I personally think it is, yes, but the fox is dead so I suppose hunters can do what they want with its body. Pros claim blooding is no longer practised but it is.
I've never been blooded & i am whipper-in for our local pack well not in the correct turn of blooded my horse caught me in the face on last legal day & the resulty is below
Our Huntsman has never been blooded either. Just depends if you were there when they were doing it or not & down to your own preferance.
In the film Omen 3 the Devil goes foxhunting and at one stage turns the hounds on a "goody" who's following him. He then initiates a young foxhunter with the blood of the victim, thereby enlisting him as an evil disciple. It's a hilarious scene and shows how unbelievably silly the whole cult-like initiation ceremony of blooding is.
It isn't COMPLETELY irrelevant. The practice of blooding - which still takes place - gives an insight into the sort of people who enjoy hunting animals with hounds.
Who mentioned making blooding illegal? I certainly didn't. If Hercules gets a kick from having fox blood smeared over his boat - with the attendant risk of infection - I couldn't be less bothered. He, and indeed you, can go shove your heads in a vat of cow sh1t for all I care.
Has the 'sort of people' who play tiddly winks got anything to do with anything. What if only fascist dictators played it, would that be grounds to ban it?
You haven't understood. I dont want to ban blooding or tiddly winks. I think it's a strange thing to want to have fox blood daubed over your face, but if you want to do it - go ahead!
I have been around hunting since tiny, but was never blooded and have never witnessed it, although have been there at the kill. Not something I would personally be interested in having done, you can not judge on a few preferences an entire way of life. Alot of people involved in hunting do not have the fluffy bunny veiw that dominates the of majority arguments against the practice of hunting with hounds.
As you know avalcalab I'm asking you what relevance it has what 'sort of person' hunts. It's amazing how many points you are simply incapable of responding to in any meaningfull fashion. Are you frightened of the argument?
A lot of antis are obsessed with blooding. To me the only important legal or ethical issue around hunting is cruelty. All of the rest is irrelevant. They bring it up for PR.
I think it's obviously relevant. If people perform weird secretive initiation ceremonies during fox hunts it makes me more likely to view the fox hunt as a whole with some suspicion.
On a wider level, I think the "sort of people" who hunt is even more important. I dislike terrierwork, for example, partly because most (thankfully not all) terriermen are such deeply unpleasant, yobbish, racist, sexist, homophpbic, thick gibbons who get a genuine quasi-sexual delight from abusing animals. Some of these characters bait badgers and organise dog fights. Oh yes, I think the "sort of people" who hunt can be very relevant.
I'll tell you what I think. I have a big problem with the 'sort of people' who want to ban activities on the basis of what they feel are the 'sort of people' that carry them out. I think that these people are highly prejudiced and want to use the law for their own political ends.
I think that the law should target poeople's activities and not who the people are that carry them out. I think that those activities should be judged on their effects beneficial or otherwise not on the basis of the 'sort of people' that carry them out.
I'm sorry, but I disagree that blooding reveals the true face of hunting.
I don't mind blooding. I like blooding in fact. to me, blooding is more than just phsycial blood on body, blooding is saying that the body and therefore spirit of the fox are sacred, which is why there is ceremony about the matter.
I would like to think that the cunning and wit of the fox has been passed onto many young hunters in this fashion, not too dis-similar to the native american practise of eating internet organs of buffalo raw so as to possese their strength.
And what of cultures who wear pelts or body parts to draw on the animals strength?
To me, blooding reveals the respect hunters have for the fox, that they would wish to take on his characteristics.
I'll agree it's a little 'caveman' though - but I'm pagan and have very 'caveman' views of the world.
I will always pay respects to any dead animal, I have buried every animal I have killed so far, and the one I didn't bury was eaten.
That, and being part of a rural family, I've never been screamish about blood. Try playing with a roadkill deer heart and not get some on you. Or try skinning a hare, gutting a pheasant.
Blood makes up the vast majority of our body, why's it suddenly so sickening on the outside?
tbh, I'm still a touch concerned about 'fitting in' and all... I don't want to follow a set path, the word of god so to speak, it's not me!
For a start, I swear I contravene 90% of the old testament!
No, I just want to believe what I believe about the world and it's ways, and I happen to believe in the celtic gods and the earth mother more than one christian god.
But I don't want to be seen to get it wrong along the lines...
reguardless, pagan is still the closest religeon to me... so it's the umbrella I'll use.
And yes, I agree about the cultures. Funny how you'll see all sorts of people out hunting, and yet antis only see the one...
Fine, the white upper/middle classes aren't a different culture, but why can people not accept them? Especially as there are FAR more than just the white upper/middle classes who hunt!!!
I don't care what antis say, when one of their favourite words to use to describe hunters is "toffs" - you don't need to listen to their arguments, they resent the fact that the white upper/middle classes have money, end of.
And so what if they do. I'd rather spend my £15 on hunt subs than on a ticket to see a bunch of overpaid twats kick a ball around...
avalcalab - everyone is entitled to there opinion and I can understand why some people don't agree with hunting. However, it is extremely irritating when people talk complete b*****ks about things that are totally irrelevant!!
Does it really matter if hunts do carry out blooding or not?? It's not really something I've thought about very much but you obviously find it far more fascinating! Will you please inform me, if i've been blooded, what "type of person" does that make me?? Just curious!
hmm.. i am not an anti but all the hunts i have seen i hate to say are all very very posh ( and i am middle class white myself) i can understand why that is off putting to somepeople!i personally i wouldnt really fancy having blood smeared across my face but each to their own! i am not sure i agree that the hunt think of the fox as sacred though! other religions who view an animal as sacred will not kill or eat it!