Earlier in the year I bought a 4yo direct from the breeder. She has had some basic handling done with her but that’s it and was pretty nervous.
I spent lots of time handling, introducing her to tack, doing some ‘baby’ lunging and progressed to me being legged up and laid over her and a bit of walking around. All went with no problems and she has turned out to have a lovely calm temperament.
At this point I was going away on holiday so I thought it would be best to send her to someone for backing/breaking properly who has the experience and time to lay down these foundations.
Unfortunately I feel this person ended up not having the help or time to lay down the foundations properly. She did lots of long reining but took three weeks for her to get on board only after I questioned what progress was being made. I went up there a couple weeks later and was told she was ok to have a mooch around the paddock on and that she had had a small trot following another horse on a hack the day before……..I got on and this little mare was not moving forward whatsoever and felt withdrawn and tense. Then the person on the floor got behind her to send her into trot at which point this little mare exploded broncing and deposited me on the floor. It was clear she didn’t understand a thing, either leg or gentle steering.
The trainer had her for a couple more weeks but reverted back to long reining and following another horse down the lane. At this point (after 8 weeks of being there) I brought her home as I didn’t trust the work was being done and the bill was racking up to 1200 without a lot to show for it although we did see her follow another horse around a stubble field and have a short trot around an arena.
I got her home, had a saddle professionally fitted and went back to doing some ground work and take everything back to basics as she was never lunged at the trainers place and it was clear she didn’t understand a riders aids.
she is lunging really well now and responding well to my voice in all three paces. However when I get on board (with someone on the end of the lunge line) it’s difficult to get her to move and when we do get walking it’s very stilted and not forward.
I will freely admit I have lost my confidence big time after the broncing issue so perhaps I need to be more persuasive but I’m worried she’s not happy and will explode again. I wouldn’t class myself as a novice rider after riding for 30 years and having got ridden away 4yo’s in the past and brought them on to successful eventing careers but this is the first time I have had a completely unbroken one.
I’m absolutely gutted I have wasted the summer, a lot of money and still only at the point I can manage basically a horrid walk on the end of a lunge line and that this little mare will end up with problems.
where do we go from here? Do I put my brave pants on and get the lunger to get her moving? Send her away again to someone else?
I’m aware this lunging and then me getting on routine is going to make her sour and I had really hoped to spend the winter hacking her about and doing some very baby schooling but I don’t feel safe to take her out when she doesn’t know or respond to rudimentary aids?
I spent lots of time handling, introducing her to tack, doing some ‘baby’ lunging and progressed to me being legged up and laid over her and a bit of walking around. All went with no problems and she has turned out to have a lovely calm temperament.
At this point I was going away on holiday so I thought it would be best to send her to someone for backing/breaking properly who has the experience and time to lay down these foundations.
Unfortunately I feel this person ended up not having the help or time to lay down the foundations properly. She did lots of long reining but took three weeks for her to get on board only after I questioned what progress was being made. I went up there a couple weeks later and was told she was ok to have a mooch around the paddock on and that she had had a small trot following another horse on a hack the day before……..I got on and this little mare was not moving forward whatsoever and felt withdrawn and tense. Then the person on the floor got behind her to send her into trot at which point this little mare exploded broncing and deposited me on the floor. It was clear she didn’t understand a thing, either leg or gentle steering.
The trainer had her for a couple more weeks but reverted back to long reining and following another horse down the lane. At this point (after 8 weeks of being there) I brought her home as I didn’t trust the work was being done and the bill was racking up to 1200 without a lot to show for it although we did see her follow another horse around a stubble field and have a short trot around an arena.
I got her home, had a saddle professionally fitted and went back to doing some ground work and take everything back to basics as she was never lunged at the trainers place and it was clear she didn’t understand a riders aids.
she is lunging really well now and responding well to my voice in all three paces. However when I get on board (with someone on the end of the lunge line) it’s difficult to get her to move and when we do get walking it’s very stilted and not forward.
I will freely admit I have lost my confidence big time after the broncing issue so perhaps I need to be more persuasive but I’m worried she’s not happy and will explode again. I wouldn’t class myself as a novice rider after riding for 30 years and having got ridden away 4yo’s in the past and brought them on to successful eventing careers but this is the first time I have had a completely unbroken one.
I’m absolutely gutted I have wasted the summer, a lot of money and still only at the point I can manage basically a horrid walk on the end of a lunge line and that this little mare will end up with problems.
where do we go from here? Do I put my brave pants on and get the lunger to get her moving? Send her away again to someone else?
I’m aware this lunging and then me getting on routine is going to make her sour and I had really hoped to spend the winter hacking her about and doing some very baby schooling but I don’t feel safe to take her out when she doesn’t know or respond to rudimentary aids?