Post XC hydration


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24 October 2012
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As I am not yet weeping into my glass of wine and am somewhat, surprisingly optimistic about my next planned folly into the world of eventing, talk to me good people about the best way to re-hydrate the wondrous wee beasties, (that have just made you work your arse off around the XC, but it is them who get pampered and preened) to ensure they are tip top afterwards!

Eventer on the yard uses re-covery mash from Saracens, Skylla thinks this is THE BEST FEED EVER! I looked at the ingredients and thought hmm lots of stuff I wouldn't normally feed, so I tried a very wet grass nuts and pink mash bucket as something more tempting than just plain water, however this was shunned as much as the plain water was...

Could try some apple juice in the water next time or just accept she was the re-covery mash, and as it's only for after the XC phase it's not a bad treat for her to get her rehydrated?

What do you guys use?

Picture to make it more interesting!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I just offered mine a drink of water o_O they travelled with wet hay and always enjoyed a good munch of grass post xc, i figured that was topping them up even if they weren't showing thirst (Millie used to quite often want a drink after she'd eaten something grass like)
I'm sure people will have lots of suggestions but unless the horses is sweating unduly I'm not sure I'd be overthinking this bit for a ODE, did she drink normally when you got home? (unsure if TO or stabled)

the skeptic in me thinks you would have to make the recovery mash extremely wet for it to be rehydrating?


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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I just don't worry about it unless super hot and then they tend to drink anyway.
Mine never really drink at a one day. Never have, even if offered. I let them eat grass before being loaded back up and just don't stress. They drink plenty when away from home and staying overnight so I just don't sweat it.

Horses can go a surprisingly long time without drinking. They also get their water from several sources -


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24 October 2012
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A bucket of water ?

Haha I do normally only ever offer water, she doesn't normally drink much of it when out and about, but the recovery mash she practically stuck her whole face in the bucket she loved it that much!

I just offered mine a drink of water o_O they travelled with wet hay and always enjoyed a good munch of grass post xc, i figured that was topping them up even if they weren't showing thirst (Millie used to quite often want a drink after she'd eaten something grass like)
I'm sure people will have lots of suggestions but unless the horses is sweating unduly I'm not sure I'd be overthinking this bit for a ODE, did she drink normally when you got home? (unsure if TO or stabled)

the skeptic in me thinks you would have to make the recovery mash extremely wet for it to be rehydrating?

Yeah she (eventer lady) makes it like a soup and they drink the water.

I was just surprised how much she drank of the recovery mash water compared to plain boring water! I'm not always super keen to let them eat grass from unknown venues (worms, things dropped in the grass, etc I'm a worrier lol). She always wants a big drink from her field bucket (same water as in the stable but outside is better go figure), she's field kept in the summer.

I just don't worry about it unless super hot and then they tend to drink anyway.
Mine never really drink at a one day. Never have, even if offered. I let them eat grass before being loaded back up and just don't stress. They drink plenty when away from home and staying overnight so I just don't sweat it.

Horses can go a surprisingly long time without drinking. They also get their water from several sources -

Hmm ok maybe I shall continue to be mean and just stick with boring plain water then :).

Sugar beet water.

Don't feed sugar beet or this would be a good suggestion!


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26 April 2007
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I use recovery mash and really rate it. My mare is very reluctant to drink anywhere other than from her stable drinker and this has been a game changer for hot, competition days.

It’s extremely palatable but I make it very, very wet. She has to drink a substantial amount of water before she gets the sugary yumminess! I agree the ingredients are not necessarily what you’d want to feed every day but then it’s not really designed for that any way


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24 October 2012
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I use recovery mash and really rate it. My mare is very reluctant to drink anywhere other than from her stable drinker and this has been a game changer for hot, competition days.

It’s extremely palatable but I make it very, very wet. She has to drink a substantial amount of water before she gets the sugary yumminess! I agree the ingredients are not necessarily what you’d want to feed every day but then it’s not really designed for that any way

Yeah that's how we've been 'feeding' it, Skylla can get quite sweaty/ hot (wondering if it's a breeding thing as Topaz is the same), so I was impressed at how much she drank of it!

Water for most but one has to be water and Waitrose Apple High Juice :rolleyes: Last weekend I threw an apple into the bucket and he drank loads until he realised that by tipping the bucket over he could just have the apple.....

Does it have to be Waitrose apple juice? :oops:

I tried the whole apple in the bucket and Skylla did the same thing...


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25 January 2008
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Mine doesn't often drink away from home. I offer her some water, and pop an apple in it if I have one, but mostly she just has some grass and then a proper drink at home.

I feed salt everyday as this is apparently more effective than loading with electrolytes before/after a competition. I don't like the amount of sugar in most specific recovery feeds or electrolytes.


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24 October 2012
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Mine doesn't often drink away from home. I offer her some water, and pop an apple in it if I have one, but mostly she just has some grass and then a proper drink at home.

I feed salt everyday as this is apparently more effective than loading with electrolytes before/after a competition. I don't like the amount of sugar in most specific recovery feeds or electrolytes.

I don't feed religiously every day as they don't need it, though I'm currently trialing a supplement for Skylla so could try adding salt but last time I tried with Topaz she wouldn't eat it... Does it have to be every day, and how much do you feed?


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24 October 2012
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Off the top of my head I think it is powdered/dried alfalfa/grass.

Hmm not sure I like any company who doesn't put a clear ingredient list out, but also wondering how it is different to me over-wetting my grassnuts? Is it flavoured?

Alfalfa is one of the ingredients I'm wary of as she is a lump prone horse...

Why can she not just drink her water!!!


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23 September 2008
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Hmm not sure I like any company who doesn't put a clear ingredient list out, but also wondering how it is different to me over-wetting my grassnuts? Is it flavoured?

Alfalfa is one of the ingredients I'm wary of as she is a lump prone horse...

Why can she not just drink her water!!!
TBH if she was really thirsty she would drink, if it doesn't seem to be effecting her I would just leave her to it.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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So, I think you're over thinking. At the moment you're doing 80s, I know in the longer term it's something to keep in mind but I wouldnt stress just yet too much
completely agree.
tbh I think this is a problem that the feed companies have made people believe they have, when for most horses on an average day doing a ODE I just would not stress it.


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24 October 2012
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Haha definite over thinker, but I would prefer her to drink more!

It's less the exertion but more how much she sweats up, might try adding salt to her feed and see if she will eat it! Topaz will just drink her water as long as it was from home...


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I have scoops that hold about 25-30g, I give one on a non working day and 2 if they work (split breakfast and dinner since Kira doesn't get a lot of food and Darcy is fussy if there's too much).

Darcy fussed about his for a few days but he has now agreed to eat it (though only Apple Lytes, if I try to slip normal salt into his food then he throws it everywhere!)


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2 April 2007
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I feed electrolytes daily, then for short shows we offer either very watery equidgel or recovery mash in water (no help at all I know!) between phases but he still only washes his mouth out. I wouldn’t stress it if she’s fit enough for the work and recovering well - they’re big old animals with plenty of spare hydration left! If they’re thirsty they will drink eventually but generally no harm will be done doing most the drinking at home from a 12-14hour day out with one main exertion at the end. The endurance guys are really good at this stuff...


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25 January 2008
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I don't feed religiously every day as they don't need it, though I'm currently trialing a supplement for Skylla so could try adding salt but last time I tried with Topaz she wouldn't eat it... Does it have to be every day, and how much do you feed?

I have a very fussy horse so I started with a teeny tiny pinch and increased gradually. She is having a 50ml supplement scoop twice a day at the moment which is about 40g.

It is 50g for a 500kg horse in medium work and normal weather I think but there are different recommendations.

One other suggestion for rehydration that works for mine is to take a small feed and then make it really sloppy/soupy and maybe add a bit of apple or carrot. She will often have a bit of this, but doesn't always finish it. She is much happier just given access to grass if possible/safe so I normally go with that.


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2 April 2007
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To get the electrolytes in I use apple sauce or actual molasses... He gets a balancer with it as his ‘feed’. I figure for the work he’s doing the sugar hit is negligible!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I have a small tub of speedy beet in the box, that I begged from someone who fed it. When I arrive, I chuck a handful into a full bucket of water. It is such a small amount, but when I have finished, I woosh it round and it obviously makes it taste nice enough that she will take a proper drink.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Mine have electrolytes in pink mash soup. But if she hates the pink mash I'd try equidgel or some other very very wet mash. I like Dolly to eat and drink soon after a big effort as that's the 'golden hour' when the muscles are able to absorb nutrients most easily.


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24 October 2012
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I have a small tub of speedy beet in the box, that I begged from someone who fed it. When I arrive, I chuck a handful into a full bucket of water. It is such a small amount, but when I have finished, I woosh it round and it obviously makes it taste nice enough that she will take a proper drink.

I don’t think anyone on the yard even has any or I’d nab some lol.

Mine have electrolytes in pink mash soup. But if she hates the pink mash I'd try equidgel or some other very very wet mash. I like Dolly to eat and drink soon after a big effort as that's the 'golden hour' when the muscles are able to absorb nutrients most easily.

She will eat pink mash but turned her nose up at pink mash + grassnut soup!

Fussy beast, I am tempted to just let her have her sugar high hit if the recovery mash, as it does have some good stuff in too and she loves it!


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3 April 2003
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We have one who is a bit funny about drinking at competitions and he competes up to 2*. He has also completed the Corinthian Cup championships over the demanding hilly course at Gatcombe three times, which is held in August and twice the weather has been extremely hot. He has electrolytes daily in his feed when he is in full work (which ensures he drinks well at home), sloppy feeds before and after and we let him graze before, during and after phases at events - this is good from a point of view of relaxation and ulcer prevention as well as hydration. TBH, if you are competing at 80 and she is drinking well at home and you make her pre-competition feed nice and wet there really shouldn't be much of a problem.