Well-Known Member
This actually reminds me of someone I know and she lost her temper too when I tried to give her advice and support.. For the record; she didn't know anything about horses either ._.
I'm sorry to say lou lou but I have to say I agree with these people and you can call me "mean" and "nasty" all you want I frankly can't believe you allowed this to continue for so long no matter what the cause may be. Fact is you asked for help and advice and people gave it to you, you clearly can't take that advice. Even if it turns out they were wrong at least they were trying to help and asses the situation. Anyone in their right mind would have called a vet, physio, chiro, something.. ANYTHING! and common sense is you do NOT push your horse when it is clearly in pain and unhappy! I wish you the best of luck in future, I really hope that horse is in good hands as I for one would fear for it's future, feel free to call that mean too but that's the blaint honest truth of it all.
To think I actually clicked this thread thinking; I wonder if I could be of any help? my gosh...
I'm sorry to say lou lou but I have to say I agree with these people and you can call me "mean" and "nasty" all you want I frankly can't believe you allowed this to continue for so long no matter what the cause may be. Fact is you asked for help and advice and people gave it to you, you clearly can't take that advice. Even if it turns out they were wrong at least they were trying to help and asses the situation. Anyone in their right mind would have called a vet, physio, chiro, something.. ANYTHING! and common sense is you do NOT push your horse when it is clearly in pain and unhappy! I wish you the best of luck in future, I really hope that horse is in good hands as I for one would fear for it's future, feel free to call that mean too but that's the blaint honest truth of it all.
To think I actually clicked this thread thinking; I wonder if I could be of any help? my gosh...