Separation anxiety - calmer product


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Well, I'll go and hid behind the sofa now, but do people ever use a calmer product when they have a horse with anxiety separation problems? Just asking.
Obviously not sedation, as someone has to stay with the animal, but I just wondered.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I didn't use it for separation anxiety (my anxious one is WAAAY beyond help for that) but I did think that Science Supplements ProKalm made a difference when she was stressing about environmental stuff, and I'd try it again if needed.


Well-Known Member
17 July 2014
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One of mine suffered terribly from separation anxiety and general stress, worry, loosing his marbles frequently for no apparent reason.
I tried so many different things and he has magnesium in his feed daily.
A few months ago I tried James hart very calm. Oh my god I swear someone’s swapped my horse for his twin who behaviour wise is the exact opposite!! It’s like he now engages his brain and thinks things through instead of ‘aggghhhhh the worlds going to eat me, my friends gone he’s never coming back I bet he’s ended up in Tesco!!!’. I’m honestly truly amazed at the change. 10ml a day he’s having and a extra 10ml half hour before he’s having something that would stress him out like his mate going out. His work is so much better he’s now focused and enjoying himself instead of stressing and having his mad brain dribbled out ear moments!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2020
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I have had success with confidence EQ, the equine nasel gel. I initially used it when horse was very relaxed and calm which I thought might help him associate the gel in nose with nice thing happening e.g massage/physio and reinforce the calming effect. I then started taking pair bond out of site for 10 mins then increased time separated over course of a couple of weeks until I could hack out and leave stress head in stable without him screaming the place down and turning himself inside out. I had tried just about every over the counter calmer and this was the most effective, Relax me helped a bit but EQ really changed things. That said, I recommended it to an aquaintance and didn't work for her.