Sad end to a good morning :(


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24 April 2009
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Went out with the Cotswold Vale yesterday for a children's meet, which was held where they also hold a fun ride every year, so lots of nice, inviting jumps for young horses and riders. We were following this fun ride route when one of the hounds bolted on to the A38 and was hit by a lorry. The traffic was held up, three or four police cars attended and someone was arrested. It was said that sabs had horn-called the hounds from the other side of the road. :(

Then this morning I found this through the CA FB page :eek: :mad: :mad:

CA page, if anyone's interested!/permalink.php?story_fbid=270075919697678&id=116283685076903

Why do these people continually target this small farmer's hunt? :confused: I never saw anyone sabbing the Cotswold all the times I went out with them.


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3 January 2008
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How mean of them :(.
The sabs press release reads like complete fabrication.

It is years since I have hunted but when I did, the children's meet was always the one that had the highest attendance by the sabs.

They were disgusting people then and things appear to have changed very little :mad:


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Went out with the Cotswold Vale yesterday for a children's meet, which was held where they also hold a fun ride every year, so lots of nice, inviting jumps for young horses and riders. We were following this fun ride route when one of the hounds bolted on to the A38 and was hit by a lorry. The traffic was held up, three or four police cars attended and someone was arrested. It was said that sabs had horn-called the hounds from the other side of the road. :(

Then this morning I found this through the CA FB page :eek: :mad: :mad:

CA page, if anyone's interested!/permalink.php?story_fbid=270075919697678&id=116283685076903

Why do these people continually target this small farmer's hunt? :confused: I never saw anyone sabbing the Cotswold all the times I went out with them.

This is becoming an increasingly serious problem elsewhere up and down the country.

Marmalade can you or any other person be precise about the identity of the person who was arrested?

It is very important in cases like this that people on this forum know exactly who was involved.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2009
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All I know is it was a sab who was arrested. The hunt staff know the names of some of the sabs as they regularly harrass the Vale, I heard them talking about a lady with pink hair from Evesham who is a regular sab, but cannot recall her name. AFAIA, there were witnesses to the horn-calling.


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30 November 2005
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I heard about this, how awful, especially awful as it was a childrens meet. I think very few sabs have a passion for their cause, the ones that do seem to have a much more grounded view on the subject and would never be involved with incidents like this, most sabs are just aggressive people, not much better than the rioters in my eyes. Their purpose is to cause aggravation and distress to hunters whether they human, horse or hound.


Well-Known Member
2 April 2009
north cambs
sadly the idiots that do thi sort of things arer not the origianal passion driven few Hunt Sabouters that uset to go out to defend the welfare of the quarry but thug hell bent on causing trouble.
before i get shot down for this comment, i have been a hunt member for most of my life (from toddler following onlead upwards) but have the pleaure of being very close friend with a hunt Sab member, who on at least 3 occations was arrested & charged with assult (on another suposed sab supporter). He & i have had many arguments/heated dicussions over the years but both agree that the harming of horse or hound is unacceptable as a defence for the cause & makes a mockery of what they stand for.

i really do hope the hound died very quickly & didnt suffer & those responsable pay for their actions.

Addicted to Hunting

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30 December 2009
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How horrible, and just proves that alot of them aren't animal lovers!!! I know that they ages ago they used to target the younger ones out hunting with us, spray paint their ponies etc. I think that they hope that it will put the parents off allowing the children to go out again. (it didn't work for my brother, think it made him more determined!!!)


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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All I know is it was a sab who was arrested. The hunt staff know the names of some of the sabs as they regularly harrass the Vale, I heard them talking about a lady with pink hair from Evesham who is a regular sab, but cannot recall her name. AFAIA, there were witnesses to the horn-calling.

Thank you Marmalade, that is most helpful for all to know that it was a Saboteur who was arrested.

Their name and address should be published on this Forum


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Thank you Marmalade, that is most helpful for all to know that it was a Saboteur who was arrested.

Their name and address should be published on this Forum

No, I don't agree, I think that would make "us" as bad as "them". As disgusting as it is, perhaps some sabs may sit up and think after this horrible incident.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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No, I don't agree, I think that would make "us" as bad as "them". As disgusting as it is, perhaps some sabs may sit up and think after this horrible incident.

Well well Runtoearth that is surprising. Why not name and shame.

If all these so called monitors, saboteurs and antis had their names published and knew they would be published along with their addresses, they would think twice about their activities.

Take the website where solicitors who do not perform are now having their names and details published.

It is having a very profound effect on the conduct of solicitors generally.
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Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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No, I don't agree, I think that would make "us" as bad as "them". As disgusting as it is, perhaps some sabs may sit up and think after this horrible incident.

RTE I completely agree, the problem is (and I've seen it on a number of forums and social media sites) hunt supporters often (I indeed have felt myself being drawn in before) fall in to the trap of acting in kind, if we ensure things like this are correctly reported and act with grace in the face of such actions, we will do the pro cause more good than any form of verbal, written or physical retalliation as such actions will just support the false impression of us that LACS and HSA want people to believe.
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Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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Well well Runtoearth that is surprising. Why not name and shame.

If all these so called monitors, saboteurs and antis had their names published and knew they would be published along with their addresses, they would think twice about their activities.

Take the website where solicitors who do not perform are now having their names and details published.

It is having a very profound effect on the conduct of solicitors generally.

Because JM, being a bad solicitor is a little bit less emotive it would seem than hunting. There are some who might use such information to 'take direct action', would that be good for our cause?


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Because JM, being a bad solicitor is a little bit less emotive it would seem than hunting. There are some who might use such information to 'take direct action', would that be good for our cause?

Did I see the word acting with 'grace' in your previous post. Yes I did.

All this polite turn the other cheek, 'acting with grace' for years has got us nowhere.

In fact in case you have missed it there is a thing called the Hunting Act 2004

Grace and turn the other cheek, polite deference - complete and comprehensive failure.

We would achieve more by all camping out in front of St Paul's Cathedral!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Did I see the word acting with 'grace' in your previous post. Yes I did.

All this polite turn the other cheek, 'acting with grace' for years has got us nowhere.

In fact in case you have missed it there is a thing called the Hunting Act 2004

Grace and turn the other cheek, polite deference - complete and comprehensive failure.

We would achieve more by all camping out in front of St Paul's Cathedral!

But look at hunts who HAVE reacted to sabs, trashed their property and lowered themselves, criminal damage has been caused, as a result they have more sabs out that ever before, and the police are far less compassionate towards that hunt.
You may think that acting with grace has got us nowhere, but from my own experience I believe it does buy us small rewards.
I feel the best way to deal with sabs is to ignore them, personally I feel that nothing would delight them more than reading their names on this forum, that would confirm to them that they are causing enough harm to be noticed.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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But look at hunts who HAVE reacted to sabs, trashed their property and lowered themselves, criminal damage has been caused, as a result they have more sabs out that ever before, and the police are far less compassionate towards that hunt.
You may think that acting with grace has got us nowhere, but from my own experience I believe it does buy us small rewards.
I feel the best way to deal with sabs is to ignore them, personally I feel that nothing would delight them more than reading their names on this forum, that would confirm to them that they are causing enough harm to be noticed.

Tell me Runtoearth, does the CIIIIIIREN as part of your location, denote the hallowed turf of that college at Cirencester?


Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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All this polite turn the other cheek, 'acting with grace' for years has got us nowhere.

In fact in case you have missed it there is a thing called the Hunting Act 2004

We would achieve more by all camping out in front of St Paul's Cathedral!

So what do you suggest JM, we become vigilantes, hunt down the sabs and make sure they can 'sab-no-more'? That would really improve the general public's impression of hunting and huntspeople no end.

If you had carefully read my previous post, you would also have noted my comment that we should ensure acts like this are correctly reported and that is in essence where we are extremely weak as hunt supporters. LACS and HSA appear to be well in advance of us in terms of propoganda, we need to catch up fast and expose them when they act in direct contradiction to their publicised stance.

I am quite aware and have a reasonable working knowledge of the Hunting Act, thanks.

Finally, those 'camping out in front of St. Pauls' are getting a less than positive public response now!

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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your sense of outrage is no more, nor less than anyone else's. Tempted though I am to agree with you, unless the person mentioned is prosecuted, I very much doubt that the H&H would put up with it.

I do have one positive suggestion, perhaps, and it may well bring dividends. If the sabs monitor hunting, would there not be those who could, in turn, monitor the sabs? With a quad bike and a video camera, evidence of their often illegal activity, could be presented before the courts. Just a thought!



Well-Known Member
4 January 2009
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Just a quick reply. I feel disgusted and confused by the whole thing, they got Proper Hunting banned so why do they continue with this type of awful behaviour.

Not sure how I feel about names being published but feel its important for the general public to know that it was a sab arrested, and a sab that put the hounds in grave danger and caused the death of one. How can these individuals call themselves animal lovers when they do this, its the animal version of man slaughter.

So so cross right now, dont know how you all deal with it.


Well-Known Member
4 January 2009
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I do have one positive suggestion, perhaps, and it may well bring dividends. If the sabs monitor hunting, would there not be those who could, in turn, monitor the sabs? With a quad bike and a video camera, evidence of their often illegal activity, could be presented before the courts. Just a thought!


Too right, with all the fancy video phones that are around now. At the first sight of trouble press record. Then get the footage out there for all to see.


Well-Known Member
7 October 2004
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How awful! Poor poor hound! I hope who ever was responsible is suitably punished.

I agree Alec it would seem logical to monitor the monitors, but then I'm 1/2 a planet away so what so I know?
I also agree with RTE that naming and shaming wouldn't help the hunts at all. Just look at Aus politics at the moment out 2 'leaders' (and I use the term loosely) spend all their time in a slanging match - result no one has any respect for either of them anymore.

Document the sabs, report them to the police, if they are prosecuted let the press know so the word does 'get out'.


Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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and just to confirm my previous point about getting better at propoganda, 'Googled' 'Hound Killed' and got two returns from 'anti' sites, had a look at CA website...........nothing!



Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Went out with the Cotswold Vale yesterday for a children's meet, which was held where they also hold a fun ride every year, so lots of nice, inviting jumps for young horses and riders. We were following this fun ride route when one of the hounds bolted on to the A38 and was hit by a lorry. The traffic was held up, three or four police cars attended and someone was arrested. It was said that sabs had horn-called the hounds from the other side of the road. :(

This from the Hunt Sab Site...

Hunt Saboteurs Association Press Release 25th October 2011

A hound from the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt was killed by a lorry, on the A38, South of Tewkesbury, today during an illegal fox hunt. Members of the Hunt Saboteurs Association who were present said the hunts pack of hounds were illegally chasing a fox when one of them ran straight into the road and was killed outright by a lorry that had no opportunity to stop. It was only the presence of the hunt saboteurs that prevented further fatalities as they were able to stop more hounds running into the road.
Lee Moon from the Hunt saboteurs Association said: “If, as the Hunts like to claim, they were trail hunting then what were they doing near such a busy road. The hunting community don't care about the lives of either the hunted animals or the ones they employ to illegally chase them. The Cotswold Vale Farmers should be thanking the hunt saboteurs for preventing more of their hounds from being killed.”

So their logic runs that if it is a trail it cant be anywhere in the vicinity of a road???

Reviewing the Hunt Sab sites is really quite enlightening
Not only do these mindless cretins advocate using horn calls to distract hounds they all seem to presume that hunts are always illegal and always in the act of hunting a fox even when it is clearly not

Rather than focus on banner waving demos, saboteurs will blow hunting horns, imitate the huntsman's voice calls and use harmless scent dulling sprays that mask where the fox or hare has run. Groups will then track the hunt from the meet and intervene where necessary, or move on to neighbouring hunts. It is quite common for hunts to be completely oblivious to the fact that they have been sabotaged. Whilst the riders quaff the stirrup cup, our members are in the woods taking effective pre-emptive action."

Other tactics used by these notional "animal lovers" include amongst other things:

Cornwall Hunt Sabs feed hounds on bourbon and digestive biscuits, which they love - and are of course vegan. Hounds are normaly not fed a day before a hunt, so they will stay with sabs longer if they think they have food, as understandably they are hungry.

So not only are Hunt sabs misdirecting hounds...they also advocate making them intoxicated (with the added risk of causing severe alcohol poisoning) and causing disorientaion with the risk of death and or injury of hounds and or others

It is quite hilarious that all the hunt sabs web sites presume that all hunts are actually hunting illegally. Either these individuals are delusional or arn't actually bothered to find out what a hunt is actually doing and are prepared to preform such acts of animal cruelty on hounds...
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Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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Did I see the word acting with 'grace' in your previous post. Yes I did.

All this polite turn the other cheek, 'acting with grace' for years has got us nowhere.

In fact in case you have missed it there is a thing called the Hunting Act 2004

Grace and turn the other cheek, polite deference - complete and comprehensive failure.

We would achieve more by all camping out in front of St Paul's Cathedral!

Indeed JM..and those tents are EMPTY at night no discomfort either!


Well-Known Member
24 January 2010
At the yard
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I do have one positive suggestion, perhaps, and it may well bring dividends. If the sabs monitor hunting, would there not be those who could, in turn, monitor the sabs? With a quad bike and a video camera, evidence of their often illegal activity, could be presented before the courts. Just a thought!


I'd suggest a few members of each hunt wear hat cams. If nothing happens with the Sabs then there is positive footage of drag hunting, and some fun video showing the thrill and atmosphere of a hunt.
If incidents happen with the Sabs, then the riders still have both hands free to control their horse and the recording is happening continually.

Approval would be needed from the hunt to "ruin" the look of the hunting attire with a hat cam, but I'm sure any master would approve if the hunt was being actively targeted by Sabs.