I noticed a news article in the DailyFail about conservationists wanting to reintroduce Lynx into the UK (the articles also mentions reintroducing wolves).
In Denmark, we have grey wolves that have arrived from Germany, we have Racoon dogs and Golden Jackals. Whilst numbers are still relatively low for Wolves, there has been a sighting not far from our property. Wolves are protected in the EU and theres been a big case running over here for a guy who shot a wolf crossing open farmland, he was facing some serious repercussions but if memory served correctly, hes has a hefty fine and his hunting licence taken away (so many people hunt over here and 90% of the houses we viewed were filled with stuffed heads and skulls as trophies!). I nearly fell down the staircase in one house when my hubby exclaimed "good god look up at that" (im terrifed of spiders so my immediate thought was of that but no, the biggest boar head youve ever seen was looking right at me! ?, i digress!
Anyway, cases over here of wolf attacks on humans are seemingly pretty low, the Government has a fund which pays out to farmers for loss of stock and theres a subsidy available to them for wolf proof fencing. Friends of ours recently had an evening where all of the village went out with pots and pans and noisy things, to go through the plantation nearby, to scare off a wolf that had been sighted. The general advice seems to be don't approach, make yourself big and loud and dont turn your back on them and children are at risk as they tend to be the ones who will approach them, thinking they are dogs. I read a rather scary news article about a woman being attacked in her home after a wolf followed her dog through a doggy door!
I thought it would be an interesting debate, to see what everyone's views are on re-releasing predators into countries. I don't see really how they can compare the UK to other countries, as the UK is far more densely populated. This topic is at the forefront of my mind as obviously I have three tiny ponies and a little cat. For my own peace of mind, I just keep everyone in until the sun has risen and everyone is in before sunset.
What are your thoughts on releasing into the wild?
In Denmark, we have grey wolves that have arrived from Germany, we have Racoon dogs and Golden Jackals. Whilst numbers are still relatively low for Wolves, there has been a sighting not far from our property. Wolves are protected in the EU and theres been a big case running over here for a guy who shot a wolf crossing open farmland, he was facing some serious repercussions but if memory served correctly, hes has a hefty fine and his hunting licence taken away (so many people hunt over here and 90% of the houses we viewed were filled with stuffed heads and skulls as trophies!). I nearly fell down the staircase in one house when my hubby exclaimed "good god look up at that" (im terrifed of spiders so my immediate thought was of that but no, the biggest boar head youve ever seen was looking right at me! ?, i digress!
Anyway, cases over here of wolf attacks on humans are seemingly pretty low, the Government has a fund which pays out to farmers for loss of stock and theres a subsidy available to them for wolf proof fencing. Friends of ours recently had an evening where all of the village went out with pots and pans and noisy things, to go through the plantation nearby, to scare off a wolf that had been sighted. The general advice seems to be don't approach, make yourself big and loud and dont turn your back on them and children are at risk as they tend to be the ones who will approach them, thinking they are dogs. I read a rather scary news article about a woman being attacked in her home after a wolf followed her dog through a doggy door!
I thought it would be an interesting debate, to see what everyone's views are on re-releasing predators into countries. I don't see really how they can compare the UK to other countries, as the UK is far more densely populated. This topic is at the forefront of my mind as obviously I have three tiny ponies and a little cat. For my own peace of mind, I just keep everyone in until the sun has risen and everyone is in before sunset.
What are your thoughts on releasing into the wild?