Pony just isn't happy


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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So she had sooo many scans, checks, scoped, bloods done, back xray, all came back OK.
So she's on regumate!

this made such a difference to our 'nasty' little mare. (she was stolen and they brought her back she was so vile!) She ended up being a lovely kids pony although she taught a lot of kids that ponies need respect. Never had a pony who could curl her lip and pull faces quite like her.

Do you think your mare has had a few foals? that would explain the tummy when you got her. Mine was particularly bad if she was in season, she's been a broodmare for a long time. And just wanted to get in with the stallion - nothing would come between her and making babies if she was in season.