Alec Swan
Well-Known Member
Whatever the opinions, I really don't like it when people say horses can "love" something they do. How on earth are we to know?
Would they do a full course on their own if we let them loose on Badminton grounds? Would they still run without a rider at Ascot?
Please, don't anthropomorphise horses like that. Or any animal.
Just because they don't protest, doesn't mean they dream about hurling themselves over two L200's each night.
I know we say "he loves carrots"... I can believe that. I just don't believe a horse LOVES eventing.
I think my horse prefers jumping to flatwork because his attitude changes but I don't think he "loves" it. I think the case is that the owner loves eventing and likes the fact that the horse seems willing to do as is asked.
The theme behind your statements can't be dismissed, I accept that, but if we follow your argument to it's logical conclusion, then I could ask you if your horse lies down so that you can mount to facilitate your flat-work; the simple fact is that they don't have voice-able opinions. I could ask you if your horse actually enjoys being ridden in a school. I could ask you, for that matter, if your horse enjoys being schooled, and the simple answer is that we don't know.
We can only judge a horse's enjoyment, or lack of it by the animal's reaction to what we ask. If a horse is programmed to perform a certain task, and it does so without too much resistance, then we may fairly claim that it enjoys itself.
I've seen very few horses that didn't "appear" to enjoy hunting, some perhaps more than is comfortable!, but generally at the sound of hounds, and the prospect of a good gallop, it's only the seriously elderly who aren't so willing.
I don't actually think that horses display any degree of intelligence or opinion, I suspect that as our servants, they pretty much go along with what we want. How we feel about what we do is up to the individual, and Society's demands!