw William F-P or Nick Skelton with a youngster and they knew their horse could beat them no problem, if only they had more time or money. Maybe I've just got a cynical face ;)
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Well-Known Member
9 December 2012
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Oh and people who make out their lovely pony is crazy/sharp/hot really does get on my pip.
You have a nice horse. Why say that?
I have a bee in my bonnet now lol
This too is my ultimate grind, they will stand next to their beautiful, kind, calm and generous horse and call it a 'lunatic'. I hate it.


Well-Known Member
22 March 2014
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I think it is a low self esteem thing, I always excuse them thinking that they were probably brought up by parents for whom nothing was ever good enough and they have grown up being very defensive. I try not to think badly of them as I always think they must be very unhappy inside.
Sorry if this sounds a bit touchy/feely pc but I was brought up in a family where you were never allowed to do something just for fun and if you were considered to not be doing well enough at something you got one warning and then stopped from.doing it if you didn't improve enough.
I remember doing my ABRS TEST in stable management, I think it was test 5, and I managed to get 99% and was soooo thrilled. I went home and told my mother, really excited, and she looked at me and said, really nastily " so what did you get wrong?"--I was so crushed! Should have expected it as I was an adult by then but it is hard to get over that sort of upbringing.
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Well-Known Member
21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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[QUOTEI remember doing my ABRS TEST in stable management, I think it was test 5, and I managed to get 99% and was soooo thrilled. I went home and told my mother, really excited, and she looked at me and said, really nastily " so what did you get wrong?"--I was so crushed! Should have expected it as I was an adult by then but it is hard to get over that sort of upbringing.[/QUOTE]

I feel for you as I had something similar at home but I do hope your username doesn't mean that you haven't got over it! I am happy to be less than perfect these days (and indeed since my long ago teenage years) but I think there is a lot of truth in your theory. Most of those I have known who had the need to boast were very insecure.

In terms of those who describe their horses as lunatics, I think it's often the case that they are a bit scared of them, for whatever reason, and describing them as mad gives their confidence a boost because they are still riding. The same people describe a fly buck as "broncing". But hey, it's no skin off anyone else's nose...


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4 November 2012
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It's when you see these people at BSJ who clearly can't control their mounts and fall off at pretty much every outing. I've seen one girl (when going to help a friend) who repeatedly goes and barely makes the first jump. At another bsj show my friend got launched off her horse by some silly woman and her horse hand break turning in the warmup at break neck speed in front of the jump she was going over.

I'm not ready to affiliate at either BSJ or bd yet, I hope to maybe next summer, but I know I have some work to do, and also know mine and my girls limits, and certainly wouldn't dream of telling people I'm going round grass roots at badminton or that my mare is a grade A show jumper, just why?!


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22 March 2014
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If I ever describe myself as being at grass roots level, Badminton it will mean I've fallen off my crutches while spectating there and I'm literally face in the grass!
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Well-Known Member
22 March 2014
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[QUOTEI remember doing my ABRS TEST in stable management, I think it was test 5, and I managed to get 99% and was soooo thrilled. I went home and told my mother, really excited, and she looked at me and said, really nastily " so what did you get wrong?"--I was so crushed! Should have expected it as I was an adult by then but it is hard to get over that sort of upbringing.

I feel for you as I had something similar at home but I do hope your username doesn't mean that you haven't got over it! I am happy to be less than perfect these days (and indeed since my long ago teenage years) but I think there is a lot of truth in your theory. Most of those I have known who had the need to boast were very insecure.

In terms of those who describe their horses as lunatics, I think it's often the case that they are a bit scared of them, for whatever reason, and describing them as mad gives their confidence a boost because they are still riding. The same people describe a fly buck as "broncing". But hey, it's no skin off anyone else's nose...[/QUOTE]

No, my username is to embrace my imperfections! Came to terms with my shortcomings long ago!


Well-Known Member
4 July 2012
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I suppose they must get something out of it. I've always found boasting unattractive regardless of subject, so I'm more likely to downplay my riding ability! The one that always gets me is how horses are always 'galloping' places. Either going for an intentional gallop, or spooking and galloping away. God love 'em but there's a difference between canter and gallop and, in these cases, the horses may just scrape up a gallop at playtime in the field but I suspect that's the lot.

You've never met my nag :biggrin3:


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26 August 2008
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The only time it annoys me is when someone says they like to go out on a really fast ride, so come out with me and hold me up. Other than that I find it quietly amusing, unless someones safety is at risk, then it just tics me off.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Highly irritating, though those who do it must be very very sad in their own lives to make stuff up.

I know of someone who has actually posted a video of 'them' riding on another forum, when in fact it was someone else riding their pony. They also have a habit of making out they did a lot better at competitions than they actually did, ie they came third for instance, but omit to mention there were only three in it.

Very odd, if not a bit saddening.
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Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Life is to a certain extent about dreams .
Horses are to a certain extent about dreams .
So it's not surprising this happens .


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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It's pointless to embellish the truth unless they think no one will see them on a horse.

It's always blindingly obvious when they ride.


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3 July 2007
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Someone who advertises having ridden at advanced eventing when in fact they competed 3 times at novice about 25 yrs ago and didn't do too well.
Another, has competed internationally, I suppose Wales is another country.
If you are going to embellish things do it about something that doesn't have 'records'.


Well-Known Member
28 September 2009
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Know plenty, find it goes hand in hand with jealousy & people who sit around bi7ching about those who enjoy their horses. Personally find them very sad, with totally unfulfilling equine relationships, & are to be avoided.

Remember being told be one mum her daughter was too good to do the first level in bd as her 'trainer who has competed abroad' said so. Couldn't imagine their stuffy cob (over bitted, heavy hands & spurs, not a pretty harmonious picture) beating anything. Did point out to mum that it isn't hard to compete abroad, just need the money.

Totally admit to being rubbish, but I enjoy my horses.