RSPCA calls Grand National deaths of Synchronised and According to Pete "totally unac


Well-Known Member
28 November 2008
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Now that explains alot the MD of Aintree is called Julian Thick.

Thick by name....Thick by nature...


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27 July 2006
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If they deemed some of their own behaviour they get away with as equally unacceptable I would bother to listen to what they think, until then I couldn't care less what they say!


Well-Known Member
23 July 2009
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Am I missing something here? I find the acceptance and justification by a lot of members on here of the deaths that occurred quite shocking. Have we lost the ability to be horrified by completely unneccessary deaths in the name of sport? How can anyone justify the deaths of two horses on one day in a race in the name of sport with a lot of baying greedy people putting money on whether they will finish. I am disgusted at the forum members who pooh pooh all this as bunny hugging nonsense andbefore I get gunned down by the usual suspects who say lots of horses die in other sports, blah blah, that does not justify what has happened today and in past events. This should now be stopped. It is all about money, not about the horses welfare. shame on you who condone this, you are supposed to be horse lovers.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2005
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Am I missing something here? I find the acceptance and justification by a lot of members on here of the deaths that occurred quite shocking. Have we lost the ability to be horrified by completely unneccessary deaths in the name of sport? How can anyone justify the deaths of two horses on one day in a race in the name of sport with a lot of baying greedy people putting money on whether they will finish. I am disgusted at the forum members who pooh pooh all this as bunny hugging nonsense andbefore I get gunned down by the usual suspects who say lots of horses die in other sports, blah blah, that does not justify what has happened today and in past events. This should now be stopped. It is all about money, not about the horses welfare. shame on you who condone this, you are supposed to be horse lovers.

Agree !!


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2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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According to the Racing Post the horses were diverted around a fence where a jockey was lying.

I have no time for the RSPCA, I sent them an email asking them to highlight the dangers of giving dogs away on free sites which are often used as bait dogs for organised dog fighting. Their reply to me was completely generic and never once mentioned bait dogs or dog fighting, in my opinion they are well placed to mount an advertising campaign to highlight this but obviously cant be arsed.


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25 February 2012
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Without getting into the whole racing debate the views of the rspca mean jack **** to me. They leave animals to suffer far worse fates, imo they're only commenting because its in the media.


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28 July 2010
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According to the Racing Post the horses were diverted around a fence where a jockey was lying.

I have no time for the RSPCA, I sent them an email asking them to highlight the dangers of giving dogs away on free sites which are often used as bait dogs for organised dog fighting. Their reply to me was completely generic and never once mentioned bait dogs or dog fighting, in my opinion they are well placed to mount an advertising campaign to highlight this but obviously cant be arsed.

Have you any idea the amount of undercover surveillance, work, and operations, never mind money spent, on the likes of dog fighting/badger baiting etc etc that takes place by the RSPCA?!! No....guess why?! BECAUSE IT'S UNDERCOVER WORK AND CLEARLY NOT ADVERTISED! Please don't assume the RSPCA do nothing on these subjects when you are not in possession of actual facts or statistics.

With regard the advertising of such things - with the attitudes they get
from many HHO users when they do advertise things I wouldn't be in the least surprised if they were put off!! Every time their name is mentioned in ANY advert or article - whatever the outcome for the animals involved - the same response is given on here.


Well-Known Member
28 February 2010
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Am I missing something here? I find the acceptance and justification by a lot of members on here of the deaths that occurred quite shocking. Have we lost the ability to be horrified by completely unneccessary deaths in the name of sport? How can anyone justify the deaths of two horses on one day in a race in the name of sport with a lot of baying greedy people putting money on whether they will finish. I am disgusted at the forum members who pooh pooh all this as bunny hugging nonsense andbefore I get gunned down by the usual suspects who say lots of horses die in other sports, blah blah, that does not justify what has happened today and in past events. This should now be stopped. It is all about money, not about the horses welfare. shame on you who condone this, you are supposed to be horse lovers.

Extremely well put :)


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7 September 2010
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One problem is, is that the general Public and the Non-racing people on here aswell dont realise the screens go up for every Incident during the race. The screens you would of seen as they approached Beechers 2nd was for Noel Fehily with a broken leg. I had a fall in a Point to point last week was badly winded and was a bit giddy so they put the screens up and by-passed the fence on the next circuit. Very sad about both Horses and i feel for Conections but dont always think the worse when you see the dreeded green screens.

The biggest problem for me is that they have tinkered to much with the fences, Speed is an issue now as there not as upright so you dont have to back off them as much, more a case now of kicking into them instead. Saying that i rode in the FoxHunters in 2010 and they were plenty big enough then.


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25 February 2012
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Moomin- my thoughts are based on personal experience. I'm not saying everyone who works for them doesn't care, but as an organization I have no respect.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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One problem is, is that the general Public and the Non-racing people on here aswell dont realise the screens go up for every Incident during the race. The screens you would of seen as they approached Beechers 2nd was for Noel Fehily with a broken leg. I had a fall in a Point to point last week was badly winded and was a bit giddy so they put the screens up and by-passed the fence on the next circuit. Very sad about both Horses and i feel for Conections but dont always think the worse when you see the dreeded green screens.

The biggest problem for me is that they have tinkered to much with the fences, Speed is an issue now as there not as upright so you dont have to back off them as much, more a case now of kicking into them instead. Saying that i rode in the FoxHunters in 2010 and they were plenty big enough then.

I think you have a valid point with regards the speed being an issue.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2005
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Ive just read that apparantly JP McManus, owner of Synchronised, said: "He's been killed, so I believe. I'm sure they'll make an announcement shortly." What a heartless b*****d !!


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24 April 2009
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Maybe the RSPCA should go about what they are supposed to be doing rather than jumping on the bandwagon after the event, but then again thats all they ever do, make noses after an event.

Miss L Toe

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6 July 2009
On the dark side, Scotland
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Ive just read that apparantly JP McManus, owner of Synchronised, said: "He's been killed, so I believe. I'm sure they'll make an announcement shortly." What a heartless b*****d !!
I don't think JP meant anything other than he was aware that his horse had been killed and that there would be an official announcement. It would be a sad day for all at Jackdaws, and all the connections of Synchronised.
McManus is a self made man and has many horses in the UK and in Ireland, I would be very surprised if they make any positive contribution to his personal wealth, I don't know him personally but he seems a fairly normal person. I don't blame him for not making a eulogy at that time.
As for the RSPCA, I think they should shut up, comments in the heat of the moment are not helpful. There is no case for prosecution or persecution of the BHA. The horse had the most skilled jump jockey of all time on his back, so there can be no blame there.
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Active Member
25 February 2009
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don't be hard on JP McManus - he probable knew the less he said the better as anything would be used against him in the press. As to RSPCA - have no respect after reporting very thin old horse in over crowded field and was advised that 'old horses can be thin' and nothing was done. Now report any possible problems to British Horse Society welfare officer - much more likely to get action


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
Wildest Somerset
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Moomin I know you always jump to their defence, all they had to do was to advise these sites to highlight the dangers of giving away free dogs, not difficult is it. Ive tried myself but they will not take notice of one person but an organisation such as the RSPCA would carry more weight. Very often they do advice on these sites when buying puppies always check the mother.

In my opinion tinkering with these fences to satisfy the RSPCA and others and making them smaller has just made them a whole lot more dangerous as they go that much faster into them. It is speed that kills and I often wonder if these days Red Rum and other past winners would ever have got into the first 3 but have been taken off their legs instead.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Perhaps they should campaign against global warming as these fatalities don't tend to happen when the ground is heavier. The biggest problem is the lowering of fences and faster ground, just mean the horses travel faster and hit the ground harder when it goes wrong. :(

Miss L Toe

Well-Known Member
6 July 2009
On the dark side, Scotland
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Perhaps they should campaign against global warming as these fatalities don't tend to happen when the ground is heavier. The biggest problem is the lowering of fences and faster ground, just mean the horses travel faster and hit the ground harder when it goes wrong. :(
I think the ground was fairly soft, it had been raining, this makes it easier to moderate the pace, and I would have said that they were not travelling too fast, compared to previous years, after all they have to gallop for over four miles.
In my opinion there are too many horses in the race, but the fences are very wide and have safety run outs.
The class of horses is much better than in Rummy's day, the horses are all experienced and so are the jockeys, all these things have been factored in to improve safety, but the fact remains that two horses have been killed, and one is badly injured.
The fences have been lowered, they are nothing like as fearsome as they used to be, and they are not so trappy, I don't see any solution to the problem. It is up to public opinion to decide whether it wants to see this race run on an annual basis, but I don''t think they will want to stop it altogether.


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9 April 2006
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that photo with the screen after the jump is not sychronised, for a start its after the jump before Beechers Brook, If you watch the footage again Sychronised gets up after his fall and continues riderless its the 2nd jump after the canal turn where he has his fatal fall.
not that theres much point to this but it annoys me when reports are wrong. This horse decided to continue jumping without be pushed by a rider he clearly loved what he was doing and it was just a tragic accident.

If i could choose when to die it would be doing something I love. May both horses rest in peace


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11 September 2008
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RSPCA jumping on the bandwagon again then.

Serena I'm sorry but I find your "he got up and carried on so he must enjoy it" really quite laughable. Wouldn't be a very good hunted animal if when the herd are running away from something he just stopped and had some grass would he!

I'm not anti racing (although there's plenty I don't like about it) but I am ashamed to say I have anything in common with people who dismiss the deaths of 2 horses in the name of entertainment. Reducing the runners I think would be a good start. I won't watch it as I just don't get pleasure out of watching horses dying, surprisingly many find this entertaining.