Well-Known Member
We have a 12 (rising 13) all-rounder pony.
We bought her as an experienced jumping pony... she arrived in a very poor condition (bought unseen as i will work with and help whatever we buy as it is my job and always has been)... so I knew she needed to gain lots of top line and muscle and fitness.
She was very angry on the ground, defensive with humans (ears back loads of the time, un trusting), napping when ridden both hacking and jumping.
My daughters are both experienced and so...
Fast fwd about 8 months, tons of hacking, strengthening, excellent nutrition, brilliant managemenof, of plenty of turn out with company, low stress environment, stable over night as no shelter or hay in the herd field, comfy stable with ad lib hay, pony club, lessons, a few low key shows (still nappy)...
Her bodies improved quite a lot. Muscle wise and strength wise... she looks better and is physically fitter and quite enjoys hacking and cross country fun rides, but still tends to be behind the leg and naps now and then...
The biggest thing is, she is still so angry. So Cross with the world. Still refuses to go forwards at times . The napping in the show jumping is extremely bad still and she just seems furious and so irritated with any one even near her, in stable or out.
I am not one to beat, smack and force... when certain trainers have said to do this it just makes her worse and even more feet planting.
Does any one have any similar expertise or thoughts / intuition?
Thank you so much for reading and sorry it is long.
We bought her as an experienced jumping pony... she arrived in a very poor condition (bought unseen as i will work with and help whatever we buy as it is my job and always has been)... so I knew she needed to gain lots of top line and muscle and fitness.
She was very angry on the ground, defensive with humans (ears back loads of the time, un trusting), napping when ridden both hacking and jumping.
My daughters are both experienced and so...
Fast fwd about 8 months, tons of hacking, strengthening, excellent nutrition, brilliant managemenof, of plenty of turn out with company, low stress environment, stable over night as no shelter or hay in the herd field, comfy stable with ad lib hay, pony club, lessons, a few low key shows (still nappy)...
Her bodies improved quite a lot. Muscle wise and strength wise... she looks better and is physically fitter and quite enjoys hacking and cross country fun rides, but still tends to be behind the leg and naps now and then...
The biggest thing is, she is still so angry. So Cross with the world. Still refuses to go forwards at times . The napping in the show jumping is extremely bad still and she just seems furious and so irritated with any one even near her, in stable or out.
I am not one to beat, smack and force... when certain trainers have said to do this it just makes her worse and even more feet planting.
Does any one have any similar expertise or thoughts / intuition?
Thank you so much for reading and sorry it is long.