Quite disappointed in myself - ended ride on bad note


4 April 2021
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Today I had planned on schooling my pony for around a half hour since he gets bored pretty quickly. Today things were going good and after about a half an hour he had walked, trotted, and cantered decently and conquered his fear of a triangular wooden thing (forget what it’s called). I was overall very pleased with his work since he is wicked green and was acting up a ton thursday and a little yesterday. But then my trainer came out and started teaching a lesson, and new people came in looking around the yard. They were watching me ride and although I had planned on ending my ride after our very nice canter (nice in his current standard which is to charge into it and have moderate steering capabilities lol), my ego got the best of me and I insisted on going for another canter. That went nicely but obviously I HAD to prove to my trainer that I had improved our stop by halting square over a pole. :rolleyes: We had done it in our lesson earlier this week but i don’t think the poor thing understood what I was asking. Of course I HAD to get it right and it took about 10, 15 tries before I finally gave up, got off, and made him do it on the ground. I ended the session after that but I was wicked disappointed in myself. Not only could I have gotten off of my horse and ended the session on a positive note after 30 minutes instead of 1 hour, but he never quite understood what I was asking and I don’t feel like I was being fair and that he thought I was pulling on the reins (using my seat as well of course) for no reason. Pretty sure he was confused because for the first part of the ride I was asking him to walk forward over them and then I suddenly asked him to stop and he didn’t know what to do.

I apologize if this rant sounded stupid but usually I have a lot more self control than this.

Though to be honest it doesn’t sound as bad as it feels, which is probably a hint that I’m slightly overreacting and beating myself up over the bad things instead of thinking about the major improvements that happened.

I don’t even expect anyone to reply to this as it was a bit childish but I just wanted to spill my feelings about today as my family doesn’t like to listen to this stuff.

Caol Ila

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23 January 2012
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"Wicked green." Don't think I've heard anyone use "wicked" as a superlative since I left Western Massachusetts in 2005. Fantastic.

Your horse will be fine. He'll forigive you. They usually do. You've learned something -- not to overdo training because you feel you have to prove something to someone. We've all been there. You'll now know not to do it again.


4 April 2021
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"Wicked green." Don't think I've heard anyone use "wicked" as a superlative since I left Western Massachusetts in 2005. Fantastic.

Your horse will be fine. He'll forigive you. They usually do. You've learned something -- not to overdo training because you feel you have to prove something to someone. We've all been there. You'll now know not to do it again.

Yes, you can most definitely tell that I'm from New England!

Also, yes, I've learned a very important lesson. He's a very forgiving horse, so I'm not too worried about that. Just a bit disappointed in myself, but I suppose we have all been there and I just need to stick to the plan during our future training session!


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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Well yes it's not ideal, but you did finish on a good note and helped the horse to understand what you are after.

And ultimately it's done now, so best not to dwell on it or it will affect your next few sessions too


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4 June 2003
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Today I had planned on schooling my pony for around a half hour since he gets bored pretty quickly. Today things were going good and after about a half an hour he had walked, trotted, and cantered decently and conquered his fear of a triangular wooden thing (forget what it’s called). I was overall very pleased with his work since he is wicked green and was acting up a ton thursday and a little yesterday. But then my trainer came out and started teaching a lesson, and new people came in looking around the yard. They were watching me ride and although I had planned on ending my ride after our very nice canter (nice in his current standard which is to charge into it and have moderate steering capabilities lol), my ego got the best of me and I insisted on going for another canter. That went nicely but obviously I HAD to prove to my trainer that I had improved our stop by halting square over a pole. :rolleyes: We had done it in our lesson earlier this week but i don’t think the poor thing understood what I was asking. Of course I HAD to get it right and it took about 10, 15 tries before I finally gave up, got off, and made him do it on the ground. I ended the session after that but I was wicked disappointed in myself. Not only could I have gotten off of my horse and ended the session on a positive note after 30 minutes instead of 1 hour, but he never quite understood what I was asking and I don’t feel like I was being fair and that he thought I was pulling on the reins (using my seat as well of course) for no reason. Pretty sure he was confused because for the first part of the ride I was asking him to walk forward over them and then I suddenly asked him to stop and he didn’t know what to do.

I apologize if this rant sounded stupid but usually I have a lot more self control than this.

Though to be honest it doesn’t sound as bad as it feels, which is probably a hint that I’m slightly overreacting and beating myself up over the bad things instead of thinking about the major improvements that happened.

I don’t even expect anyone to reply to this as it was a bit childish but I just wanted to spill my feelings about today as my family doesn’t like to listen to this stuff.
I bet you felt such a fool didn't you.Don't worry,we have all been there.Sometimes I practice something to show my trainer and tell her, Guess what we can do! Its then quaranteed to go wrong.

Old school

Well-Known Member
16 December 2016
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You are being hard on yourself. As mentioned horse will forgive you. My youngest daughter always insisted in finishing on a good note. Taught me to have that awareness. It is incredibly easy to forget how much we ask our equine to comprehend
29 July 2005
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Don't beat yourself up about it - I felt the same way on Thursday. Was out hacking on the Friesian and saw a friend who wanted to stop and chat (he can be nappy and was particularly backward thinking on Thursday so I didn't want to give him any excuses) so I told her I needed to keep going, put my leg on and he olanted his feet so I backed it up with the whip sending friend's horse launching forward. We continued on our hack but I felt really bad so texted her to apologise for scaring her horse - was also concerned she may think I was being cruel but if he is not thinking forward he is likely to plant and what comes next is going up! She was absolutely fine about it, but I am glad I texted her as it just goes to show what overthinking can do to you!