Rain Ranting Thread


Well-Known Member
13 April 2013
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Raining again, horses are in at night, don't really want to go out in the day. Costing fortune in bedding and haylage, can't put sand turnout in as want to roll first. Gripes full of water.

Apart from that it's great lol 🤣

Off to Exmoor for weekend riding in 2 weeks, will be taking big rain coat...
Bring snorkel and flippers, I've not seen the common this wet in April before


Well-Known Member
12 August 2016
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It's absolutely chucking it down here now. Beating off the window and the road has turned to a river. It's like someone forgot to turn off the tap.

More events cancelled at the weekend and now we have yellow and orange wind warnings for Saturday, and a named storm.

I'm so done with this winter

Dave's Mam

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23 July 2014
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I was so looking forward to 2 days of dry weather but apparently we only get dry with 50mph winds.

I'm sinking to my ankles in my summer field so no chance of the horses going in there any time soon.
It'll be nice & dry with 50mph gales & 20 degrees heat. Just ready to get rained on again.


Well-Known Member
5 October 2006
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Horrendous amounts of rain last night ..but.. I know I've said it before but it really is looking better from 12th April here in Somerset. One more week before someone turns the sky tap off ...


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2 August 2023
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Heavy rain overnight and to add to the misery I have a bad head cold so was awake coughing at 3 am listening to the wind and rain beating on the windows.The cob decided to come in on 3 legs on Wednesday farrier out abscess found so now struggling with my head under a cobs belly poulticing his foot just what I need
Can it really get any worse.
Dosing myself up and only doing what I have to do hope this cold passes quickly.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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another with horrendous rain last night. High winds today and (we are in the SW) higher winds for tomorrow with or without rain.

Not very happy as tomorrow we have an added attraction ie the hunt meet and there will be a large field. Fields I can barely walk on that I have carefully preserved all winter, a couple of horses that have to be out in the field when the hunt are around or they go crazy what more could anyone want in this weather. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
6 August 2023
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Looking ahead they are forecasting some dry weather here ( midlands) after mid April. We'll see.
Also Midlands so here's hoping! And rain in the night woke me too.

I have 6 acres that usually allows me to rotate around 5 over winter then they're happy on an acre for spring/summer through to the clock change, including one on a starvation paddock with hay. I have a laminitic and a good doer so it works well. I'd usually move them to the summer patch around now but it's just too wet, and I can't risk them trashing it for the rest of the summer. But balancing that with making sure there isn't too much grass over there by the time I move is stressing me out!


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8 June 2015
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I am actually considering (for the first time in my life) having a few sessions on a sunbed to cheer me up! I am starting to feel really depressed.

Horses in today as we had rivers everywhere this morning, currently dry and blue skies but I think I will leave them in for the ground to dry out a little.

50mph winds but dry and 17 degrees forecast tomorrow - really can't decide whether to leave in or turn out! I would love them out but they can be rather silly to handle when being walked to and from the fields and the field won't cope with many hoolies!


Well-Known Member
9 April 2010
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I've decided to make a rain/bad weather thread so that all that are suffering with this endless rain can all come and get it off their chest and perhaps for some moral support!

I am so utterly fed up of it, to the point of tears and not the first ones either! I don't remember it ever being this bad and there is still no end in sight. My forecast is saying we only have 3 dry days over the next two weeks. My fields are wrecked, the hardcore and mats on my gateways are no longer to be seen including the small hard standing I had which has also given up, everything is covered in mud. My back, legs and feet are cramping from trying to walk through certain areas of field and pull wheelbarrows of hay through it. I am really struggling. :(
I feel your pain totally. I was in tears this morning. Fields are unusable, hardstandings wrecked with mud washed over them, hardstandings flooded, barn flooded, tack room flooded. Can barely muck out stables because can't get through the flooding to empty wheelbarrow. All that hard work and money to be wrecked and no money to fix all the mud that has clogged everything including additional drainage needed. Everything was just starting to dry up a little. It's soul destroying it really is. Hoping the wind tomorrow and Sunday shifts most of the water but then more rain next week....and yes shouldn't have bothered looking at long range 😢😢😢


Well-Known Member
2 August 2023
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Oddly I am starting to feel strangely calm about it all.
Have decided there is nothing I can do to change the situation we are in weather wise.so just keep plodding on .
The horses are now out overnight and on the pole barn in the day which means less mucking out as out for 15 hours .and out of the midges on the warm wet days. Plenty of haylege left.( probably until August )
The one hay field rested all winter will be ready to cut hay/haylege with first cut possibly June/July.
Move to the summer field will just wait until it's dry enough and be strip grazed if there is too much grass .
Horses are fine thankfully no mud fever and not rugged so no decisions to be made about rugging.
The field they are on is holding up ok and has grass on it , the tracks have a skim of mud but not even over their hooves so I have officially given up worrying and fretting it seems this is the way winters are going.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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Not very happy as tomorrow we have an added attraction ie the hunt meet and there will be a large field. Fields I can barely walk on that I have carefully preserved all winter, a couple of horses that have to be out in the field when the hunt are around or they go crazy what more could anyone want in this weather. :rolleyes:
Have you got transport? Hire an indoor for a couple of hours? Or if they're non-ridden, take them to your local equivalent to somerford park, leave them in the box with a net and spend a couple of hours in the tack shop and cafe 😀


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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Have you got transport? Hire an indoor for a couple of hours? Or if they're non-ridden, take them to your local equivalent to somerford park, leave them in the box with a net and spend a couple of hours in the tack shop and cafe 😀
thanks for the suggestion. I don't have transport. I'm in the middle of Dartmoor, the equivalent of Somerford or anything similar doesn't exist but I have to admit the cafe idea and coffee would be very nice..:D They will be hunting from 11am to 6 pm I imagine. Hopefully the fox won't decide to go round in circles but will go a long way away.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2023
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This came up on my Facebook memories from today 6 years ago! Seems it not unusual for spring 🌱🌼 to be like it is now!

Dear Mother Nature, I ordered a delivery of "Spring" in November, with a delivery date of mid March. My delivery has not yet arrived.
Please could you kick your collection / delivery agents up the arse, so we can get away from the soggy mess that "Winter" is becoming after being left in use for far too long.
Many thanks in advance.

Edited to add. I have just checked the care label on "Winter". It advises that if used beyond a 3 month period, the white crispness will be lost & the product will become wet, damp & very soggy. I fear this is what has happened. Please collect your overdue "Winter" at your earliest convenience. Like tomorrow.