Pramox side affects?

sport horse

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23 January 2002
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I lost a horse who coliced after a Pramox. He had been regularly wormed from birth and had had Pramox before. I cannot prove it was the wormer but weird that he coliced a few hours after worming and died less than 24 hours later. My yard is now a Pramox free zone.


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6 April 2009
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I lost a horse who coliced after a Pramox. He had been regularly wormed from birth and had had Pramox before. I cannot prove it was the wormer but weird that he coliced a few hours after worming and died less than 24 hours later. My yard is now a Pramox free zone.

Me too. I'd had the horse 20 years and he went from healthy and happy to dead in 48 hours. I was absolutely heartbroken. I can't prove that it was pramox as I didn't want to do a post-mortem etc but I'll never ever use it again.

It sounds like your youngster is getting the best possible care. Crossing everything for him and keep us updated!


15 March 2013
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I lost a horse who coliced after a Pramox. He had been regularly wormed from birth and had had Pramox before. I cannot prove it was the wormer but weird that he coliced a few hours after worming and died less than 24 hours later. My yard is now a Pramox free zone.
I am so sorry to hear this!
like your horse tho, my youngster has been regularly wormed from birth and yet I also can not prove it has been the pramox that has done this to him. It is some coincidence he has fallen ill since having it. There has been zero changes in his life or diet.


15 March 2013
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We had a 3 Yr old Appy colic after Pramox. Fortunately she made a good recovery. We've never used it again.
It is seriously worrying how many people have experienced issues since using it. Yes I could understand if he had a high worm burden but he hadn’t. He has been wormed regularly since birth. I hope your horse has been ok since.


15 March 2013
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I wormed my 18 month old with pramox at the beginning of Oct, I did my 2 year old with same syringe.
a week later, my 18 month old gelding coat went dull/ flakey and he went pretty lifeless to be fair. He also had loose dung. Bloods were taken (inflammation of the gut was result) and He went into oral steroids. He perked up slightly couple weeks later , vet recommended to reduce steroids, 2 days later he was horrifically tucked up, heart rate more than double, slight temp, and lying down a straight back out and gave him steroid injection along with vitamin e and antibiotics, more bloods taken. The next day, he had perked up slightly, not half as tucked up and heart rate and temp back to normal. Now today he has went lifeless again and back end looks really weak. Awaiting the second blood results still. Can anyone who has had issues with pramox let me know their symptoms their horse had please? I have heard of foot sore and colic but just wondering if anything similar to what we are going through. Mentioned this to vet n he thought possible, but why didn’t it affect him straight away. Any info appreciated as going through hell for the wee guy and the future is t looking too promising to be honest.
many thanks
Photo below of him today. Starting to fill out again, a lot brighter in himself. Had zero steroids today but has started a new coarse on antibiotics. Still weak on the back legs, dragging his toes and staggering slightly but over all, not too bad today. See what he’s like tomorrow as he had 1 good day last week, then crashed the next.


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25 May 2003
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Sorry to hear that’s happened to your boy, mine is another who colicked on pramox. Unfortunately I couldn’t get him right for ages afterwards and had terrible problems with his albumin levels after which indicates hind gut issues. He was on steroids for quite some time before he came right again.
Have you had bloods run? You may find something similar. I hope he improves soon. I will never use it again.


15 March 2013
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Sorry to hear that’s happened to your boy, mine is another who colicked on pramox. Unfortunately I couldn’t get him right for ages afterwards and had terrible problems with his albumin levels after which indicates hind gut issues. He was on steroids for quite some time before he came right again.
Have you had bloods run? You may find something similar. I hope he improves soon. I will never use it again.
Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes have run bloods twice now, and dung samples. Your right, his albumin levels are very high and we are just trying to nurse him through it right now. He never actually coliced tho, that’s the only difference. Just went horrifically tucked up with his heart rate doubled and a slight temp. Lying down a lot and could hardly eat.
slight improvement today tho so I’m keeping everything crossed that we are on the right track.
thanks again for your reply. It is so scary how many poor horses have had issues with this wormer when we think we are doing them good.


Well-Known Member
25 May 2003
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Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes have run bloods twice now, and dung samples. Your right, his albumin levels are very high and we are just trying to nurse him through it right now. He never actually coliced tho, that’s the only difference. Just went horrifically tucked up with his heart rate doubled and a slight temp. Lying down a lot and could hardly eat.
slight improvement today tho so I’m keeping everything crossed that we are on the right track.
thanks again for your reply. It is so scary how many poor horses have had issues with this wormer when we think we are doing them good.

poor boy he must have been in a lot of pain. Mine was on steroids for about six months on various doses, then he came right and then he went backwards again and spent another three months on them. It took such a long time but he did eventually come right again, I hope you have the same outcome x


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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This is my horse less than 12 hours after being wormed with pramox

in case it’s not super clear, he was colicing and suffering muscle fasiculations (he has RER and we think vitamin E deficiency myopathy so think they were brought on by the stress of the colic).

The other 2 horses were fine on it, but I won’t touch it since this.


15 March 2013
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This is my horse less than 12 hours after being wormed with pramox

in case it’s not super clear, he was colicing and suffering muscle fasiculations (he has RER and we think vitamin E deficiency myopathy so think they were brought on by the stress of the colic).

The other 2 horses were fine on it, but I won’t touch it since this.
What a shame! Is he ok now? I do hope some official warnings are put out about this soon as it seems to be happening to too many innocent horses.
We think we are doing them good when giving this so called trusted product.


15 March 2013
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Photo below of him today. Starting to fill out again, a lot brighter in himself. Had zero steroids today but has started a new coarse on antibiotics. Still weak on the back legs, dragging his toes and staggering slightly but over all, not too bad today. See what he’s like tomorrow as he had 1 good day last week, then crashed the next.

***1 step forward , 2 steps back. It’s going to be a long fight.
test came back negative for salmonella so lab still looking for answers.


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15 March 2013
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Lawsonia was difficult to prove. My horse was in horse hospital by this time. he was rushed there as he was very ill. The vet was very experienced with lawsonia, knew he had it but getting an exact result wasn’t,t easy. In the end they told me that even if not the treatment was still the same except with lawsonia the Abs would continue for longer. he had antibiotics for 6 weeks and sucralfate for even longer
Test results have just come back negative for Lawsonia today.


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23 December 2010
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Test results have just come back negative for Lawsonia today.
I liked your post, glad in a way for you, but sorry you have no definite answer.

Sadly I think you may not get a definitive answer so you can say X caused the problem. I think most of these problems will be treated in the same way. I hope you can make some progress. Fingers crossed for both of you. I know how hard this is on the owner. :)


Well-Known Member
12 June 2020
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Has tick related conditions been considered, luping ill? Had a horse with this years ago, initial high temp & fever. Recovered from that very quickly then went very weak / wobbly?