Plait found in horses mane, does it mean it will be stolen?


Well-Known Member
11 March 2011
Other side of the Moon
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yes i have had a very similar experience on my yard where i had my liveries askin why their horses had a black dot underneath their forelock looked to be done with a marker pen, i just replied i dont know maybe someone having a laugh and ignored the situation. a few days later 3 more liveries came upto me and said their horses had the same mark with the same colour pen (black) and they wasnt happy at all then i noticed dots on my own horses that was in stables and a few that was in the fields, so i called a yard meeting immediatly and everybody seemed to be very worried about it. anyway that night i decided to stay up late turn on all cctv camera`s and stay on watch, while i was sat in my kitchen my wife shouted saying come quick theres a light in the field and all horses are running round like idiots. so i quickly jumped in my land rover and drove quietly through the fields where i saw someone leading one of my liveries horses through the field towards the gate then i looked to the end of my lane and noticed a horse box. so i drove rediculously fast bak through my fields to my yard and got all my guard dogs out (5 of them), luckily they heard my dogs barking running up the field, set the horse free and jumped in their car they had parked at the gate and drove off........ i was so lucky that i had decided to stay up that night as they could of taken all the horses on my yard.

Right so....the horse thieves had spent sometime previously going around
all the horses on your yard, marking under forelocks with black markers.....presumably so that they can pick them out in the DARK by shining a torch under their forelocks to identify the several horses that they have marked on earlier visits??? Excuse me for being just a little incredulous about this fairy tale!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Mr Fields, haven't you gone back to school already?
Me thinks you read too many pony books................

funny enough a similar thing actually happened to a yard near by .

Only this was the mum got into her car to leave the yard and someone got into the passenger side pushed her out then drove across the fields to escape in the 4x4 too many fields so thief turned round drove back into the yard and drove through the gates and escaped, thank god no kid was in the car . I dont think they ever saw the 4x4 again


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Lots of speculation in the Dorset area at the moment, lots of horses being found with a mane plait. Some say they are being marked to steal later, others believe it is some sort of Pagan ritual. Have you had any experience of this? Heard anything? Would love to know. Thanks Miranda.

Some horses round my area have been found with plaits, usually seems to happen round Halloween hence people think its some pagan thing. Not heard of any being stolen.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2001
Shropshire/Worcs. borders
Late Tuesday (3 Nov) afternoon she received a phone call from the police to say her horse had been found in Hollyhead, Wales. She was tied to a railing at the ferry port and the ferry to Ireland had gone without her. So today she is driving to Wales to pick her up.

This story has been doing the rounds for about 3 years now. I must pop up to Holyhead - there must be DOZENS of horses tied to rails by now!:D So far I've heard of horses from Surrey, Gloucestershire, Northampton, Liverpool and a few places in-between ALL abandoned outside Holyhead!

I noticed one of my yearlings (there are 11 in the field) had a 'plait' today! Do I think she's going to be stolen?? No - they'd hardly need a plait to mark her out - just tell the picker-up that 'she's the ugliest horse there!':D

Merry Crisis

Well-Known Member
31 July 2011
North Cumbria
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You have only got to go to the sales and see that horses are worth a fortune at the moment. Well worth stealing I must say!!! I have mentioned this before, are horses with pulled manes safe then?

mr fields

Well-Known Member
23 September 2011
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Right so....the horse thieves had spent sometime previously going around
all the horses on your yard, marking under forelocks with black markers.....presumably so that they can pick them out in the DARK by shining a torch under their forelocks to identify the several horses that they have marked on earlier visits??? Excuse me for being just a little incredulous about this fairy tale!:rolleyes:

obviously they are not going to shine a beeming light into horses face but with no word of a lie this actualy happened. why would i make such a fair tale up? when somebody asked if anyone had any similar experiences. it doesnt matter to me and shouldn`t matter to you if u think its a fair tale or not!


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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Mr fields, I'm trying to work out who you were in a previous posting life. Your grammar and spelling is certainly familiar, as are the far fetched tales. Did you previously have a string of polo ponies? Or are you the poster who faked their own death? Just wondering you see, I'm sure I remember you!!!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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This story has been doing the rounds for about 3 years now. I must pop up to Holyhead - there must be DOZENS of horses tied to rails by now!:D So far I've heard of horses from Surrey, Gloucestershire, Northampton, Liverpool and a few places in-between ALL abandoned outside Holyhead!

Tha's because horses are really bad at getting onto public transport punctually, they just can't get themselves organised in time. As for flying - well, forget it. They forget their pasports, they never get up on time to check in two hours early, and as for getting their shoes off to go through security - nightmare!:p

mr fields

Well-Known Member
23 September 2011
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Mr fields, I'm trying to work out who you were in a previous posting life. Your grammar and spelling is certainly familiar, as are the far fetched tales. Did you previously have a string of polo ponies? Or are you the poster who faked their own death? Just wondering you see, I'm sure I remember you!!!

nope iv never had polo ponies or bought any to sell and i definatly did not fake my own death!! i am a new member to this site, the only reason i joined was to find out other peoples experiences on breeding and competing and when people share their own experiences all they get is utter CRAP off other members telling them they know nothing about horses or saying their experiences are lies!! i have been breeding horses since i was about 18, 33years ago and had horses since i was a kid!! i definatly do have some strange experiences which may sound untrue or my ways of horse ownership that some may not agree with but to be honest i dont care what any other people say!!!


Well-Known Member
3 July 2010
This story has been doing the rounds for about 3 years now. I must pop up to Holyhead - there must be DOZENS of horses tied to rails by now!:D So far I've heard of horses from Surrey, Gloucestershire, Northampton, Liverpool and a few places in-between ALL abandoned outside Holyhead!

Given that Ireland currently has such a surplus of horses that they're building new abbatoirs to cope, perhaps the thieves got as far as the ferry and then thought better of it? :p Coals to Newcastle...


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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nope iv never had polo ponies or bought any to sell and i definatly did not fake my own death!! i am a new member to this site, the only reason i joined was to find out other peoples experiences on breeding and competing and when people share their own experiences all they get is utter CRAP off other members telling them they know nothing about horses or saying their experiences are lies!! i have been breeding horses since i was about 18, 33years ago and had horses since i was a kid!! i definatly do have some strange experiences which may sound untrue or my ways of horse ownership that some may not agree with but to be honest i dont care what any other people say!!!

I'm quite surprised you're that old as you have commented on having your 3 day eventer put to sleep a couple of times - and on one occasion you say it was two years ago and on the other you say you were sixteen. Or maybe I can't add two and sixteen.


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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This brand appeared on my daughters horse. Should I be worried?
I think a lot of the horses on the yard had it aswell.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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I'm quite surprised you're that old as you have commented on having your 3 day eventer put to sleep a couple of times - and on one occasion you say it was two years ago and on the other you say you were sixteen. Or maybe I can't add two and sixteen.

Haha, I'm not the only person to have noticed that then!!
I am smelling the stuff that comes out of male cattle's backsides and it's spread all over this field!!!


Well-Known Member
31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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Haha, I'm not the only person to have noticed that then!!
I am smelling the stuff that comes out of male cattle's backsides and it's spread all over this field!!!

Just had a quick look through posts of this user- and if I am mistaken, then apologies to mr fields- but to me, it seems highly unlikely that someone aged 18 (if I can also add 16 + 2) would be running a yard as a business (maybe your parents do?) and going on regular trips to the Netherlands to buy horses. Of course, if it is your parents' business, then that's fine.. no shame in working for them, but no point trying to mislead a bunch of random strangers on the internet because I guarantee we (myself included) are sad enough to pick up on and investigate any inconsistencies!

Again, apologies if I am wrong, but something just doesn't add up.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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He reminds me of that lad who posted on here a while ago, the one who tried to get everyone to add him on facebook. He had the same writing style, and the same imagination!!
Can't remember his name though!!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
Solihull, West Mids
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Lots of speculation in the Dorset area at the moment, lots of horses being found with a mane plait. Some say they are being marked to steal later, others believe it is some sort of Pagan ritual. Have you had any experience of this? Heard anything? Would love to know. Thanks Miranda.

NO! Its the equivalent of a burglar putting a card through the door saying "I'm coming to rob you tomorrow night at 8pm, just thought I'd warn you first".

Why would thieves advertise they are going to steal your animal? Its just kids playing around.
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Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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This brand appeared on my daughters horse. Should I be worried?
I think a lot of the horses on the yard had it aswell.

Yes you should be very worried - look, there is someone caught in the very act of nicking that poor horse's rug! For shame!:eek: