Please count your horse's blink rate.


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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agree with this don't let it get to you cptrayes.

I fail to understand why some people feel the need to be so agressive towards other members of the forum. Yes it is a forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, but why not be a little more pleasant when putting those opinions forward.

ie. I'm sorry but I don't agree ...... or unfortunately I think that.......

There is enough unpleasantness in this world without making agressive and nasty comments.

I wish cptrayes all the best with getting things sorted.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2005
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Poor behaviour. I avoided posting when my old boy was ill because I knew I wouldn't be up to handling any rubbish.
Thanks for posting, cptrayes, it's been an education. Best wishes for Ace.


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31 May 2007
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No, the dentist refused to gag him because of tmj displacement.

Well pardon me if I am more inclined to listen to a vet, particularly one whose opinionn agrees with the one who's actually seen the horse, than to an accounts clerk or a fireman or a stay at home mum, or whatever you are :D

He's had a headache for a few days. Shall I come and shoot you the next time you have a headache for a few days?

He's much happier today and the weather is much warmer. From how my own fractures feel in cold weather, I think this is logical.

You seem unaware that left to their to their own devices, most bone chips will either rejoin, if there is a blood supply, or reabsorb if not? Particularly if the area of bone broken is static, like an eye socket or a cheekbone.

I'm well aware of what loose bone chips do, especially if one is pressing on a nerve... and that bone chips can eventually work their way to the surface after several months if not reabsorbed, surprise surprise I do actually have experience of bone chips, AND what can go wrong with them if they are ignored because you DON'T know that they are there/doing. I was only stating what you said about shooting him, you are giving him to June or maybe September, then reassess then you will put him down as he can't be a field ornament.

Anyway, all the best to poor Ace, hope it's a good outcome, but I'm out of here, you obviously don't like hearing what you don't want to hear :) .

P.s BTW I'm not a fireman , but I could be a vet :p How do you know who an anonymous person is on the internet giving advice.


Well-Known Member
6 September 2008
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Do you think it is acceptable to accuse me of looking for an excuse to put the horse down?

Sadly it seems to come with this territory, I someone who had ridden past my horse in the field tell me there was nothing wrong with her and I was only having her PTS so I could get another riding horse. Gotta love armchair critics who think they know the horse better than you!! For what its worth xrays where never used for my mare either as my vet felt they wouldn't change the treatment or outcome.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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P.s BTW I'm not a fireman , but I could be a vet :p How do you know who an anonymous person is on the internet giving advice.

I don't. Which is why I am listening to my vet, and not to people like you on the internet who don't even want me to know their name, yet feel prepared to criticise me heavily for not wanting to discuss my horse's treatment with them when I have not sought their advice.

If like to say a big thank you to everyone who has shared information on human and horse head injuries and trigeminal neuralgia. You've been a help and a comfort.

Please keep your fingers crossed for Ace's continued improvement.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
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I don't. Which is why I am listening to my vet, and not to people like you on the internet who don't even want me to know their name, yet feel prepared to criticise me heavily for not wanting to discuss my horse's treatment with them when I have not sought their advice.

If like to say a big thank you to everyone who has shared information on human and horse head injuries and trigeminal neuralgia. You've been a help and a comfort.

Please keep your fingers crossed for Ace's continued improvement.

Why would you want my name? I don't know your real name


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Why would you want my name? I don't know your real name

Yes you do. It's cptrayes. I want your name because I want to know who this person is who is so critical of me, in order to judge how much attention I should pay to their criticism.

Holly Hocks

Well-Known Member
1 March 2010
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Hope he comes right for you CPT. I'm another you offered great help to with some lameness issues. You had the right answer even when my vet didn't! You know your horse best and what the best thing is for him. I can't wait for your thread in a few months when you post that he is back in work again - I'm sure you'll get there. :)

Fun Times

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9 January 2014
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The crazy tangent this thread has taken aside, how is he now CPT? Have you noticed any reduction in blinking or does the frown seem any easier?


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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The crazy tangent this thread has taken aside, how is he now CPT? Have you noticed any reduction in blinking or does the frown seem any easier?

Definitely happier today thank you :). He's now nose rubbing, which if I look back at my notes he also did at exactly the same timing with the eye socket fracture. In spite of high winds and Sun, his blink rate is lower by a noticeable amount, down to 30+ from 50+ I'm more hopeful about him today :)
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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How is it being critical asking why you won't have x-rays to check?

It isn't, necessarily, the criticism I was referring to was your constant and repeated criticism of the fact that I don't wish to discuss it with you.

Are you planning on continuing this pointless conversation all night, because I want to watch the recording we have of Fargo, If you'll excuse me for a while?

Fun Times

Well-Known Member
9 January 2014
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Definitely happier today thank you :). He's now nose rubbing, which if I look back at my notes he also did at exactly the same timing with the eye socket fracture. In spite of high winds and Sun, his blink rate is lower by a noticeable amount, down to 30+ from 50+ I'm more hopeful about him today :)
Great news CPT. Lets hope this marks a step in the right direction for him. Now just put an additional layer of bubblewrap all over him and we will all sleep easier!


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
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its not pollen related is it? only ask as my horse is nose rubbing at the minute and is desperate for you to rub his face kind of up between his eyes, but he does have some pollen allergies i think. he is far better hacked out in nose net and ear thingy.
the ear thingy i have no clue about but wondered if he is irritated by the pollen and can't bear anything flying round his ears.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2008
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Why would you want my name? I don't know your real name

pmsl!! In all the years I have seen postings from cptrayes (that is her actual name lol!!) on several forums (and had good advice from her) she has ALWAYS used her real name.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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pmsl!! In all the years I have seen postings from cptrayes (that is her actual name lol!!) on several forums (and had good advice from her) she has ALWAYS used her real name.
Hilarious. Excuse me for being thick, but I realised only fairly recently that CPT posts under her real name. Have a good laugh at my expense, too, while you're at it.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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its not pollen related is it? only ask as my horse is nose rubbing at the minute and is desperate for you to rub his face kind of up between his eyes, but he does have some pollen allergies i think. he is far better hacked out in nose net and ear thingy.
the ear thingy i have no clue about but wondered if he is irritated by the pollen and can't bear anything flying round his ears.

Thanks for the suggestion but it's almost certain to be nerve damage, hopefully recovering, from two fractures to his head since the start of this year.

Fargo was good, but anyone who watches it who doesn't already know, it's NOT true, that is a lie by the Coen brothers.
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Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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pmsl!! In all the years I have seen postings from cptrayes (that is her actual name lol!!) on several forums (and had good advice from her) she has ALWAYS used her real name.

Well, I didn't know it was her real name, as 99% of people don't use their real name on forums, but glad I gave you a laugh :)


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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yes she's even got her photo out there (Cover star of a book) :)

and I'm another person she has gone out of her way to advise

Aww, no, I'm just the monkey on his back, George was a brilliant jumper from a couple of weeks after I first backed him, just a complete natural. I sold him to a friend for her tall ten year old daughter and they love him to bits.


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4 March 2008
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Just a quick update. We've been having a bad time, with an escalation into nose rubbing, constantly yawning and licking his lips, twitching, and then head flicking. Also looking behind him as if something was going to attack him. My detailed diary showed that he was triggered by wind and cold mostly, and then by sun. He looked so miserable I could hardly bear it. We tried Bute, but it wore off in two hours and he would have needed eight or more a day to do anything. Impossible of course, it's terribly toxic at that level. Then suddenly today he looks completely different, much more relaxed, and for the first time in weeks he just went out and grazed tonight instead of going for my little cob first. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that this is the start of his recovery.
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Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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CPT just to say I've been following this and how frustrating for you. I hope he continues to improve or you find some answers to your questions.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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It was false hope I'm afraid. It was because the wind had completely stopped, and it's obvious from my diary that he is triggered most by wind and cold. He's getting worse. He is shutting off while he is in during the day and is not eating, so he is losing weight. For a horse who was difficult to keep trim when in work, that's very worrying. He was in a muzzle this time last year.

He can eat fine, and he does while grazing and when he first comes in, but he loses interest. I've now also seen him really shake his head violently, and his frown never goes away.

I am waiting on some non steroid and non Bute painkillers from my vet to see what effect they have. I have been offered a referral for a neurectomy, which I have turned down, on the basis that it is very uncertain whether it will work, and that if it does the nerve can regrow. My vet tells me that these cases of trigeminal nerve headshakers are generally progressive and rarely have a good outcome.

I intend to give him some more time to try to show me that he can heal himself, but I will not allow him to continue in pain for months and months.

Now, there are users of this forum who believe that I am looking for an excuse to put this horse down because they think that I am afraid to ride him. To those people I say that I have video of him working with me on him at an arena near me which was taken after the back operation and before the head injuries.

I'm also aware that there are posters who believe that I have a history of taking on horses and having them put down when I can't ride them. For them, this is the full list of all the horses I have ever had put down. All the many other horses I have owned were sold, most at a considerable profit, except for one barefoot rehab who I gave to the people I loaned him to once I was sure they loved him.

1986 Finnegan. Total loss of kidney function.
2006 Smartie. Total blindness right eye, 25% sight left eye. Frightened witless.
2012 Jazz. Born with C3/4 vertebrae malformation, semi paralysed at ten years old when C4 broke into several pieces.
2013 Woody. Taken on as a barefoot rehab. Came to me as a horse who was always hacked out in a Market Harborough (draw reins) and who would only take a nathe bit. I got him sound, trained him to hack without the draw reins and school in a metal joined snaffle. I took him hunting and he chose to turn away from the other horses and jump onto a wire fence. When he calmed down I put him in the lorry where he went utterly berserk, ending up on his back with all four feet pointed at the ceiling. It took a fire brigade and a vet call to get him home. At home, he started having panic attacks in the field, so I offered his previous owner as long as she needed to find him a retirement home, but she (wisely in my opinion) chose not to take up that option.

So, if this ends up the way it looks like it's going to, and you still believe that I am cruel enough to have a horse shot rather than face that I haven't got the skill to ride him, or that I am stupid enough to put down a horse that I could sell for twenty thousand if I sent him to a pro to get the medium points on that he would be ready to get with a pro rider, then please keep those nasty opinions to yourself, because I'm having enough trouble facing this situation as it is.
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Well-Known Member
27 April 2010
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It's really sad that you feel that it is necessary to have to write the above re a decision that you have not even made yet! It is obvious to anyone reading this thread that you care for the horse and have done your very best to help him try and recover and that if it does come to him being PTS that you are only doing so because you believe it is the right thing to do for him because he is in pain.

I hope it doesn't come to this but if it does you do not have to justify that decision to anybody.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope that improving weather will at least give him some respite and give you a chance to weigh up your options. Still keeping fingers crossed.