Retired horse - Help???


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24 August 2008
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Hi there, i have just joined this site on a recommendation from a friend. I am moving away as my husband is in the army and has been posted there but I have a retired horse and am not sure what my options are. He is nearing 30 and is a lovely irish cob. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? I have heard about retired horses sometimes being wanted for companions but is this a safe option? Any help would be greatfully received. Thanks, Anna


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26 July 2006
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Probably not a popular view, but if I was moving away and couldn't find a highly recommended retirement livery or a trusted friend to take my aged horse as a companion, I'm afraid I would have it PTS.


Well-Known Member
10 February 2006

In my personal opinion you either need to find and pay for a retirement livery that you can trust and they are hard to find and not cheap, take him with you if it's in this country or have him PTS if neither of the other two options are feasible. I personally could never contemplate loaning out a 30 year old as I know that as much as the new owner might like him it is unlikely he would receive the same care I would give him knowing how much he had given me over the years so heartbreaking as it would be if I could not afford the costs of retirement livery I would owe it to him to ensure a peaceful final end in surroundings he knew with people he knew.


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24 August 2008
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hiya, thanku for the link. Unfortunately im moving abroad as husband is in the army. So i really need to find him a lovely home with no costs involved


Well-Known Member
15 February 2008
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I think the decent thing to do by him is to have him PTS whilst he is happy

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Ditto above
I don't see loan a feasable option if your abroad as it would be very difficult to keep an eye on him


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1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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i'm afraid i agree with bosworth on this one. unless you have a friend you can really really trust, who can easily afford the work and money to look after him, i would have him pts.
the fact is that those of us who keep our older horses do so in gratitude for what they did for us. if he goes to a new home, they'll have none of that residual gratitude to motivate them to do everything in his best interests.
you could pm henryhorn, she runs a retirement home in Devon i believe and her pics show lovely contented horses in huge fields. it isn't free though, very obviously...!


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24 August 2008
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I do unfortunately have to go abroad as husband has been posted there for minimum 3 years and to have him PTS is the last possible resort. Ive had him for about 20 years and i feel i owe it to him to look into this a bit more and just keep looking until i can find the right option. So if anyone can help?


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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So i really need to find him a lovely home with no costs involved

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I honestly feel that charities are your only hope (especially as you want no costs involved). Your horse at 30 and is likely to be time consuming and increasingly expensive to keep, with little to give to anyone who hasn't got 20yrs invested in him.

Sorry if I sound hard and uncaring, but winter is did he cope last winter?? IMHO loaning a horse of that age and going abroad (so you can't even keep an eye on him) are not the actions of a responsible owner.


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24 August 2008
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I was looking for ideas and not criticism. I was recommended this site for help. I am a responsible owner but cannot help where we are posted. Thank you for your replies but I will look elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
9 August 2006
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people have gave you ideas but as you don't want the cost of him and are going abroad. the best thing for him is to have him PTS as god knows what could happen to him.


Well-Known Member
8 July 2008
Northern Ireland
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28jen28 i don't think annalin is trying to palm the horse off at all! I think she cares about him alot and only wants to pts as a last resort, as would I!
Just because he is 30 doesn't mean he can't live happily for more years! i'm aware that older horses need more care and attention and therefore often cost a lot but surely she is being responsible by looking into all the options?!

Annalin... do you have any friends who if you managed to find a companion home for him would be able to keep an eye on him and his welfare for you?


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9 August 2006
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clairel if she doesn't want to pay for the horse while she is away IMO she is palming him off. as old horse are not cheap to keep and IMO someone is not going to pay out alot of money on someone else's old horse. as i know myself that my old boy was costing £30 plus a week last winter just in hard feed.


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24 August 2008
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people have gave you ideas but as you don't want the cost of him and are going abroad. the best thing for him is to have him PTS as god knows what could happen to him.

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what a hateful and unimaginative bunch of rectal cavities you are. If you couldn't think of a constructive response you should STFU and keep your poor quality response to yourself. One day your are going to fall off those very high horses you all seem to own and land in a pile of what you spout.

yeah he doesnt have to go away i can see how that conversation would go "Sarge, I cant go and defend the country, cos some cretinous moron has told missus she has to stay with her horse or put it to sleep. And she isnt doing that. Sorry Sarge..."

I dont think that would go down very well. But then most of you probably don't have to make hard decisions do you? the hardest decision im guessing most of you have to decide is whether to get a pimms and lemonade or gin and tonic when you send your -paying for your lifestyle- OH's to the bar.

Obviously im excluding those of you from this rant who were kind enough to respond with real alternatives to just killing because something inconveniences you. Perhaps you should get jobs in the elderly care industry and we can all take tax cuts.


Well-Known Member
8 July 2008
Northern Ireland
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No, I know, and I couldn't afford to look after someone elses horse for nothing but I just feel that when someone has joined this website for a bit of advice on someones recommendation, that we maybe shouldn't be calling them irresponsible or accusing them of trying to palm, what is obviously a much loved horse, off!
Sometimes a bit of tact goes a long way!!


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1 April 2002
Lovely Northamptonshire again!
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how charming.
i would never expect nor trust a stranger to look after a very elderly horse of mine well for nothing.
a lot of horses go down in the world and end up being horrendously neglected and mistreated, you only have to go to a horse sale to see some truly heartbreaking sights.
being pts is truly truly not the worst thing that can happen to a beloved old horse.
i did come up with some other suggestions, but she will be very lucky if she finds a place at a charity, as they are usually very full. a retirement home would be the best option by far for the poor old boy, but they are not free.


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30 October 2005
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Well, I understand your worrisom predicament. I used to spend a lot of time in the USA and have a herd of horses here I am responsible for. What adds to your problem is your horse's age. Please don't take offence at anything posted here. I don't suppose anyone is trying to be heartless or unhelpful. It's just yours is a very difficuIt problem to solve if you cannot face having him PTS yet.

I can only comment from my own point of view which is; If I were thinking of loaning him I would be extremely worried that something may happen to him whilst you were away. He's getting to the age when things may very well start to decline and I know how devastated I would feel if a horse in my care died or I had to make the choice to have him PTS on behalf of the owner. Obviously you understand that he won't go on for ever, but even with your understanding and support, it's is still a lot to ask of your average Joe.

So..... your best bet is to Google details of all the horse charities in the UK and ask them in turn, for their advice. If they cannot help you, many will be able to pass you further details of people they know of; Maybe people who do not advertise and who's details you would not otherwise get hold of.

Are you able to afford any contribution towards his monthly keep? I keep a horse on grass livery at stud. She costs me £3.50/day to keep there and she's well looked after; rugged and unrugged when necessary, fed and given ad-lib hay in winter. I worm her and have my own farrier deal with her feet, but if I weren't to do this I could have these included in her livery. She recently sustained a nasty injury in the field (freak accident) and they liaised with the vet and undertook all responsibility for all her medical care whilst she was unwell. Obviously I have her insured and am responsible for her vetinerary costs but all her 'at home' care was dealt with on my behalf. Would an arrangement such as this be a possibility for your chap? You'd have to find a good and reliable place, but I for one have managed this and they are out there.

If I can help in anyway do feel free to PM me. I haven't room for another horse but would help in any other way that I could.

All the best.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I know what I'd do - I'd stay here

As an absolute last resort I'd PTS but a top-notch retirement livery (there is one I could personally recommend at Sennybridge) would be what I felt I owed. A friend in the forces did EXACTLY this after her pony had been a faithful servant to her, semi-retired with me and then reached a stage where he needed to really wind down in a 'stable' environment. Sennybridge was perfect. They took wonderful care of him to the end, which they managed with kindness and at the absolute right time.

Poor lad and poor you to be in this situation. I hope you find a solution which gives you both peace.


Well-Known Member
15 February 2008
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What a rude reply !!

the hardest decision im guessing most of you have to decide is whether to get a pimms and lemonade or gin and tonic when you send your -paying for your lifestyle- OH's to the bar.

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I'm sure nearly everyone on this forum has had to make that hard decision or been close to someone that has ...
So what do you suggest ? As all I can see is your personal attack on everyone not a suggestion of a suitable option for OP

so i'm sorry but I suggest you STFU and get back under your bridge !


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24 August 2008
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No, I know, and I couldn't afford to look after someone elses horse for nothing but I just feel that when someone has joined this website for a bit of advice on someones recommendation, that we maybe shouldn't be calling them irresponsible or accusing them of trying to palm, what is obviously a much loved horse, off!
Sometimes a bit of tact goes a long way!!

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Some humanity, there are some good people out there.... I'm sure she appreciates it.