Progress report from a brand new sharer


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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A progress report because a) he is handsome and any excuse for a picture b) I got great advice here and c) it might help me to look back (so trying to give an honest whole picture)

This was my first week of part-loaning Finbar without his owner as previously we were trialling.

Day 1- Lesson

Boy does he puff out when doing up his girth, but we got there.

Brought him out to the mounting block where he decided 'oh she has treats in her pocket I'll just keep going for them and refuse to stand still.' I wasn't having it, and let him know- previously I probably would have started sweating.

Then began our lesson. He absolutely was testing me. Probably because it was the first time I was properly in charge. After about a 10 minute warm up we both started to relax, and he went amazingly. Some lovely trots on both reins and a couple of short canters. I can only do short canters until my back gets stronger from my injury but I was happy with it, until we had a moment where I couldn't apply the brakes. I have a tendency to grip sometimes when I get nervous, so I was telling the poor boy to keep going while my mind was telling him to stop. When I did correctly ask him back into a trot he did so.

Turned him out for a bit after, while poor exhausted me set off to do his jobs. Luckily OH had come up for the spin and fresh air - turns out his shovel like hands make quick work of filling haynets. Took me FOREVER to muck out. Went and got him from the turnout then-What a hero, I called his name and he toddled over to me like a big dog and stuck his head out for his headcollar. Put him to bed, said night night ponies and went home. Slept like a baby too I might add.

Day 2- another lesson!

Arrived in plenty of time so filled his haynets before the lesson-will try to do this in future-still finding my routine. Did his feet which he picked up like a superstar with out any hassle-I've been told he can sometimes not be great at this but so far so good. Tacked him up, girth fastened without any drama (is it too much to claim I'm already gaining strength?). Mounting block, same as the day before but once he stands he stands like a rock. I just need to keep being firm with him. He was great then, listening to me from the second I got on. Did all the usual stuff. I asked the instructor if I could take my stirrups away as I could feel I was tensing up/getting stiff ankles and this usually fixes it. Some lovely sitting trot without stirrups. He's so comfortable! Cantered some circles (with stirrups) someone videod them for me and to be honest, I never video but it helped. I looked at it and thought 'oh I'm actually a better rider than I thought'. Mucked out his stable and made his dinner and breakfast! This all went much more smoothly- I'm definitely getting into the rhythm. Went home with the biggest smile on my face.

Day 3- tomorrow

I don't feel much like doing a lesson, and I don't want to get into a trap where I'm only used to riding him with instruction. I feel very comfortable and safe with him now so decided to take him on a short hack and chill out. I'm hoping to wash his tail too, I asked his owner if I could - more so because he can be sensitive skin wise-and she was like 'would I mind?? Please do!' so hopefully a nice day of playing ponies tomorrow and doing some fun stuff. Lessons resume next week!

Attached are some pictures of a handsome boy and a very happy ArklePig. And look we match! I've had that top for years ?


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Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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You’re exactly the sort of person I’d want as sharer if I was looking.
Someone having lessons to get to know the horse and someone who asks questions when not sure. You seem so keen it’s lovely to see.
I followed with interest about you and your RS horse.
Lovely update and glad to see all smiles in photos! very happy for you.
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Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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You’re exactly the sort of person I’d want as sharer if I was looking.
Someone having lessons to get to know the horse and someone who asks questions when not sure. You seem so keen it’s lovely to see.
I followed with interest about you and your RS horse.
Lovely update and glad to see all smiles in photos! very happy for you.

This is such a lovely post, thank you! I'm having the best time. Few teary moments in the week about Jack the riding school loan, I miss him! But Finbar is making space in my heart for definite.

A million times I've seen people on this forum say 'I'd rather a novice sharer who needed help and asked than someone who thought they knew it all' and it's having that reinforced that has given me confidence to go for it, so again, thanks to this place!


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Is he invited to the wedding?

I mean, I won't lie, I've floated the idea. But you know, with the grooms allergy ?, and the actual logistics of getting him from NI to Co Clare I think he'll have to sit this out. It's a shame, as he already he looks like he's wearing a tux!

I also absolutely did not pick my wedding venue out of our final two preferences cause they have fields of friendly donkeys... Nope, not me.
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I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I read the text now, wow, you are doing fabulously well! I am one of those who said I have had a novice sharer, and it was fabulous. I just need someone who will ask when unsure, isn't too needy emotionally (horses being my down time), tell the truth, and wish to join me on my adventure.

Sounds like you are all in!

I actually like this horse a whole lot more then the RS one. Looks like a perfect fit.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Thanks Red!

Objectively I know he's a whole lot more horse and a better class of animal than my RS loan. But RS school loan was the one I needed when I needed it, and he was so kind and willing and never punished me for making a mistake.Also, I kind of felt sorry for him (like a lot of riding school horses he was very much 'stock') and I took my job of being his person to heart a bit. Honestly if I could buy him and keep him as a big hairy pet I would ?

Finbar does suit me though I just feel like we click so much but riding him isn't necessarily easy. I feel like he is really going to teach me to ride, but he's as safe as a house. I love him a lot too but for completely different reasons and for different personality qualities. He is an absolute chancer which while the opposite to Jack is just hilarious and makes me laugh.


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7 September 2004
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He looks like the type of horse that is gold dust to keep learning on for a sharer - lucky you! It also sounds like you are doing a fantastic job. Hopefully this will be a long and happy partnership


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Thanks Red!

Objectively I know he's a whole lot more horse and a better class of animal than my RS loan. But RS school loan was the one I needed when I needed it, and he was so kind and willing and never punished me for making a mistake.Also, I kind of felt sorry for him (like a lot of riding school horses he was very much 'stock') and I took my job of being his person to heart a bit. Honestly if I could buy him and keep him as a big hairy pet I would ?

Finbar does suit me though I just feel like we click so much but riding him isn't necessarily easy. I feel like he is really going to teach me to ride, but he's as safe as a house. I love him a lot too but for completely different reasons and for different personality qualities. He is an absolute chancer which while the opposite to Jack is just hilarious and makes me laugh.

I think the RS horse may have been gold in himself, but I too felt sorry for him. I would have wanted to arrange physios and saddle fitters etc, and restrict the work/weight he did. I would have been unhappy sharing him.

Finbar looks very fit, healthy, up for it and happy. I would be happy to go ride him.

Very different pictures.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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I don't want to say too much with it being a public forum but I agree with you Red. Toward the end i ended up taking him for more inhand walks and gentle pootling about. Lots of cuddles and grooming and generally fussing over him. I couldn't let go until it was time as I wanted him to be loved (I'm definitely a sentimental eejit). Hard to walk away when an animal has your heart.

Anyway, onwards and upwards with the big lad.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I'm loving following this :D
Also just to add re novice sharers - it's often great as an owner to know/see that someone else is really enjoying your horse. Frank did the job a fair few times as he was established and good at looking after people (saved the not looking after for me, the worse nonsense he ever got up to with sharer was his walking speed hacking being very very slow!)


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Day 3-

Added to worst bits of horses: washing a white and black tail. I thought I'd never be done! He was very good while I was doing it though and it was worth it for the end result.

I also took him on our first solo hack! There was no funny business at the mounting block today which was good. Just a short loop around a track they have there in walk and a short trot only. I was very pleased though. He's a little bit looky but if you just keep chatting to him (though maybe that's for my benefit? ?) and keep the leg on he's grand. I was pleased that I felt comfortable enough to take him out alone, and it was so relaxing. I was at that yard for about 5 hours and aside from washing the tail and a short hack I couldn't tell you what I did but I can tell you I'm exhausted, but happy.

Edited to add (which I meant to say originally) thanks to everyone for your lovely comments. I'll be sure to tell him that hho is rooting for us ?


Well-Known Member
1 March 2016
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Day 3-

Added to worst bits of horses: washing a white and black tail. I thought I'd never be done! He was very good while I was doing it though and it was worth it for the end result.

I also took him on our first solo hack! There was no funny business at the mounting block today which was good. Just a short loop around a track they have there in walk and a short trot only. I was very pleased though. He's a little bit looky but if you just keep chatting to him (though maybe that's for my benefit? ?) and keep the leg on he's grand. I was pleased that I felt comfortable enough to take him out alone, and it was so relaxing. I was at that yard for about 5 hours and aside from washing the tail and a short hack I couldn't tell you what I did but I can tell you I'm exhausted, but happy.

Edited to add (which I meant to say originally) thanks to everyone for your lovely comments. I'll be sure to tell him that hho is rooting for us ?

Sounds excellent. Well done! Hacking alone is a big step.