Riding Boots for Athletically-Calfed Ladies


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30 August 2008
Preston, Lancashire
Thanks so much Brighthair - that was really nice of you to do! As long as they have a bit of give at the calf (I've 18 inch calves before breeches) they sound pretty ideal. They're on the list, though I think I might try the Norfolks next.

I must admit I'm not sure about gaiters: I've never ridden in anything other than a full boot, though FFs gaiters look fairly robust unlike the chaps I see a lot of people in my yard in. I'd be interested to know what people make of riding in chaps/gaitors vs. long boots though as I can't make that comparison myself!

I would def give them a go. I used to wear suede chaps and never noticed if I didn't wear them. Now I have leather ones and they are comfy, but supportive - I can certainly tell I amwearing them!

Vixen Van Debz

Well-Known Member
30 August 2010
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Cheers for the info on the MTs Jazzaria, and the River style boots Dibbin 80)

It's nice to hear a thumbs up for the gaitors brighthair - I like the rigidity and support of a long boots, but it sounds like leather gaitors do a very similar job. Thanks!

Vixen Van Debz

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30 August 2010
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Any news on the Norfolks Applejuice? Have been hovering over the buy button for days, but been holding off waiting for my Dublin Talls refund (which will hopefully come in tomorrow or Wednesday) and to see what you make of them too! 80)
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Well-Known Member
18 January 2011
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Norfolks arrived today and I'm disappointed to say the least, I'm in a grump anyway because I broke a finger over the weekend so I'm not in the best frame of mind for boot failure,.....couldn't get the blasted things zipped up past my ankles, they were the brown but both label and box said norfolk wide so unless they're referring to feet they're hardly wide. Out of both the MH and the Tuffa, I was actually able to get the MH zipped much higher so if you can try them in a shop it might be worth it! And actually the stretchy bit had a tad more give than the MH but was in no way a full stretch,....

I know everyone has diff shaped legs but I've measured and remeasured my calf at it's widest point like all the catalogues say and the tape measure says just shy of 18" so I'm a little pissed tbh. I think I'll be sticking to chaps and short boots for now until I desperately need long boots then I'm afraid it's MTM for me unless my legs magically shrink :( I think I'll also take a look at those height adjustable gaiters someone else mentioned. Even my wellies fit me and I searched high and low for those,.....I wear the Hunter Balmoral Classics at full expansion with my jeans stuffed inside and they're snug but still fit!!! Gah, stupid boots!!!

Vixen Van Debz

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30 August 2010
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Aww Applejuice that sucks! I hope your finger doesn’t hurt too much and mends soon! Hopefully it has some benefits e.g. getting out of some house work! Well, the Dublin Talls were great for me calf wise. If you’re taller than me, they might do well for you! (I got them for £80 from Prequestrian, who I can’t compliment highly enough for speed and quality of service). But yes, I know we’re all different, even for those of us where our measuring tapes say we might be the same! If I find anything else suitable I’ll let you know. Anyhow, it’s starting to look like spring’s here – short boots and gaitor/chap weather is almost here, so try not to be too frustrated 80)
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18 January 2011
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Cheers Vixen, finger not too bad tbh as have super duper painkillers :D Yeah, I keep swinging between "I'm a cripple, bring me wine!" and "I can do it you know, it's only a finger!" Am on limited exercise now because of it as broke it so badly I need op to fix but on the bright side in 6 weeks maybe my calves will shrink lol ;) Yes please do let me know what you find and I will do the same x Would buy Dublin Talls but am midget,......and besides I've gad it with boots for now!!


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4 February 2011
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Were they the first pair you tried Laura or did you search and search? You see, after I try a boot and it doesn't fit, I have a tantrum of sorts :eek: stupid boots stupid legs etc and vow never to buy long riding boots, and then I forget and try again. One day I'll actually find a pair that fit and I'll faint with sheer joy!! :rolleyes:

LMAO, I lost this post, they were a long search! I have just been convinced I need some Ariat ones as my kindly local shop gave me some £100 jod boots for £60 and they weren't even in the sale, then showed me the matching chaps, *sigh*, she is now putting aside some wide fit show boots, I can't decide if I want them to fit so I can jump for joy and end up in the poor house or not fit so I can sigh in relief and hide the credit card! :p


Well-Known Member
18 January 2011
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LMAO, I lost this post, they were a long search! I have just been convinced I need some Ariat ones as my kindly local shop gave me some £100 jod boots for £60 and they weren't even in the sale, then showed me the matching chaps, *sigh*, she is now putting aside some wide fit show boots, I can't decide if I want them to fit so I can jump for joy and end up in the poor house or not fit so I can sigh in relief and hide the credit card! :p

Oh dear, they saw you coming, you know that don't you?! ;) I know exactly what you mean though, I so want boots to fit me, get annoyed when they don't but end up being quite relieved they didn't when the credit card bill lands, it's a fine line :eek: You can't not try them though :D if you don't you'll always wonder,.......


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I'll be honest, I aspire to Ariat Grasmeres. I tried on my friend's regular ones, and they didn't quite do up at the top, so as soon as I've got £225 going spare (not likely lol, I'm a student) I'll be buying a pair of wide ones.

Mum's taking my Dublin boot to be re-zipped today :) I'm looking forward to having them back.

Vixen Van Debz

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30 August 2010
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The Grassmeres do look amazing Dibs. If I'd a bit more money and longer legs I'd be all over them!

I've decided though: if the Norfolks don't fit (found a yard mate with a pair in size 6 - glad she got back to me later than never!) then I'm going to get some Equitectors. They walk you through the whole thing, taking your foot shape, height and width, then your leg height, calf width, lower leg and ankle widths. Then they tell you which size (foot, width, height) and make of boot will fit you. While it would be about £70 over my original limit, I think it'd be worth it if it came to it. (Definitely can't stretch the extra 80 on top of that for made to measure service unfortunately). It just means I would't be getting my new glasses for a while, but the comfort of my cut and compressed feet and legs outweighs my vein need for prettier frames on my face! lol.

Sounds like my OH applejuice - he had a boxer's fracture on his left hand. While on one hand he was okay to drink beer and play Xbox, he wasn't able to dry the dishes! *sigh* At least it mended fairly quickly though. Hope your op's booked in soon, and is as quick and painfree as possible 80)

Vixen Van Debz

Well-Known Member
30 August 2010
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I have found a pair of boots that fit! The Norfolks are perfect 80) Please forgive the unhoovered carpet, but OH is in the middle of clearing out the spare room so there's no point atm.


The only minor gripe? They're narrow at the ankle (but equitector told me I've narrow ankles and suggested an ankle pad for their boots) so I can't wear my thermal socks with them. However, even in my thickest breeches they do up, and because I can get in and out of them easily, I can go straight back to thermal socks and yard boots once I've dismounted. I was always reticent about doing that before because it took a 5min fight to get my old boots off. All in all, happy days!

In case anyone looks at/revives this thread in future: for 18 inches calves (before breeches), 16 inch tall legs (which is short!) and 'narrow' 11inch or so ankles (look online to see where all these are taken - ankle in particular is a surprise), Tuffa Norfolks are great (and about £140)!

And to every single person who'd contributed so far: a very sincere thank you, especially to those of you willing you share your calf widths and to get the measuring tape out on your boots 80)
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Well-Known Member
23 February 2011
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I know one person who uses the Fuller Fillies, and another uses Muck Boot Brit Colts. Fuller Fillies also makes half chaps to fit wide calves.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2011
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Vixen that's ace!!! I'm 50/50 jealous and chuffed for you all at the same time ;) This thread has been brill and I'm so glad you found some, i wouldn't ever have known about the Norfolks after sacking off tuffa because of my experience with the Suffolks. it's a shame they didn't fit me, maybe we could keep this thread going as a general boot review thread? :D someone else might find mine,.....

Vixen Van Debz

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30 August 2010
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Jroz, those Brit Colts look good - a different way of solving what seems to be a very common problem!

I'm all for that Applejuice - first thing I did when going to buy boots was to search the topic on old threads... most weren't useful because no one mentioned their calf widths. Everyone's been very honest on this thread and it's really helped me. It'd be great if it helped you and anyone else too looking for long boots (assuming you'll get your long boot mojo back after the MH and Norfolk disappointments)! lol. 80)


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18 January 2011
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Yes Vixen i did that too but because noone ever said calf sizes, on paper everything was (and still is) too small so I was too chicken to part with my cash :eek: Had op on finger yesterday, no riding (or exercise whatsoever) for 4 weeks as am pinned and stitched to within an inch of my life; talked to surgeon about riding on lunge but he was having none of it :( so, maybe in 4 weeks I'll fit into boots. If you see a strange woman walking around with cling film on her legs as an improvised shrinking wrap, that'll be me,......:D

Vixen Van Debz

Well-Known Member
30 August 2010
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Glad the op went well and hope you have a quick recovery! Nice try with the lunging, just a shame it's a no no for now. Yes, let your calves shrink until your well, get a pair of boots, then let them stretch with you as as you muscle up riding again.... blessing in disguise this whole finger thing ;0) lol!

It's nice to know that some brands stretch well beyond what they say on paper. I hope people keep sharing, as the actual product makers are leaving that vital info out!


Well-Known Member
18 January 2011
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Ta Vixen! :D Yes I'd love for people to keep posting on their boot experiences, it goes for the other end of the scale too, friend is really tall with super skinny legs and ended up going MTM because none of the boots she tried were tall enough/narrow enough