Poppet: It was not to be!


Well-Known Member
17 June 2012
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Oh dear. Thank heavens he found you and died in peace, calmness and comfort. The alternative meted out by the scum who dumped him, a squalid and dreadful end, was avoided. Karma will find them.
Much love to you, Piggy and Friends. RIP Poppet.


Well-Known Member
14 March 2009
South West
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Oh no, such sad news :( At least he was loved and cared for at the end, even if it was only for a short time. Well done to all involved in rescuing him, I'm sure he'll be looking down on you all from pony heaven.

R.I.P little Poppet Xxxx
3 May 2013
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Oh that is sad news. I too had high hopes for little Poppet.
Well done to your generous friend for giving him her best shot.
I truly do wonder if some people have hears though, imagine abandoning him like the in the first place x


Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
Where the Wild Things Are....
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So sorry to hear this :(

I was going to post something similar to this on fb last night, but wasn't in the mood for a bashing:
Call me radical if you will, but one way to sort it would be to issue an edict that if in a set period, say 7 days, that unless owners of these animals remove them from public areas, then all horses/ponies not properly secured in either a paddock, stable, or livery yard, will be rounded up and shot. And do it. No compensation would be offered. Give Defra something sensible to do for once, but as usual no-one from officialdom is doing anything and this is only going to get worse.


Well-Known Member
14 December 2012
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Poor little lad. RIP little man. So much respect to all who helped this chap have some days of love and kindness at the end. x


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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Poor little man but even an hours kindness is worth everything to an animal and his suffering was gently brought to an end before he deteriorated further. I wish more were that fortunate.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2010
Up t'dale
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So sad but at least he was with people who cared at the end. So glad someone did care and that he had a peaceful end. If karma does exist I hope that it not only visits those who treated him so badly but also those who did so much good.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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Poor little mite, but at least he knew some kindness at the end.

Unfortunately the Powers That Be are *****-scared to do anything about this growing problem; plus the RSPCA are more concerned with bumming up money for fund-raising by showing the cute and cuddly and not dealing with the more unpalatable - and politically volatile - issues such as this is.

Call me radical if you will, but one way to sort it would be to issue an edict that if in a set period, say 7 days, that unless owners of these animals remove them from public areas, then all horses/ponies not properly secured in either a paddock, stable, or livery yard, will be rounded up and shot. And do it. No compensation would be offered. Give Defra something sensible to do for once, but as usual no-one from officialdom is doing anything and this is only going to get worse.

I'm sorry, but I think there was a heck of a lot more to do with this story. My guess is that OP was offered a few different outcomes but refused them.

OP IMO chose to take on this pony themselves. Therefore they alone took on the vet bills, and responsibility.


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
I live in Kent
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I'm sorry, but I think there was a heck of a lot more to do with this story. My guess is that OP was offered a few different outcomes but refused them.

OP IMO chose to take on this pony themselves. Therefore they alone took on the vet bills, and responsibility.

Excuse me but have you read all the posts! Yes of course there is more to the story, it would take to much time to type it all up! With this post are you suggesting that we are telling porkies or making things up, to make us look good. Maybe you need to do things like that, to make yourself look big or interesting, but we were too busy watching a two year old colt die.

As the OP I can tell you that I was not the one calling the shots ( read the original post!!!), this tells me you either have not read it or have problems reading. My friend was threatened by the rspca, all she wanted was the best for Poppet. When help was offered she took it, we had even found him a new home.

You seem to think this was all for some sort of glory or self fulfilment, she was there when this little horse needed help and was willing to give it because she is a nice person who loves horses.

If your post is how you think then are you are nice person? Or did you simply post without reading the whole bloody thing and put your foot in it. I do hope it is the latter.