I don’t like mondays
Well-Known Member
My daughter has a pony on trial and he’s very sweet and honest in lots of ways and also seems very level headed, not speedy or spooky. The last couple of rides when he’s not be sure of something he’s planted. When my daughter has applied leg to move him forward he’s started going backwards, she’s put her hands forward and encouraged with leg and he goes backwards more. Yesterday this was happening at the gate at an arena hire, she tried turning his hind legs and circling and this worked, then he did it again and did a little bunny hop (a mini rear). Teeth and back have been checked, will get saddle he came with checked. We also have an instructor who is small enough to ride him regularly for us. He hasn’t done this with her. My question is, is this just standard napping or does it show a predisposition to rearing? 99% of the time he’s good as gold. Pony is on trial so just weighing things up. Had a bad experience before so more worried/critical buying a pony. Equally realise I don’t have a huge budget for a unicorn. Thank you