Sharer stress turns nightmare..


Well-Known Member
13 April 2008
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I am so sorry to read this thread. Has the vet been yet and what is his/her opinion? I hope all is well.

On a different tack, what are forumers' opinions on abilities of 13 year olds? I ask because I have had equine studies students working on my yard, of 17/18 years of age and would not leave them unsupervised.

From past experience I wouldn't let an adult who is not a professional/very competent experienced person to ride or handle my horse without me being around and certainly not a child! Hard lesson to learn


Well-Known Member
5 August 2013
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Your thread brought a lot home as it was only 2 days ago I wrote the 'Sharer woes' thread. The thought of something happening to my mare due to my sharers mick taking is just not even worth thinking about. So I am also going to stop my share. Really hope your horse gets better soon x


Well-Known Member
30 September 2008
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He's on box rest going to get them tomorrow wanted to see if it might be an abscess brewing but its not getting worse Farrier thinks hoof hoping for bad bruising but nothing to see they say he stood on a pole??


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
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Aww keich, what a rubbish situation OP, hope your horse is on the mend soon.

I am fortunate to have the ride of a couple of horses at the yard I'm at, I am *so* careful with them, I simply cannot understand why anyone wouldn't be careful and respectful!


Well-Known Member
30 September 2008
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So today poor horse is still lame very bad on a circle however large. Farrier saw yesterday and today vet. Horse can only move shoulder forwards and back if that makes sense not in a full circle in comfort so strides are very choppy. On bute and waiting for Physio to phone back. Tenderness on his back/ shoulder region.
'Friend' has been talking to child's mother who apparently can't understand what my 'problem' is and is certain child has nothing to do with lameness of course behind my back all saying he was fine when she got off, I'm not as stupid as they think or thought. Still haven't found out exactly what happened that night. They were definitely in someone else's saddle narrow wb (16.2) mine is chunky sec d cross (14.2) and in Spurs and boasting about jumping on deep surface. They deny this they say he tripped on a trotting pole only walking and trotting. I believe the adult whose told me she's no reason to lie. My girth is soft and clean so doubt caused the rubs. On Sunday apparently child was wearing Spurs again charging him round the outdoor. Nice how I find out now.. 'Friend' says now she wasn't supervising in any capacity (basis i allowed the child to ride all along).
So far Physio wants £65 just to come and look - no way one trip job. He's on box rest with all costs and two trips a day that involves and bute plus vet bill to come. Stirrup leathers ruined where child has been wrapping them up to shorten (wow dressage leathers). I'm getting grief of moron child's parents telling me I'm rude and heartless and 'friend' covering her backside.
Horse is now being kept at huge expense to me out of work for however long and at whatever cost.
Before anyone feels the need to tell me I am a bloody idiot and will never trust anyone with my animal again, that is if he comes sound anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
30 September 2008
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13 little s£&t!!! I'm fuming still it's more the total denial and the lies. Will see 'friend' tomorrow and her daughter that should be interesting. I've been pleasant because a) want to knows what's happened and b) face to face is more fun when they don't know what's coming...! 'Friend' and her daughter have been texting me one thing then commiserating with child on various social media. I'm cross im wasting so much time on it I'm trying to run and business and look after a baby as well what a joke!


Well-Known Member
8 June 2008
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My old sharer was about that age when she arrived, even now at nearly 20 and knowing a hell of a lot she will check which saddle I want my horse riding in and they're both his! Even at 13 she wouldn't have done any of this

I get the comments about should have been supervising herself but the whole point of sharer is to help when u can't, I'm also juggling horses and a new baby so I can commiserate

Don't be put off and good luck for soft tissue recovery