Poppet: A horrid story be ready


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Sorry haven't read everyone's posts on this one, BUT my gut feeling is that if this was a fluffy bunny or cute kitten dumped in the road then the RSPCA would have issued an immediate press/fundraising appeal. It would have been in all the national papers and also used on their fundraising literature until everyone was sick to death of it.

As it was a horse, forget it folks, they're only interested in the "cute" appeal factor and don't give sweet FA about anything else.

OP should consider themselves lucky they didn't try to land a cruelty charge on THEM! I've heard of bizarre things like this happening with them. Very lucky in fact, coz they don't give a fig about who they prosecute as long as they come up smelling of roses.

They've got too much power, too little compassion, and not the first clue about genuine animal welfare IMO.


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Last night while returning to her yard after a ride, my Friend found her neighbour in distress in the road. Why soon became clear, someone had been fly tipping up the narrow road and there mixed in with all the rubbish was a colt. Clinging to life, covered in cuts and full of infection the little animal was in a very sorry state. My friend saw right away that a vet was needed and that for treatment or even for it to be put to sleep, the colt needed to be in a better place. She moved the animal to a safe stable, as I am sure any horse lover would do. While this happened her Uncle called the RSPCA, my friend also called their own vet who advised them not to touch the animal until the RSPCA vet had been. Hours passed with no contact from the RSPCA, my friend rang them on a number of occasions. At last at 10.30 they were able to contact a local inspector, they were than allowed to have a vet. They vet arrived and said it was one of the worst cases they had ever seen, it was touch and go. The animal has a heart mumur but that could be caused by the infection, it was worth a go to try and save such a young horse. This morning the RSPCA tired to back out, wanting my friend to pay for the vets visit ,saying that as the animal was on her land it was her problem. Also they said ,was she to put it back where she found it, they would charge her with neglete!!!???!

So much for the RSPCA,

I am sure they do good work but really this is very wrong!! They do not want to know in case the animal can not be ridden in later life, at this stage that would be impossible to know. They will be getting no more of my money!!!

Over night the colt, nicknamed poppet(because he is ,) is doing well. I know my friend will somehow put the money together and that we, her friends will help, because this little animal now he is alive ,deserves a chance, or to have any suffering ended, if that is the only option.

Sorry about spelling, spell check won't work!!

Oh my god.

RSPCA = a waste of time . :mad:

poor little might :(


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10 June 2010
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Hi All,
after reading through all the comments and posts I believe there maybe a misunderstanding.

The RSPCA are renowned for being slow,unhelpful and a bit of a waste of time BUT, if a memeber of the public have taken it apon themselfs to remove the said pony BEFORE the rspca have had a chance to get out to the location and asses the situation then the said founders have put the rspca in the position where their hands are now tied.
I can imagine the words would have been somewhere along the lines of.... Oh he will be fine here with us, We willl look after him!!!!! (oh a free pony!)

If not, then as its already been mentioned by someone else.... which charity is he going to end up with? you are still yet to answer this.

Why havent you contacted BHS there are 3 of us that cover maidstone and medway as a BHS welfare representative one of us would have paid a visit!

Asking for donations I believe you need to be reg'd as a charity?? or do you not???

This pony has probably never seen a bucket of food in its life, Would help him to be fed around 5-6 small meals thoughout the 24 hour period, do u live on site?

are u planning on "Taking him on" if so then im affaird it then becomes your responsiblity to cover his costs and his welfare needs.

Yes ok, credit where it is due, you have showed him kindness, but you havent really done him any favors!!
You should have left him, how do you know you arnt prolonging an illness that has developed to far.

Looking at the facebook page I cant see you are in the position to offer everything that this little lad needs, your bank balance speaks for its self, as you have advertised!

It would be best all round for you to contact the organisations for this kind of thing and find out who would have the space for him in his condition to give him what he needs, sad as it may seem but they will be able to asses his situation and do whats best for HIM!!!


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
I have to say, Jekyll and Hyde, you don't sound too nice here :eek:
I don't think the OP is obliged to answer any particular questions, or state which charity (if any) is going to take the pony on.
OP also doesn't have to be a charity to ask for donations, but it is somewhat irrelevant and it is a charity that the donations go to, this charity, as it seems decided to support OP in looking after the pony.
As far as we know, a vet has seen the pony and examined it, which I presume answers your question of viability of his life?


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28 March 2011
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can be liver damage or sun burn.

Pink noses are always susceptible to it.:(

Yeh he seriously needs a liver function test, I fear it's could be ragwort I have seen noses like that on ponies where their liver function is damaged by ragwort.
Ps I completely agree with Martlin above OP does not need to answer any questions she's chooses not , if people choose to give money to help this horse it's up to them .
Personally the older I get the more iffy I get with giving money to animal charities I think perhaps you are better giving direct help to people and cases you know about.
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Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Yes the people may have shot themselves in the foot by removing the pony but honestly how many of us could walk away from a distressed pony tangled in rubbish, it would seem sensible to get it to a safe place to calm down, have a drink and be evaluated under a decent light

But to indicate that they may think its a good way to get a free pony is crazy - you can scan the small ads and end up with any number of free ponies that wouldnt need the attention this one does

The people have been incredibly kind hearted and are in an awkward position because of that


Well-Known Member
11 December 2009
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^ the above

I'm a little shocked if I'm honest, that anyone would think it better to have left the pony - especially from a welfare officer :O

I would have done the same as OP.....


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10 June 2010
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For those of you that have found it difficult to understand what i was saying i would like to add that i haven't said for the pony to be lefted to die!
There are many laws to consider on removing animals in this situation.
It is for reg organizations to remove and deal with welfare issues.
Of course human nature would tell us to help the animal but in personal situations the animal needed to be reported and monitored until the relevant organization had arrived for inspection!
My worry is that when you are taking said "dumped" ponies for a field and advertising you only have £3 pounds in the bank and i believe 4 other horses to feed is this going to be a knock on effect?
You will find yourself liable for the vet bill should you not manage to get enough people to pay towards him, then what? Potentially we will then have 5 horses that need help instead of allowing a charity to take the 1 pony that didn't belong to you in the first place.

I would like also add that it was Dot2dot that implied that the pony be left to die as if you read my post clearly, then nowhere will you find that i have said that!

I also threw a question out there to ask if you have to be a reg charity to post adverts for money.

Also the ownership of the pony then comes into question, who will own him?
He will need a passport so do all those that have paid for him have a share in his ownership?
Its a very sticky situation that many people don't quite know all the facts.
Also fact wise i know if the pony had been reported as dumped then the police would have contacted their local transport company and the pony would have been picked up asap.
Its great that people are out there that want to help but sometimes it makes situations worse.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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For those of you that have found it difficult to understand what i was saying i would like to add that i haven't said for the pony to be lefted to die!
There are many laws to consider on removing animals in this situation.
It is for reg organizations to remove and deal with welfare issues.
Of course human nature would tell us to help the animal but in personal situations the animal needed to be reported and monitored until the relevant organization had arrived for inspection!
My worry is that when you are taking said "dumped" ponies for a field and advertising you only have £3 pounds in the bank and i believe 4 other horses to feed is this going to be a knock on effect?
You will find yourself liable for the vet bill should you not manage to get enough people to pay towards him, then what? Potentially we will then have 5 horses that need help instead of allowing a charity to take the 1 pony that didn't belong to you in the first place.

I would like also add that it was Dot2dot that implied that the pony be left to die as if you read my post clearly, then nowhere will you find that i have said that!

I also threw a question out there to ask if you have to be a reg charity to post adverts for money.

Also the ownership of the pony then comes into question, who will own him?
He will need a passport so do all those that have paid for him have a share in his ownership?
Its a very sticky situation that many people don't quite know all the facts.
Also fact wise i know if the pony had been reported as dumped then the police would have contacted their local transport company and the pony would have been picked up asap.
Its great that people are out there that want to help but sometimes it makes situations worse.

It is not only charities that have the right to help animals in distress.
charities have no more rights than anyone esle.
People who are trying to assist horses in need need guidance and help and certainly don't need to be threatened with prosecution as it appears happened in this case.
I admire people who walk don't walk on by and leave such things to others.
And I wish OP luck in her attempt to help this poor little chap.
Your attitude reflects badly on the charity you represent.
I am shocked frankly.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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IIRC OP has had the pony liver function tested GS, and it wasn't great but not that bad.

eta have Jekyll and Hydes posts been removed :confused:


Well-Known Member
16 January 2012
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IIRC OP has had the pony liver function tested GS, and it wasn't great but not that bad.

eta have Jekyll and Hydes posts been removed :confused:

Yes looks like they have been removed! I put a complaint in to the British Horse Society, but i doubt that would have been acted on so quickly?


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
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That's good to hear Ester....I honestly thought with a nose like that his liver must be shot to pieces.
Glad to hear that's not the case :)


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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IIRC OP has had the pony liver function tested GS, and it wasn't great but not that bad.

eta have Jekyll and Hydes posts been removed :confused:

That's good to know , there's hope for him then.
J and H 's comments disappearing is interesting ,can you get your comments removed or why might that happen ? Enlighten me someone.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Hi All,

I am the aforementioned friend. Poppet is hanging on next 2 weeks will be touch and go for him. The burn on his nose is a sign of liver damage. The RSPCA have paid for initial vet pain relief and a blood test to indicate he has a chance of life.... That's just what we will give him! Newnham Court Vets (thanks Tegan and Peter) have been amazing! I was however perplexed by the following reply in regards to putting his story on Horse and Hound FB page given aren't we all horse lovers;



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3 September 2009
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I would like to make it clear that JekyleandHyde is NOT a BHS Welfare Officer and his / her views do NOT represent those of the BHS and our many extremely dedicated volunteers.

This thread has been brought to my attention. I don’t have time to read through the whole thing (I have seen what I think are the salient points though) so please forgive me if I have the wrong end of the stick on anything.

Firstly, well done to the OP for taking Poppet on. He seems to have landed on his feet. I think it is very important though that you get some legal advice. What I don’t want is for you to spend time and effort nursing him back to health only to have someone come along and claim ownership. I know this seems unlikely given the circumstances but it is possible and I have seen it happen before. If you are a BHS Gold member then you have access to the free legal helpline – you really should make use of it! If not, I would suggest that you speak to a solicitor with the relevant expertise as soon as you can. It does need to be a legal professional though – I am not a solicitor and would therefore defer to the experts.

If one of our officers could be of assistance, I am happy to ask the nearest one to come and visit Poppet and perhaps offer advice and support. Further down the line we would be happy to contribute towards his castration although he is clearly not in any state for that to happen yet. The legal status of his ownership also needs to be clarified before you do anything permanent like gelding.

People can claim to be anybody on an internet forum so it isn’t always a good idea to take them at face value. We have had plenty of incidents in the past where people have claimed to be BHS Welfare Officers and caused all sorts of problems. Obviously it doesn’t help on the internet, but all of our officers have ID cards which they can show when out on a visit. If you are ever concerned about the legitimacy of someone claiming to represent the BHS please don’t hesitate to contact head office.

As a final note, everyone will have different views of the RSPCA (as with any other organisation) and I don’t know exactly what has gone here. All I would say is that the RSPCA are a charity working in a very difficult economy and have an enormous workload. It is easy to knock them but we have always worked extremely closely (and very well) with them and we really would be in trouble if we lived in a world without them. Many of the anti-RSPCA stories we hear just aren’t true or we hear only one, incredibly biased, side of them (I make no comment on this specific story as I don’t know anything about it other than what is written here). Certainly the views about the RSPCA which JekyleandHyde seems to be expressing are not those of the BHS.


Well-Known Member
21 June 2005
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I would like to thank everyone that has tried their best to help Poppet. You have all been very kind and I very much hope that he is restored to good health and lives a long life.