Setting up Online Tack Shop


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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Hi All, I'm looking into setting up an online tackshop, I know there's lots of competition out there with Ebay and many people selling online now, but I want to give it a go. :) I was wondering if anyone knows of any wholesale suppliers - I have been looking online for a few days now and have had no leads - I need some help please as a lot of people will not sell to businesses without premises. Any leads etc would be so welcome.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
13 February 2010
Ebay is very tough to beat tbh. I doubt even Robinsons or Rideaway are competing much against it, and I buy everything on there now.

I think ebay sellers buy in bulk to get the low prices. I have bought from a "drop ship" company and the delay was too long.


Well-Known Member
1 July 2011
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Ebay is very tough to beat tbh. I doubt even Robinsons or Rideaway are competing much against it, and I buy everything on there now.

I think ebay sellers buy in bulk to get the low prices. I have bought from a "drop ship" company and the delay was too long.

I think it is still possible to compete against ebay, but you have to have a very good service offering; there is an excellent online retailer in Australia that my family use (not sure if I can link the name here?), that combines knowledgeable service, great product selection and an excellent online convenience, but I'm sure its not simple to execute! FWIW they operate out of a small business park, so do have some space, but surely as an online saddlery you need to have somewhere to store stock?


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Was Caterham on the Hill, Surrey now Wales
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I've got loads of leads but to be honest, unless you have something unique to you to sell you are going to be competing with hundreds of people who have set up on ebay, ebid, amazon etc, there's literally hundreds or even thousands and the market is flooded. You'll be lucky to make a few quid if at all on goods. Wholesalers are now offering a far less profit margin on their goods than they used to, there's minimum orders too and if you get less than a certain amount on other accounts/suppliers you get clobbered for postage. I bought in some rugs many years ago when I had a high street shop, then saw the same rugs being sold on ebay for less than trade, I was fuming. The supplier had had a job lot in from China and the front buckles had slight rust on them from damp sea air in the container, the supplier rejected them and claimed against the manufacturer.It was not profitable for the manufacturer to ship them back to China so they were sold as a job lot. It's these sort of underhand tactics you are up against as well as some suppliers selling directly to the public, under cutting the retailers. UNLESS you can afford to buy in in BULK directly from the manufacturers I'd save your money if I were you OR sell something no one else is selling. I've been in the trade about 27 years and it's gone down hill, too much tat out there and customers expect something for little money. I don't retail the mainstreet brands or products now other than what I'm trying to clear, I make my own products to sell, one of which is unique to me so I have the market with a few retailers selling the products as well, I can just about keep my head above water. The actual saddlery shops will also have extra income coming in from repairs, rug washing, saddle fitting,feed etc something an online shop can't offer so do think carefully, whatever you decide good luck.
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Well-Known Member
30 December 2013
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Well, It will be extremely tough, you have many obstacles to face and a lot of work ahead but!......where there is a will, there is a way, the market is saturated, you will need a jolly good edge over the competition. If I have not put you off, then you may have what it takes ;) If we all worried about the pitfalls, nobody would do anything.

Good Luck :) XX


Well-Known Member
17 June 2006
I used to run an online tack shop, I managed to get a trade account with Westgate EFI that was really hard. I went to the BETA Trade Fair, it runs every year and is the best way to get accounts. I stocked a few smaller companies lines as these were easier to get in and make a bit of a profit on, also managed to get a direct account with Bucas but Rambo are a no go. I got trade samples from Gallop which is an Indian company before they went main stream here and the results were :eek: I gave it up as it is so hard to make any money, especially with Ebay, I knew I was paying rock bottom for some of my stuff yet I was still being undercut massively. If you are serious about it, I would recommend going to BETA, it is a good start point.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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I used to run an online tack shop, I managed to get a trade account with Westgate EFI that was really hard. I went to the BETA Trade Fair, it runs every year and is the best way to get accounts. I stocked a few smaller companies lines as these were easier to get in and make a bit of a profit on, also managed to get a direct account with Bucas but Rambo are a no go. I got trade samples from Gallop which is an Indian company before they went main stream here and the results were :eek: I gave it up as it is so hard to make any money, especially with Ebay, I knew I was paying rock bottom for some of my stuff yet I was still being undercut massively. If you are serious about it, I would recommend going to BETA, it is a good start point.

I agree that a trip to BETA is needed. It's on this month, from Sunday 16th for 3 days at the NEC in Birmingham. All the main equestrian suppliers under on roof.


Well-Known Member
11 July 2010
Hawkesbury/Blue Mountains NSW Australia
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had a client with a saddlery shop - had some bad luck with equine flu and gfc, she did try online - it was tough, not in business - has to be easier ways to make money,

suggest you research it really well, and (if you decide to go ahead) start with a specialist area such as rugs or bits or something - just a few lines that you can do really well and dont stretch yourself too thin over carrying stock etc

has to be easier ways to make money though


Well-Known Member
29 May 2010
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Been there done that its hard work its not easy in anyway shape or form. We hit it at the beginning before eBay got serious we were on yahoo auctions. Went round wholesalers showing our website. Your website is you best asset. Design it and get full control over it. We did all sorts including sponsored riders etc. you need to under cut everybody and have a fantastic customer service. You need to market including face to face. its not easy in fact its hard hard work. We had a 200 page custom made by myself site.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2013
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Not as a business perspective at all but a buyers 1 find something different
All the saddleries stock the same stuff ! Its so boring ive been looking for a few things for months now & all I can find is thr same generic brands & I have looked on a lot of sites tbh ive given up !