Have to say I think (I'm sure) it's what he deserves but to televise it is I think more than a little sick. What's to stop other kidnappers etc following suit? As Sooty says, what a sad world it's become.
I am hugely against the death penalty. If taking a human life is wrong, then it is wrong whether it is done with state sanction or not. Ironically, many Iraqis claim to have been far better off under Saddam's brutal regime than they are now.
Agree with all the comments here - much rather he was made to work his ass off in a prison the rest of his life with the rest of the criminals rather than be made a martyr by being executed
Also dont agree with the death penalty full stop
I wouldn't, but then I don't open emails if they contain pictures of beheaded men or if they show someone being executed with a sword. I have no interest in seeing a dead/dying person. I am sure the execution will be show on the internet.
I have very mixed feelings as to whether I agree or not, with SH being executed.
On the one hand, I do not agree with the death Penalty, I believe that taking a life under and circumstance is wrong. I also feel that for some, it will make a Martyr of SH and could promote more extremists to take British / US (etc) hostages. It seems to be an easy way out for SH. It would also be foolish to think that SH's ideologies start and end with him - There are many followers that would like to continue where he left off and therefore removing him does not necessarily remove the problem.
On the other hand though, with SH being, to some such an idol and the leader of his cause, i'm not sure that I would be comfortable with him being at the mercy of the Iraqi government when it is so unstable - once they become totally independent what is to say that a party which supports SH won't get into power (lots of Iraqis felt they were better off before and resent the west for their involvement) and then SH may be at large again.
IMHO whatever they had chosen to do with him would have +ve's and -ve's. I'm not happy he will be executed but I can't say I am particularly unhappy either.
I can see why they are televising it but do not really agree. Obviously some people do need to see the execution so that it can be taken as fact that he is dead. However Im not sure who could be present, who I would believe (unless I saw it) that he was dead.....I wouldn't trust Iraqi officials, certainly not Bush, don't really trust Blair, so maybe making it public is the only way to make it undisputable.
I've watched loads of animals die and seen many creatures born. Birth and death are just another part of life.....can't see what's "sick" about either of them.
Well, when humans die we don't usually put them in a yellow bag and stick them in a freezer until they can be sent for mass cremation, or send them off to a hunt kennels! I think it is oversimplification to compare the two. I think there is definitely something morally dubious about watching another human being die on television, although of course the executions at the guillotine were popular entertainment in their day...
Well the attraction of the guillotine execution might be a bit gruesome although I guess some people don't have a problem with gruesome things. Each to their own.
I watch any news that comes on TV and if it showed a clip of him being hanged then I wouldn't turn over or avert my eyes; doubt many others would either to be quite honest.
i'd rather he stayed alive, in prison in solitary confinement for the rest of his life and he never saw anybody except the guards for the rest of his life! much worse punishment than death imo!
its not the actual killing that bothers me - I'm just not entirely sure why anyone would actually want to sit down and video it to the publish it online for people to gawp at.
If it came on tv, yes, I would watch it but I'm hardly going to cry if i dont if you get my drift... and does anyone know when he's being hanged anyway?
I honestly would, but I do think you are right - most people would watch. I think my attitude towards death changed when my father died, it lost any curiosity and became something more personal and desperately sad. But for some people, there is always morbid curiosity!
I do think he should die as he has caused lots of pain and sadness and killed many innocent people. I think filming it would be a bit sick but I do know that people would want to wwatch as SF sais.
Well I don't agree with the death sentence but if its there and being used I do think he should be allowed some dignity and privacy. Thats my view for whats its worth.
I do believe in the death penalty for true convicted murderers who have killed for the sake of it...take recent ipswich murders as an example. Why should we, the tax payer, fund them for a time in prison. There is no re habilitaion in prison most are better of dead in my personal opinion.
I also feel Iraq should have been left well alone.