Please count your horse's blink rate.


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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My horse who had a fractured eye socket did not have x-rays initially.

He had his complete head shaved, not a good look, and was ultrasound scanned. This is because the bone chip can cause soft tissue or vein damage.

His fracture was kind of incidental, nothing they could do about, due to location. The main concern was the side effects of the fracture.

So, I can kind of see why cptrayes horse hasn't had x-rays.....if he hasn't, I haven't followed to see is he has it hasn't.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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Which part of 'I do not wish to discuss xrays with strangers on the internet any more than I have already done' are you finding difficult to understand?

Wow you are stubborn and rude, You ask for advice and then won't even give answers to valid questions, exactly like the previous business over haylage where you were wrong...

I'm starting to think you are just looking for an excuse to shoot the poor bloody horse like other posters are suggesting


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Wow you are stubborn and rude, You ask for advice and then won't even give answers to valid questions, exactly like the previous business over haylage where you were wrong...

I'm starting to think you are just looking for an excuse to shoot the poor bloody horse like other posters are suggesting

I did not ask for advice. I asked for people to count their horses blink rate for me. The clue is in the title of the thread.

Your suggestion is exceptionally offensive. The horse is in the care of a vet. Who do you think you are, a stranger on the internet, to question me about his care?
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Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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I asked about x-rays, as bone chips etc can cause issues. You said vet has said no need for x rays...... and you were not willing to discuss x-rays as they had been done to death on another thread..
Well I have just read back on all your previous posts, the only mention is about CAT scans and Brain EEG, which won't be done because they are expensive (fair enough) but no mention of an x-ray at all.
How do you know there is no bone fragment loose or pressing anywhere that is causing the poor horses problems.

And I will question you about his care, because you, a stranger, put YOUR question up on the internet, so you are going to get comments.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I asked about x-rays, as bone chips etc can cause issues. You said vet has said no need for x rays...... and you were not willing to discuss x-rays as they had been done to death on another thread..
Well I have just read back on all your previous posts, the only mention is about CAT scans and Brain EEG, which won't be done because they are expensive (fair enough) but no mention of an x-ray at all.
How do you know there is no bone fragment loose or pressing anywhere that is causing the poor horses problems.

And I will question you about his care, because you, a stranger, put YOUR question up on the internet, so you are going to get comments.

You can write what you like, it's thankfully still a free world in this country. I would even defend your right to be as offensive as you have been.

A little clue for you. You are looking at the wrong thread. X rays have been discussed and I do not wish to discuss them any more.

Can you PM me your name please, so that I know who I'm talking to here?
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Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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I did a search on your previous posts, it bought up 20 pages, having skimmed through all 20 pages I did not find reference to a post about x-rays and why the vet felt they were unnecessary, so numerous threads were read not just the one where I stated about CAT scans etc.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2009
Wherever I lay my hat.
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I can't understand why this horse wouldn't have an x ray and be scanned just to rule out different/migrating/worsening problems?
Or why asking this seems to make you so angry?

I hope the horse gets the diagnosis and treatment it needs.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I can't understand why this horse wouldn't have an x ray and be scanned just to rule out different/migrating/worsening problems?
Or why asking this seems to make you so angry?

I hope the horse gets the diagnosis and treatment it needs.

I am not angry.

Though I think I have every right to be, having been accused of looking for reasons to put down a horse in my care because they think I'm afraid to ride him when other people think they could, don't you? Can you imagine how that feels if you are actually trying to do the right thing for the poor creature?

I am not going to subject this multiple self harming horse to another operation, particularly not one with a very, very uncertain outcome. There is, therefore, no point in xrays, or they would have been taken already.
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I did a search on your previous posts, it bought up 20 pages, having skimmed through all 20 pages I did not find reference to a post about x-rays and why the vet felt they were unnecessary, so numerous threads were read not just the one where I stated about CAT scans etc.

Well one of the replies was actually from a vet supporting the decision, so you're looking in the wrong threads.


Well-Known Member
23 January 2014
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My horse who had a fractured eye socket did not have x-rays initially.

He had his complete head shaved, not a good look, and was ultrasound scanned. This is because the bone chip can cause soft tissue or vein damage.

His fracture was kind of incidental, nothing they could do about, due to location. The main concern was the side effects of the fracture.

So, I can kind of see why cptrayes horse hasn't had x-rays.....if he hasn't, I haven't followed to see is he has it hasn't.

But he was ultrasound scanned...

Well one of the replies was actually from a vet supporting the decision, so you're looking in the wrong threads.

Who do you think you are, a stranger on the internet, to question me about his care?

There's a fair contradiction there petal?

You say people on the internet who haven't seen your horse are not allowed to question you, but a vet on the internet, who has as much knowledge as the rest of us about your horse, is? The vet does not know any more or less than the people commenting here.


Well-Known Member
18 May 2007
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You say people on the internet who haven't seen your horse are not allowed to question you, but a vet on the internet, who has as much knowledge as the rest of us about your horse, is? The vet does not know any more or less than the people commenting here.

I may be very out of date but when I went through vet school it was pretty clear that there is little to be done for most of the bony structures of the skull when they are damaged apart from time... You can drill holes in sinuses but that's about the extent of it. You can't actively treat nerve damage, and you can't get in there and surgically repair a fractured TMJ/zygomatic arch.
So, I'd have to agree with your vet and EDT when they say that an x ray won't make any difference to the treatment. If it's soft tissue damage/nerve damage, rest and anti inflammatories. If it's fractured, rest and anti inflammatories.. Just for longer! Recovery MAY be quicker if it's just soft tissue, but three months will allow fractures to repair (if they're going to) as well.
Sorry to hijack, but I thought that might help clarify things for others who have weighed in here.
And yes, brain tumours are incredibly rare (and untreatable if present, so why worry yourself?).

But perhaps the vet knows a little more about what can and can't be done to treat a head injury?


Well-Known Member
31 May 2007
Land of nod
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After an hour of searching yet again, I found the thread

So it was a dentist that diagnosed the fracture, you also had splinters of bone coming out of his eye socket... A vet you never met on the internet (oh the irony :p ) agrees with you.

I'm sorry but this horse deserves an x-ray just to check he has no floating bits of bone causing trouble. If the outcome of the x-rays means that it is an OP that you won't put him through, then least you can put the boor ****** out of his misery (and you are the one who stated that he looks miserable and if he has a constant headache)


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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My understanding is that the horse is receiving appropriate vetinary care and supporting care by the owner. I see no requirement for posters on this forum to demand that they be given links to other threads, or to demand that the OP's vet do x y or z. People have offered ideas which may help the owner and the horse, but they may not, none of us can demand that anyone must do as we say, none of us could even if we knew the OP in the real world! There is no reason for the rudeness shown to the OP.


Well-Known Member
23 January 2014
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But perhaps the vet knows a little more about what can and can't be done to treat a head injury?

There was no mention of bone chips... Which iis what zigzag and I were referring to needing an xray/scans to diagnose. Bone chips can be removed via surgery. CPtrayes has said she won't put the horse through more surgery- which is fine- but it means months more pain before being resolved, as it takes so much longer for the bone chip to dissolve than for most fractures to heal- of course that depends on the size and location of the bone chip.

CPTrayes has a time limit on his healing, I think, unless I've read this wrong, but if a bone chip was found, the reasonable length of healing time for the fractures to heal could be extended to allow the bone chip to dissolve.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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After an hour of searching yet again, I found the thread

So it was a dentist that diagnosed the fracture, you also had splinters of bone coming out of his eye socket... A vet you never met on the internet (oh the irony :p ) agrees with you. [

No, the dentist refused to gag him because of tmj displacement.

Well pardon me if I am more inclined to listen to a vet, particularly one whose opinionn agrees with the one who's actually seen the horse, than to an accounts clerk or a fireman or a stay at home mum, or whatever you are :D

I'm sorry but this horse deserves an x-ray just to check he has no floating bits of bone causing trouble. If the outcome of the x-rays means that it is an OP that you won't put him through, then least you can put the boor ****** out of his misery (and you are the one who stated that he looks miserable and if he has a constant headache)

He's had a headache for a few days. Shall I come and shoot you the next time you have a headache for a few days?

He's much happier today and the weather is much warmer. From how my own fractures feel in cold weather, I think this is logical.

You seem unaware that left to their to their own devices, most bone chips will either rejoin, if there is a blood supply, or reabsorb if not? Particularly if the area of bone broken is static, like an eye socket or a cheekbone.
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Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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There is no reason for the rudeness shown to the OP.
I have a lot of sympathy for the OP, but she really hasn't helped herself with some of her prickly replies to posters who are new to this case.

I have been following her posts for a while, but even I can't remember all the details of his treatment so far, without going back and re reading every previous thread.

It costs nothing but time to put someone straight, even if it means covering the same ground again.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I have a lot of sympathy for the OP, but she really hasn't helped herself with some of her prickly replies to posters who are new to this case.

I have been following her posts for a while, but even I can't remember all the details of his treatment so far, without going back and re reading every previous thread.

It costs nothing but time to put someone straight, even if it means covering the same ground again.

But I am not asking anyone for their advice on x rays. Why do you feel there is any requirement for me to give any more detail. To satisfy people's curiosity?

Do you think it is acceptable to accuse me of looking for an excuse to put the horse down?

That seems to me to be an awful lot worse than not wanting to carry on writing about things that will not help me or the horse, no?

Where is your condemnation of that rudeness, and of the Princess's refusal to say that she does not think that I am making all this up to give me an excuse not to ride him. Nice, eh?

Can you even imagine how it feels to be on the receiving end of that, when you are desperately trying to do the right thing by your horse?


Well-Known Member
3 January 2008
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But he was ultrasound scanned...

Yes, he was scanned 4-6 weeks down the line because his head swelled.
He wasn't scanned because of his fracture per se, he was scanned due to a flare up after 4 weeks.

I think you are a little hung up about the x-rays.
They can't exactly put his head in a cast, so why waste time and money carrying out a procedure that will not affect the outcome of the treatment.

Think logically about it.

I hope he comes right for you cptrayes. As you know, I spent years trying with mine.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2010
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Goodness OP. Haven't read all the replies but just going by this page you have obviously had some very undeserved unkind comments. Hugs. I for one honestly believe you are doing the right thing for your horse (not that it's any of my business) and am very sorry for the situation you are both in. x x


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Goodness OP. Haven't read all the replies but just going by this page you have obviously had some very undeserved unkind comments. Hugs. I for one honestly believe you are doing the right thing for your horse (not that it's any of my business) and am very sorry for the situation you are both in. x x

Thank you, that means a lot.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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I also can't understand why posters think they have the right to demand the OP provide Them with details from a previous thread. Very odd!
Pleased to hear that he seems more relaxed today CPT. If he's anything like me a good old shoulder massage will cheer him up xx


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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I also can't understand why posters think they have the right to demand the OP provide Them with details from a previous thread. Very odd!
Pleased to hear that he seems more relaxed today CPT. If he's anything like me a good old shoulder massage will cheer him up xx

He's had a head massage and ear pulling session and he seemed very comforted by it :)